- Sep 21, 2007
- 1,240
- 743
At the very worst, you're maintaining your respective seniority among your "integratees" from AirTran are you not? So would you take that, with a raise, and better job security or would you just rather go back to working for AirTran as it stood before the merger announcement? You know the answer
The AirTran guys have to understand something about this integration. Everything that we're talking about right now is just varying degrees of how much YOU WIN. Now you can win a pretty good amount and not make incumbent Southwest employees angry, or you can try to win it all and do it at the expense of the Southwest people. From Southwest employees' perspective, we stand to gain NOTHING besides a few potential bumps down the seniority list, WHEEE! As far as bad blood is concerned with work groups, how do you think you'll be received by your fellow Southwest employees when the dust settles and you just HAD to push for having the cake and eating it too at the detriment to your incumbent Southwest employee coworkers? When you could have just had the cake and everyone got to win a little? We'd all just be one big happy bunch.
I really am surprised how much the seniority issue is being pushed in this integration. When I first joined Southwest (after 3 years of applying and interviewing), I took a job that payed WAY less than what I was making before, had to work mandatory double shifts every single day in the winter, never got the days off I wanted, got the crappiest line/positions, and was pretty much a zombie for at least 2 years. But you know what, I was GLAD to do it because it was all building towards being a vested employee of Southwest. It took many years before I got into a comfortable groove. Very few of us are going to sit still for anything resembling 1 for 1 integration , just so you know. We wear our seniority like battle scars at Southwest.
Do you think that no one else "wears their seniority like battle scars"? If the two unions seniority is DOH then why not 1 for 1 integration? Do you think the hard working employees of AirTran deserve less? Just asking?