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SW/Airtran Seniority

I've never met an unhappy WN employee, and I live in Dallas where you can't turn around without bumping into one of them.
Of course you haven't. You're too close to the kool-aid pump! Believe me they exist.
If you are a WN employee and you are not happy at your job, quit! I'm 66 years old, and one of the things I've learned is that life is way to short to work at something you don't enjoy, or for a company you don't like. I'm on my 5th career. When I get bored with my work, or I don't look forward to going to work (not just the occasional blahs, I mean everyday), I go find something else to do.

P.S. Whining is unattractive in children. It is insufferable in adults.
I don't think i ever said I wasn't happy. I DID say there were people out there that were not. Reading is fundamental.
If you are a WN employee and you are not happy at your job, quit! I'm 66 years old, and one of the things I've learned is that life is way to short to work at something you don't enjoy, or for a company you don't like. I'm on my 5th career. When I get bored with my work, or I don't look forward to going to work (not just the occasional blahs, I mean everyday), I go find something else to do.

P.S. Whining is unattractive in children. It is insufferable in adults.
I don't think i ever said I wasn't happy. I DID say there were people out there that were not. Reading is fundamental.

Yes, another thing that is fundamental is that happy/content/engaged employees don't use anti-company phrases like "kool-aid machine" when someone says something positive about a company. Usually only malcontents think that speaking positively about a company is drinking the kool-aid (Which, by the way, is a total corruption of the meaning of that phrase. It originated with the Jim Jones horror in Guyana and the poison-spiked Kool-aid he had his followers drink. No one at WN management has ever instructed the employees to commit suicide to prove their loyalty. Even at AA they haven't done that. But, then the year's not over. :lol:)
Southwest website

Once the dust settles, you think they will be hiring in ATL?

Click on the link above. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you see a category called About Us. Click on careers and you will see every job opening WN has. You can search by location or category, or just choose see all listings.

They also allow you to apply for jobs for which there is no current hiring, but they will keep your app on file and contact you if there are openings. I applied with them in July, 2003 when I was furloughed from AA. Unfortunately, they contacted me about an interview in December, 2004, the month after I was recalled to AA.
I believe it was kool-aid pump not machine. You need to work on your reading comprehension. If you worked at swa you would know this term is used all the time. Lighten up Francis!
Yes, another thing that is fundamental is that happy/content/engaged employees don't use anti-company phrases like "kool-aid machine" when someone says something positive about a company. Usually only malcontents think that speaking positively about a company is drinking the kool-aid (Which, by the way, is a total corruption of the meaning of that phrase. It originated with the Jim Jones horror in Guyana and the poison-spiked Kool-aid he had his followers drink. No one at WN management has ever instructed the employees to commit suicide to prove their loyalty. Even at AA they haven't done that. But, then the year's not over. :lol:)
Once the dust settles, you think they will be hiring in ATL?

We are being told that yes, ALT will be our largest city in our system. The growth in ALT will be over time but they are saying it will very well be the largest city we fly from eventually. This of course means added flights, which means added crews. Pilots and F/A's will definately increase, not sure about the mechanic side of it yet. VP of maint. will be up dating us on poss. maint. additions at ALT I think next month. This was stated in the "its your call" update this past week.

We have all read now that WN's union SWAPA has overwhelmingly voted yes and urges a yes vote from all the members. Has anyone heard anything from the FL's union ALPA (I think).

As stated on here before; I too have heard GK stepped in to encourage the pilots to come to an agreement. He (the company) also wants our AMT's to come to a very quick agreement. The company has made it very clear that they need this done ASAP. They will do what ever it takes to help, or assist with the agreements coming to a conclusion. They have not ever once stated what their help or assisting could be. WN has something planned in near future which needs this aquisition completed, and around the same time the W/A goes away here in Dallas. I say it's about us buying another airline (buying, aquiring, take-over)
however you want to look at it. They need this one done now so that they can start the next one. These are my opinions- not coming from the company. Never in this bus. have I ever seen a union group come to an agreement for senority integration in a record time span. If the company did in fact step in and help speed up the results, wonder what they will offer to all the AMT's??
Oh let me guess, they will offer 9.3% 401K match. Ha Ha...
Southwest website

Click on the link above. Scroll down to the bottom of the page where you see a category called About Us. Click on careers and you will see every job opening WN has. You can search by location or category, or just choose see all listings.

They also allow you to apply for jobs for which there is no current hiring, but they will keep your app on file and contact you if there are openings. I applied with them in July, 2003 when I was furloughed from AA. Unfortunately, they contacted me about an interview in December, 2004, the month after I was recalled to AA.

