700UW said:Isn't it against to post while on Company time?
PITMTC said:Mouth piece, nah?
In case you have not noticied there are a lot of people (union and non) leaving and finding good jobs. And obviously they always put US down on their resume. I'm sure you would have heard if many people were getting turned down because they worked here. Everything in life we go through is a learning experience, good or bad. Real companies are aware of what is going on. I personally have gotten several requests to go work at other outfits. Party because they know my experiences. You are not born knowing everything. The bad times we face make us all more experienced and actually an asset to other companies.
Hey if your claim to fame is going to be that the airline shutdown but you held your ground, then very good for you. You will probably reach that goal here soon. I would much prefer to see us survive. However, if I have to go look for another job, my experience here is going to make me more lucrative. I will not have to beg.
deano said:Well I happen to know coming from a losing team hinders and doesn't help your job prospects. If you believe the doors are closing you best leave NOW with a CLEAN record and not be part of the FAILED players...FACT 101 business school, UNLESS you are a Dave Siegel or the fluke who took Kmart for a 90 million dollar ride......
700UW said:PITMTC,
Are you the new board moderator?
Everyone on here is entilted to post. When you own the board then you can determine what is worthelss or not.
Manager not foreman.
PITMTC said:And I happen to believe you are totally wrong, but you used a good example with Siegal. I will give you one example, JB is picking and chosing our people all the time. They have a base of employees who put out names of the good ones. I have been called out by both ex-mechanics and management people to go. I have not. For the sake of your argument, I am part of the "loser management" here. Yet companies know what fails a company and good employees do not. It does not matter wether you are union or not, if you are a good worker both your experience and more importantly God will get you places.
The arguement that we will all be on the street and be viewed as a losing team is not strong. Sorry.
USFlyer said:AFA is posturing and trying to generate public support for the flight attendants and, hopefully, give the F/As some hope that someone is at least trying to look out for them. Leadership knows a strike will put both UA and US out of business in short order. And, both carriers represent a large portion of its members.
Reservation Agent said:If the company was just trying to work out contract adjustments in good faith, that would be one thing, but the company...At the same time of negotiating, it went to court to THROW OUT ALL CURRENT AFA,CWA & IAM CONTRACTS ! Talk about having your cake, and eating it, too!!!!!
The company is not happy to just modify current agreements...Are you non-believers that dumb?.... a member of management ? ....or have 300,000 frequent flyer miles banked?
SCABS are not tolerated! :angry:Fly said:I see pilots still carrying around the 1985 scab list at United. We never forget our scabs. :down: :boring:
WestCoastGuy said:Unfortunantly, this company has been, and continues to be, poorly managed and regards it's employees as liabilities.