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June Morris would not sell the company to Southwest unless her people got a "fair" shake.....so with that being said..They (the Morris folks) did get something....everyone hired form Morris got 01-01-94 company Seniority and some with that being their date of hire catagory senority as well. Would this be "fair" to any Southwest employee hired and who worked earlier months of 94'? The Merger of operations was in October 1994 by the way.

(Note to Morris People If I am wrong about something please correct me. I am going my recollection of the merger on the Southwest side of the fence)

My point was, in 10 or 15 years and a couple of contract cycles down the road, who will know where we are from; unless you make a point of it.

Though your timeline is correct you are truly comparing apples and washing machines...
lets look at FA's for an example
Morris = 250 approx.. AT 2500
Morris got stapled/starting pay===
AT -GETS EVERYTHING and %30-50 Payraises and huge Quality of life upgrades and then wants DOH
Nothing close in those two, about as close as the Moon and venus

You are correct Morris was hire date 01/01/94,, they didnt have to go to training for up to 10 months and there were a few hundred new hires(not aquired),, who worked for many months then flew with a Morris person on their first day,, and the MOrris person was Senior,, so it was a few hundred affected by a few months,,, NOT thousands affected by YEARS

So now lets look at your so called few contract cycles,,, Do you realize that 18 years after that contract in Places like PHX those Morris FA's are the cut off line for reserve which is a major Deal for FA's.. you think those few hunderd arent still lamenting?? I still hear moans about it 18 years later.....

You dont think Airlines have memories,, well maybe not in your dept...My forecast is, if AT votes no, that many many thousands of SWA FA's will be outraged, feel that AT people Took it All,, thats the word out there... a few contract cycles?? you are sadly mistaken,, this could haunt this airline for the next 50years,,, 10000 Fa's so even if its 60%(probably more) feel like they have been wronged!!,,, no amount of press releases, no amount of rah rah, no matter the size of the pom poms,, a vast majority of FA's will NEVER forget,,, sorry that is just human nature,,, thats the feeling I get when talking to many
And another thing the Morris Air MX had to interview for a job it wasn't just given to them!! And I'm thinking most all Morris air had to interview, but I could be wrong. They were stapled but in the order that they were in at Morris Air.
And another thing the Morris Air MX had to interview for a job it wasn't just given to them!! And I'm thinking most all Morris air had to interview, but I could be wrong. They were stapled but in the order that they were in at Morris Air.

That's a hell of an idea!! Make all 40k SWA and AT employees interview for their jobs!! Sign me right up! It's about time that both airlines Cut the FAT off anyways!!! Let's see if all these old timers an lift that 70Lbs over your heads now-a-days! I like it! 🙂
That's a hell of an idea!! Make all 40k SWA and AT employees interview for their jobs!! Sign me right up! It's about time that both airlines Cut the FAT off anyways!!! Let's see if all these old timers an lift that 70Lbs over your heads now-a-days! I like it! 🙂
That doesnt suprise me,, I guess you never worked at a company for 30-40 years,, now DOH makes sense to me
And another thing the Morris Air MX had to interview for a job it wasn't just given to them!! And I'm thinking most all Morris air had to interview, but I could be wrong. They were stapled but in the order that they were in at Morris Air.
oh YEA ,, thanks I totally forgot about that,, the FA's had to all be interviewed again as well... So lets line all the AT people up and re interview them ,, at leastsWA could have some say in which ones take all the gold!!!... Now that would be very very interesting,, I would volunteer my time to be on that hiring committee

We are the reason for the success. AT folks are joining us and will benifit from the contracts we negotiated. In my case as a Material Specialist AT folks are getting DOH as seniority. Now we have been Teamsters for many, many contract cycles. There are folks who have paid dues much longer that the AT people joining us who only have been teamsters since 2005. So you have dues paying members who have been paying for years more (to the Teamsters) than the AT folks have but will have less seniority. In addition, they are getting a around 10$ an hour raise.

So a hug or a handshake would be nice. Then we can move on.


When a southwest work group negotiates an industry leading contract, NOT AN EXTENSION, you will get your hug!
oh YEA ,, thanks I totally forgot about that,, the FA's had to all be interviewed again as well... So lets line all the AT people up and re interview them ,, at leastsWA could have some say in which ones take all the gold!!!... Now that would be very very interesting,, I would volunteer my time to be on that hiring committee

Good luck to you and all your endeavours...this is one dead horse I will not be beating any more....