We are being told that yes, ALT will be our largest city in our system. The growth in ALT will be over time but they are saying it will very well be the largest city we fly from eventually. This of course means added flights, which means added crews. Pilots and F/A's will definately increase, not sure about the mechanic side of it yet. VP of maint. will be up dating us on poss. maint. additions at ALT I think next month. This was stated in the "its your call" update this past week.

We have all read now that WN's union SWAPA has overwhelmingly voted yes and urges a yes vote from all the members. Has anyone heard anything from the FL's union ALPA (I think).

As stated on here before; I too have heard GK stepped in to encourage the pilots to come to an agreement. He (the company) also wants our AMT's to come to a very quick agreement. The company has made it very clear that they need this done ASAP. They will do what ever it takes to help, or assist with the agreements coming to a conclusion. They have not ever once stated what their help or assisting could be. WN has something planned in near future which needs this aquisition completed, and around the same time the W/A goes away here in Dallas. I say it's about us buying another airline (buying, aquiring, take-over)
however you want to look at it. They need this one done now so that they can start the next one. These are my opinions- not coming from the company. Never in this bus. have I ever seen a union group come to an agreement for senority integration in a record time span. If the company did in fact step in and help speed up the results, wonder what they will offer to all the AMT's??
Oh let me guess, they will offer 9.3% 401K match. Ha Ha...

Thanks jimntx and swamt. Unlike some places that constantly "preach" that the employees are the difference, it seems that Southwest has built a culture that implements this everyday! That's something to be proud of!


We are being told that yes, ALT will be our largest city in our system. The growth in ALT will be over time but they are saying it will very well be the largest city we fly from eventually. This of course means added flights, which means added crews. Pilots and F/A's will definately increase, not sure about the mechanic side of it yet. VP of maint. will be up dating us on poss. maint. additions at ALT I think next month. This was stated in the "its your call" update this past week.

We have all read now that WN's union SWAPA has overwhelmingly voted yes and urges a yes vote from all the members. Has anyone heard anything from the FL's union ALPA (I think).

As stated on here before; I too have heard GK stepped in to encourage the pilots to come to an agreement. He (the company) also wants our AMT's to come to a very quick agreement. The company has made it very clear that they need this done ASAP. They will do what ever it takes to help, or assist with the agreements coming to a conclusion. They have not ever once stated what their help or assisting could be. WN has something planned in near future which needs this aquisition completed, and around the same time the W/A goes away here in Dallas. I say it's about us buying another airline (buying, aquiring, take-over)
however you want to look at it. They need this one done now so that they can start the next one. These are my opinions- not coming from the company. Never in this bus. have I ever seen a union group come to an agreement for senority integration in a record time span. If the company did in fact step in and help speed up the results, wonder what they will offer to all the AMT's??
Oh let me guess, they will offer 9.3% 401K match. Ha Ha...

I believe the current match stands at 9.3% as it stands now. It was bargained for in the stores contract (I believe) and every work group with a me too clause should have it as well. I know for sure the ramp has it. It was something that sort of flew under the radar, but check into it.

Your theory is intriguing about the company wanting to settle this merger in order to possibly undertake another one, but who knows. I could just see that generally speaking 2014 is going to be a big year (acquisition or otherwise) and it's in the company's best interests to have all loose ends tied up by then. Organic growth and synergistic growth via the AirTran network and DAL's new city pair possibilities are going to be important. By then another carrier might be in bankruptcy and liquidating themselves, so who knows. I would not be the least bit surprised if Southwest branded 787's were flying across the pond in 15 years.
The current Amt match is 7.3%. There is no me too clause when it comes to maintenance,
The current Amt match is 7.3%. There is no me too clause when it comes to maintenance,

