Like you said, only in the airline business can this be possible... If you don't like it, then leave. Because it sounds to me like you hate the "airline business".
You are way off base,, I have spent half my life in the airline biz,,,I love my company and love this biz,,,, your trite comment is laughable,, Lets take a look at your Super Duper Huge money Making company AT that is trying to contractually push SWA around,, at least you mechs showed some gratitude and were willing to give up something,,AT FA's only seem to want Everything,, if you think that is FAIR,,your ???
So lets look at some excerpts at Wall Street Journal(not ATL Journal Constitution i know) and how they seem to agree with AT being a Powerhouse airline line, this Huge Trailblazing, money making monster some are trying to sell the world---
--Sure, Southwest says it will get valuable experience learning about AirTran's 'near international' flying and its less frequent service to some smaller markets, but there's nothing there worth paying much money for.
Again unlike Southwest, AirTran charges for bags and ticket changes. AirTran charges $15 for a first bag, $25 for a second, and $50 for each extra bag. Southwest allows two bags free, and then charges $50 for extra bags.
AirTran earned about $160 million in bag fees in the last year. Southwest says it will discontinue charging bag fees on its merged
Southwest Negative Synergy - Cost of $210 million/year
Two things we know for sure. Southwest will remove the bag fees and the ticket change fees.
These had represented a $210 million/year income item for AirTran (remember the airline made $135 million profit in 2009 - take away its fee income and the airline is running at a loss)
Firstly, Southwest is planning to buy AirTran for 69% more than its current market valuation. If we accept the market capitalization of AirTran as fairly and accurately reflecting its value as a going concern, today, then Southwest is paying two thirds more than it should - nearly $550,000 over the odds - to buy AirTran. That is, to be polite, a bold move on Southwest's part.
Secondly, the changes Southwest plans to make to the AirTran operation threaten to completely zero out AirTran's profitability, while showing no clear scope for compensatory improvements in revenue generation.
AirTran operationsTicket fees netted AirTran about $50 million in the last year.
They havent even Talked about the %30-40 Payraises SWA is giving AT employees ,,"this is an airline without its fees is running at a loss",, so the Payraises should be in order,because AT was going to give %40 raises next year(if SWA didnt step in), then throw in DOH ,yep That Spells FAIR,,
I am not going to or ever will pretend to understand the numbers the way corporate does,, they are our leadership and we simple employees have to follow,,,, What Bothers me is to buy out a company that has inferior management,makes little to no money(without fees, swa will get rid of those),, overpaying for that company.. then have its employees who now get HUGE Payraises, QOL.. Demanding how they deserve it all,, not one ounce of gratitude(from FA's most I talked too), complain about cleaning a plane and actually working 5 legs a day,,
and after being all giddy over payraises,, then demand our seniority never wondering if they should GIVE a little,,, while SWA employees have to be thankful to maybe get some seniority or hopefully not lose it,,, what bothers me the numerous(not all) UNgrateful AT employees who could care less about the big picture of this NEW company SWA, the acrimony and discontent their greed will cause for the rest of all OUR Careers,,
So go to arbitration,, I can only Hope GK will go to bat for the Employees who Made SWA the Largest Airline in the COUNTRY(pax carried) , just like he did to the Pilots at AT when they DEmanded , show the rest some humility,,,SWA is not AT ,, AT couldnt be SWA ,,contracts,mgmt, benefits, size, or history,, that is the TRUTH and from Wall STreet to mainstreet,, everyone knows it accept AT,, AT seems to have a small airline complex over their in ATL,, shouting and screaming and pretending something you arent,,, so you come and say your time is as good or worth as much,, while SWA employees gain NOTHING,, you get to gain everything,,, NOT FAIR,,,
I wont leave the airline biz,, I love the airline Biz, I love this Company,,,, NONE of us asked for this AT/SWA but when your BOUGHT out and get all The upgrades and think you deserve it all??,, is it too much to ask for some considerations,(not mechs so far) or a little gratitude,,, god forbid FA's had to give up 2.5 years on bidding,,while doubling their salaries,,,, now many FA's at AT are screaming lets go to arbitration and get DOH back,, never once mentioning giving back their lottery ticket winnings
Take your Payraises,,ok,, or TAke your DoH+same contract for 10 years,,OK,,,, but take one or the other,, NOT BOTH,, thats GREED,,,, you wonder why swa employees feel so upset,, kind of hard to welcome someone with open arms when you feel like your being punched in the gut,,, TO Take it ALL,, wow,, go look at your w-2's from 2010,, give up some seniority,,,,cause you will be getting so much more,,