Take care,

oh YEA ,, thanks I totally forgot about that,, the FA's had to all be interviewed again as well... So lets line all the AT people up and re interview them ,, at leastsWA could have some say in which ones take all the gold!!!... Now that would be very very interesting,, I would volunteer my time to be on that hiring committee

Talk about comparing apples to washing machines! You're going to liken the Morris Air acquisition (with non-unionized F/A's and 21 aircraft) to AirTran (a unionized group with 140 aircraft)? I'll just end my part in this conversation with "good luck to all involved". 😉
oh YEA ,, thanks I totally forgot about that,, the FA's had to all be interviewed again as well... So lets line all the AT people up and re interview them ,, at leastsWA could have some say in which ones take all the gold!!!... Now that would be very very interesting,, I would volunteer my time to be on that hiring committee

Finally, we get a straight answer. Buscador won't be happy until FL flight attendants are given the same "privileges and opportunities" as the grateful folks at Morris Air-- he wants us to grovel and beg to be stapled to the WN seniority list (and be thankful for it!) of course, after being treated to one of Southwest's Famous "Preferential Interviews." We have our answer. No wonder everyone at Frontier fled far away from Southwest in sheer terror.
This has been a reoccurring statement coming from the AirTran side of this debate and it completely confuses the issue. The matter of our company finding your company desirable from an asset standpoint was between the two companies and their shareholders. The matter of integrating our work groups are between our work groups.. It's not even a company matter. It's for AMFA and IBT, TWU and IAM to hash out for the best interests of it's (incumbent) members.

num1bearsfan, I appreciate what you are saying, but it is not based in reality. It is disingenuous to say that the companies and their shareholders only concerned themselves with the "asset standpoint" of [this] merger/combination. Every single airline manager ....and... every single airline investor knows full well that the success of any airline merger is contingent on successful integration of labor. Period. McCaskill-Bond was at the forefront of their minds, believe me.
Well in my opnion your wrong! The McCaskill-Bond is just another way the government can get there sticky little fingers into others business!! That law and others prevents business's and companies from doing business as they wish and want. I do not see it as a fore front! I'm also not saying that WN would not have done this buy out any different. But no matter how you look at it there hands were somewhat tied. I can't wait till Alaska is bought out( if it happens) and see what your take on the DOH that you are all talking about. There is on the MX side major seniority. Top MX mechanic has 52years there average mechanic has 19 years. I'm assuming that their FA's are around the same. If and when that happens we are all getting screwed! I hope you AT folks take a stand in a cut of there seniority!
Finally, we get a straight answer. Buscador won't be happy until FL flight attendants are given the same "privileges and opportunities" as the grateful folks at Morris Air-- he wants us to grovel and beg to be stapled to the WN seniority list (and be thankful for it!) of course, after being treated to one of Southwest's Famous "Preferential Interviews." We have our answer. No wonder everyone at Frontier fled far away from Southwest in sheer terror.

As usual dilussions rise to the top,, the Morris transaction cant be repeated, thanks to the liberal govt taking away captilism,,, a staple is not an option,, which I NEVER said was FAIR or Asked FOR,, so in that dilusiional world/reality that blinds rationale,, please explain how you can rationalize your huge problems with SWA,, arent you taking a %40 payraise,,better company, upgrading your career??,, where is your monumental act of GIVING,, when you and AT FA's want DOH,, It has become comical how so many at AT are unwilling to see that TAKING EVERYTHING is a problem,, sending a NEGATIVE message for those who have made this wonderful bed you will be soon sleeping in,,, take it all, go ahead,,

Common sense need not apply, good luck with your NO Vote, take everything that you didnt work for, and enjoy your DOH,, and take your money that AT could never afford to pay,,,someday you will see just how dilusional that thought process may be,,good for you...good for all at AT,, instead of being welcomed to this deal that none of us had a say in,, a different outcome may be in store,,,

Unlike you who cant wait to fly w me,, I am on the other side of that spectrum.....

Good luck to you and all your endeavours...this is one dead horse I will not be beating any more....

Take care,

And good luck to you as well,, You cant beat a dead horse while you are still in the Barn and have no idea where or if s Horse even exists,;et alone if it is still alive, or if it has a heart beat and when you dont understand horse CPR.. but you can and have a right to your opinions,, I respect that,, but I will Never think it possible to take this possible beating and lack of gratitude from a less Superior(thats for adstra..lol) after this many years helping out this company,, I will never forget or be bought off with a Beer, a hanshake and a HUG....

You may not understand the complexities, the human nature side of this deal and what the message being sent to 10,000 people is,, but I can guarantee you this much,, no amount of contract cycles can erase the possible outcome,,,the divide may be bigger than you think
Well in my opnion your wrong! The McCaskill-Bond is just another way the government can get there sticky little fingers into others business!! That law and others prevents business's and companies from doing business as they wish and want. I do not see it as a fore front! I'm also not saying that WN would not have done this buy out any different. But no matter how you look at it there hands were somewhat tied. I can't wait till Alaska is bought out( if it happens) and see what your take on the DOH that you are all talking about. There is on the MX side major seniority. Top MX mechanic has 52years there average mechanic has 19 years. I'm assuming that their FA's are around the same. If and when that happens we are all getting screwed! I hope you AT folks take a stand in a cut of there seniority!

Well Put,, we are in for many changes,, things AT cant understand,,, but for FA's this is only getting uglier,, if and when SWA buys out another airline that has been around longer like Alaska,, they will simply look at what AT got(EVERYTHING),, and they will expect Nothing less,, how crazy would it be to hear someone who has a lottery ticket in their hand yelling and screaming when someone elses lottery ticket is Bigger??? irony

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