Just to let you Airtran guys know... As expected the 9.3% 401K match increase was indeed offered by the company. Mind you this is 4th time they have offered it to us in the past 9 months. Now they want all the mechanics to agree to let them relocate the DFW AirTran mechs (8-10) over to Love Field until the mechanic senority integration is finalized. This goes back to when Sokol was saying he didn't want to disrupt the DFW guys. Here's a question, what about all the other stations that are going to be shut down in Jan. 2012? There are 4 cities on the chopping block for 2012. Are we going to place those employees in a special place as well?? I honestly think we should let it go the way it should go. Once Airtran ceases to operate at DFW, then the mechs should excersise their senority and bump to any AirTran station that their senority allows them to. After all the trickling bidding is comepleted, and the DFW guys are still not in Dallas, then if Sokol or company would like to help these guys out then post Dallas positions until they get here. Simple as that. I would love to hear what others think about this issue from both companies.
Just to let you Airtran guys know... As expected the 9.3% 401K match increase was indeed offered by the company. Mind you this is 4th time they have offered it to us in the past 9 months. Now they want all the mechanics to agree to let them relocate the DFW AirTran mechs (8-10) over to Love Field until the mechanic senority integration is finalized. This goes back to when Sokol was saying he didn't want to disrupt the DFW guys. Here's a question, what about all the other stations that are going to be shut down in Jan. 2012? There are 4 cities on the chopping block for 2012. Are we going to place those employees in a special place as well?? I honestly think we should let it go the way it should go. Once Airtran ceases to operate at DFW, then the mechs should excersise their senority and bump to any AirTran station that their senority allows them to. After all the trickling bidding is comepleted, and the DFW guys are still not in Dallas, then if Sokol or company would like to help these guys out then post Dallas positions until they get here. Simple as that. I would love to hear what others think about this issue from both companies.
Of the four cities posed to close in 2012, only one has FL emps, around 30, and that is PHF. ACY, AVL & MLI are all contracted and the Station Managers run another city as well so they are still working except for ACY and he was from ATL so he may return. As for DFW Mx, who knows. They are all good wrenches and if Sokol can get them over to DAL some how, that would be great. There should be room as they are hiring for positions there per the last IYC. How they do it with the IBT is beyond me. Other Mx bases to consider are FLL, IND & MKE. I wish the best to all of us, on both sides.
I believe it was kool-aid pump not machine. You need to work on your reading comprehension. If you worked at swa you would know this term is used all the time. Lighten up Francis!
The kool-Aid pump will have to be running overtime to try to compensate for the ill will SWA and Swapa have already showed during this SLI. GK has dropped down notches in my book. Going into this, I expected some sort of fair integration based loosely on DOH with a Swapa slant. I expected to protect the super senior SWA guys, ones who were senior to FLs number one, and to mesh the rest in a ratio close to the 3.5 to one that would come by comparing size.

What they are offering is untenable. The ratios extend up to about 8 or 9 to one and swapa pilots get all the upgrades for the next ten years with most of the Fo's being stapled. Why? Greed, Power, I am not sure. The FL pilots really did not want much, but why push so far? Even if this SLI if voted in, I think you will forever have a bitter group of employees who never felt they were treated fairly.
The kool-Aid pump will have to be running overtime to try to compensate for the ill will SWA and Swapa have already showed during this SLI. GK has dropped down notches in my book. Going into this, I expected some sort of fair integration based loosely on DOH with a Swapa slant. I expected to protect the super senior SWA guys, ones who were senior to FLs number one, and to mesh the rest in a ratio close to the 3.5 to one that would come by comparing size.

What they are offering is untenable. The ratios extend up to about 8 or 9 to one and swapa pilots get all the upgrades for the next ten years with most of the Fo's being stapled. Why? Greed, Power, I am not sure. The FL pilots really did not want much, but why push so far? Even if this SLI if voted in, I think you will forever have a bitter group of employees who never felt they were treated fairly.

At the very worst, you're maintaining your respective seniority among your "integratees" from AirTran are you not? So would you take that, with a raise, and better job security or would you just rather go back to working for AirTran as it stood before the merger announcement? You know the answer 😉

The AirTran guys have to understand something about this integration. Everything that we're talking about right now is just varying degrees of how much YOU WIN. Now you can win a pretty good amount and not make incumbent Southwest employees angry, or you can try to win it all and do it at the expense of the Southwest people. From Southwest employees' perspective, we stand to gain NOTHING besides a few potential bumps down the seniority list, WHEEE! As far as bad blood is concerned with work groups, how do you think you'll be received by your fellow Southwest employees when the dust settles and you just HAD to push for having the cake and eating it too at the detriment to your incumbent Southwest employee coworkers? When you could have just had the cake and everyone got to win a little? We'd all just be one big happy bunch.

I really am surprised how much the seniority issue is being pushed in this integration. When I first joined Southwest (after 3 years of applying and interviewing), I took a job that payed WAY less than what I was making before, had to work mandatory double shifts every single day in the winter, never got the days off I wanted, got the crappiest line/positions, and was pretty much a zombie for at least 2 years. But you know what, I was GLAD to do it because it was all building towards being a vested employee of Southwest. It took many years before I got into a comfortable groove. Very few of us are going to sit still for anything resembling 1 for 1 integration 😀, just so you know. We wear our seniority like battle scars at Southwest.

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