Stand Strong And Being Aggressive


Aug 20, 2002
It is my understanding that Dennis Burchette has informed Jim Little that he does not want the AFL-CIO in his Local 514's business? It would appear that the AFL-CIO was to start a training program to teach the leadership how to better communicate with the membership. President Burchette told Mr. Little that he wants nothing to do with the AFL-CIO?
Buck said:
It is my understanding that Dennis Burchette has informed Jim Little that he does not want the AFL-CIO in his Local 514's business? It would appear that the AFL-CIO was to start a training program to teach the leadership how to better communicate with the membership. President Burchette told Mr. Little that he wants nothing to do with the AFL-CIO?

That sounds familiar...! As I recall the members of local 514 told amfa they want nothing to do with them either....Hmmmmm :bleh:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
High Speed Steel said:
That sounds familiar...! As I recall the members of local 514 told amfa they want nothing to do with them either....Hmmmmm :bleh:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Not true HighSS, over 2300 Local 514 members said they wanted to be able to vote on representation. Likely over 3,000 now but, the dictatorship twu does not like the practice of membership voting, so the company and their company union lied their ass of to suppress the membership!!!
Rusty said:
Not true HighSS, over 2300 Local 514 members said they wanted to be able to vote on representation. Likely over 3,000 now but, the dictatorship twu does not like the practice of membership voting, so the company and their company union lied their ass of to suppress the membership!!!

Hey, "Whoa there Hot Rod"...!!!!!! You claim 2300 members showed interest? Are you sure about that number? How many valid cards where received and turned in to the NMB? You know, the ones that did not have profanity. You know, legitimate authorization cards?

And now you are INFLATING the number again to make you feel a little bit better about being rejected? You say now, 3000 show interest? Boy now that is a "hoot", that is a good one there Rusty....!!!! You may as well go ahead and use some of Bob's, and Decisions fuzzy math and just call it 3.1 million/billion.... :wacko:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
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High Speed Steel said:
That sounds familiar...! As I recall the members of local 514 told amfa they want nothing to do with them either....Hmmmmm :bleh:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

Since you have something to say concerning the subject, could answer the question?
How about "NO", Buck! Haven't heard anything about what you have posted.

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
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High Speed Steel said:
How about "NO", Buck! Haven't heard anything about what you have posted.

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!
thank you...
High Speed Steel said:
Hey, "Whoa there Hot Rod"...!!!!!! You claim 2300 members showed interest? Are you sure about that number? How many valid cards where received and turned in to the NMB? You know, the ones that did not have profanity. You know, legitimate authorization cards?

And now you are INFLATING the number again to make you feel a little bit better about being rejected? You say now, 3000 show interest? Boy now that is a "hoot", that is a good one there Rusty....!!!! You may as well go ahead and use some of Bob's, and Decisions fuzzy math and just call it 3.1 million/billion.... :wacko:

amfa: The YUGO of the labor movement
Where bargaining means YOU GO....!

The 2,300 is correct, I got the ones you drunken team bubba a-holes sent in from Tulsa and MCI with the profanity sitting right in front of me. It was a good try and I do appreciate the OU812 and the backdoor highway cards, it was a good touch. I figured I show the membership what losers really represent them during the election campaign. So thanks for the added quote from a twu zealot like yourself, it will look good on a powerpoint presentation. :shock:
The 2,300 is correct, I got the ones you drunken team bubba a-holes sent in from Tulsa and MCI with the profanity sitting right in front of me. It was a good try and I do appreciate the OU812 and the backdoor highway cards, it was a good touch. I figured I show the membership what losers really represent them during the election campaign. So thanks for the added quote from a twu zealot like yourself, it will look good on a powerpoint presentation. :shock:
AMFAMAN, the total was about what 10-15 cards from the twu Punks, Drunks, and Cowards? I think one moron even signed his name. A moment of clarity in his drunken stupor? None of them got sent in to the NMB of course.
Merely heresay and speculation on your part Buck. I think what you MIGHT be referring to is an "organizing effort" where Dennis would like to see Local 514 Stewards and E-Board members taking MORE control of. Dennis is not an AFL-CIO basher. Does he have an opinion. . . .sure, we all do, but you Buck need to stop being a rumor monger and crap-stirrer. The desparation is showing. Ever since Dennis got into office the preverbial (sp) pot has been opened by you wannabes. Better try a different angle, because this one isn't working!!
twuer said:
Merely heresay and speculation on your part Buck. I think what you MIGHT be referring to is an "organizing effort" where Dennis would like to see Local 514 Stewards and E-Board members taking MORE control of.

More control of what? The organizing effort? Organizing what?
twuer said:
Ever since Dennis got into office the preverbial (sp) pot has been opened by you wannabes. Better try a different angle, because this one isn't working!!

If in fact the proverbial ship's pot has been opened by us wannabes and it smells good then why would you advocate doing something else??? Have you finally seen the light twuer??? On the other hand, if you open the ship pot and crap begins to flow out (rose smelling or otherwise), one must be careful that the her buoyancy isn't overcome and sink.
Bob Owens said:
More control of what? The organizing effort? Organizing what?

Wouldn't you like to know??? Why don't you mind your own NY business Bobby????? Or is it that you have no NY business anymore??????

twuer said:
Wouldn't you like to know??? Why don't you mind your own NY business Bobby????? Or is it that you have no NY business anymore??????

Divide and conquer, twuer this is not a NY vs. TUL issue. Our craft and class is all in this together and not only at AA but at all airlines!!!
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twuer said:
Merely heresay and speculation on your part Buck. I think what you MIGHT be referring to is an "organizing effort" where Dennis would like to see Local 514 Stewards and E-Board members taking MORE control of. Dennis is not an AFL-CIO basher. Does he have an opinion. . . .sure, we all do, but you Buck need to stop being a rumor monger and crap-stirrer. The desparation is showing. Ever since Dennis got into office the preverbial (sp) pot has been opened by you wannabes. Better try a different angle, because this one isn't working!!

Actually my post contained two questions. Here say or not, why would the president of a local that is part of the AFL-CIO want them to stay out of its business? I never stated Dennis Burchette was an AFL-CIO basher, those are your words. You are in no position to tell me what I should or should not do. You are in my opinion, since we all have one, a nobody. So tell us what has Dennis accomplished? Has he stepped on any AMFA supporters necks? Has he removed any officers from their positions, only to have the membership force him to reinstate that officer? And my so called tactics are not working, why did you respond?

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