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What do the flight attendants want/need onboard

Guys/Gals I think that the "new" us airways wants to make this policy due to this kind of thinking.
They are afraid of us not paying attention or something. Just always been my thought in re-current and new hire training.
Just always thought that is why.

sky high states: HUH? this kind of thinking? Not paying attention? I dont understand your post. Sthrnboy.

......my response to LCC's post reconfirmed his comments, to which I added, the safety EQUIPMENT is both upfront and IN THE BACK.

only stating opinions.
sky high states: HUH? this kind of thinking? Not paying attention? I dont understand your post. Sthrnboy.

......my response to LCC's post reconfirmed his comments, to which I added, the safety EQUIPMENT is both upfront and IN THE BACK.
only stating opinions.

That is why the First or A FA, can stay up front in an emergency situation to be the "communicator" to the Flight deck and keep an eye on the situation.

Remember, some terrorist may be using an medical situation as a ploy to distract the flight attendants in the aft of the aircraft so that you First or A may be distracted enough to leave the forward cabin (flight deck door to overwing)to overtake the aircraft and get in the flight deck. Reinforced doors or not...that does not mean they are impassable.

It’s because HP had some “issuesâ€￾ in the past.

sky high states: Really? How so?
I wondered about this policy awhile today. Wondering if this "procedure" was more about customer care then safety. HP people, when was this policy introduced on line? Any PILOTS, both U/HP like to comment on the breach of the cockpit, possibility, now with reinforced doors?

only stating opinions.
That is why the First or A FA, can stay up front in an emergency situation to be the "communicator" to the Flight deck and keep an eye on the situation.

Remember, some terrorist may be using an medical situation as a ploy to distract the flight attendants in the aft of the aircraft so that you First or A may be distracted enough to leave the forward cabin (flight deck door to overwing)to overtake the aircraft and get in the flight deck. Reinforced doors or not...that does not mean they are impassable.

I was trying to be less direct but Jet said said it all ready...
I was told it was a great tool for distraction if someone was messing around in the back cabin or galley and all fa's were in back while someone was a distraction to give time for others to try to overtake the A/C...

Thats how its always been stressed to me.
I was trying to be less direct but Jet said said it all ready...
I was told it was a great tool for distraction if someone was messing around in the back cabin or galley and all fa's were in back while someone was a distraction to give time for others to try to overtake the A/C...
Thats how its always been stressed to me.

sky high states: I think F/A's understand the importance of not leaving first class/cockpit unattended. However, I also see how floaters (terrorists) could easily position themselves to overtake F/A's with no problem. Piney bob analogy: 110 pound F/A

only stating opinions.
Ok, even if the flight attendant took that step past the exit row, will all the f/c passengers and onlookers from coach just sit there and wait for YOU the f/a to respond to someone kicking at the cockpit door trying to bust it down? My guess would be NO. I agree a f/a should be up front but it is silly to have that rule which AGAIN is NOT an FAA rule. It's won't happen. Boeingboy made a good point when he stated the distance from the exit row to cockpit on various a/c. Anyway...... 🙄 Still working on that new cart setup? :lol:
Sheesh, we turned "what do f/a's need into a who's procedure is better. Anyone remember that happening in 1989? And how long it lasted? God help us if we have to hear: well, at HP, we did it this way for the next 15 years. And, to be fair, I hope it's not reciprocated back. It divides us, it's annoying, and sooner then later, you're treated, based on where your "based."
Mergers require "procedure changes", but keep in mind, and have patience to know some of those procedures will change SEVERAL TIMES. But, let's thrive to take the BEST from both airlines. Reports, write ups, phone calls/conservations with the right people.


only stating opinions.
Well let me try from a customer to bring this topic back on line.

The key to happy Customers AND Employees is Managements ability to manage expectations. In order to accomplish those goals you need to have service procedures CLEARLY communicated so that both Customer and Employee know what to expect.

Right now I'm not going to quibble which procedures are most customer friendly. What IMO is needed are procedures that are uniform and consistant throughout the entire system. I've seen way to many inconsistancies lately and that's just on the US side.

OK, let's get it out there. Customers: Ask the question and let us answer if it is procedure, a lazy f/a, a f/a being too nice, or a f/a being mean.

I will start with a few.

Q- Why do I not get a pre-departure bev on the A321 or I get a bottle of water? Aren't the f/as suppose to provide a pre departure bev.

A-Even though the FC on the 321 is huge, we are "procedurely" suppose to do a pre-departure beverage. Some will offer bottles of water BUT to adhere to far's, the bottles MUST be recollected. EVERY flight with FC are suppose to offer this service. There are times, however, when a flight may be late and the steady flow of customers makes the task almost impossible.

Q-I have a rollerboard and a backpack. Can I bring my briefcase as my "purse" since a womans purse doesn't count.

A-Unless you pull lipstick out, the answer is no. Seriously, the answer is NO. The rules is ONE bag and ONE smaller item...regardless if you are male or female. BTW ladies, a backpack is NOT a purse! Customers may bring food items on without penalty.

Q-I am in FC. I was upgraded at the last minute. There is no more room on the aircraft. What do I do? Do I have to check my bag?

A-No. If you are sitting in FC and all room is taken, US AIRWAYS now allows such bag to be gate checked with the new Gate Valet tag. Other items that can be gate checked are
strollers/car seats
wheelchairs/assistive devices
deadhead crew baggage
oversized pictures/frames
musical instuments

Q-When I am in coach, I sometimes get the entire can while on some flights I get a cup? What gives?

A-F/A's are allowed to give the entire can on the following flights:
Transatlantic...first bev service and US Airways Shuttle flights. Thats it! The West crews have a larger cup which I call the party cup, which hold almost a can full. The East still has the small cups, which I call the Steven Wolf cups since that jerk brought them back. The party cups will be system wide soon. In the meantime, many East crews feel the entire can is only fair considering the current cups could barely quinch the thirst of a small child. As always, you can have the entire can on request.

Q-I flew FC on US Airways from Anchorage to PHX and then connected to CLT. Why did I get glassware on the former AWA flights but not the old US Airways flight?

A-During their 2 bankruptcies, US East stopped providing glassware to cut cost. What I have heard is that in the future the entire system will have glassware on longer flights such as transcons and international flights only. I have been told that the hold up centers around inserts for the new coffee mugs...yes mugs...as if the powers that be never thought about wrapping them in the wrapping the company piles on for everything else.

Q-When flying FC, sometimes the F/A's take meal orders front-back...sometimes back-front. What's the deal here?

A-Oh the controversial meal order ORDER.One day maybe US will catch up with the year 2006 and provide a system of ordering in advance. Meannwhile, the East f/a procedure is front-back at all times. I do believe (Westies correct me) one way is front/back, the other way back front out west. I'm sure that change will come soon.

Q-Why do so many f/a's promote the Bof A visa card?
A-BofA pays the f/as $50 for every card APPROVED. Not bad for a 2 minute (or should) promotion and walk thru.

Q-I am in FC. I was upgraded at the last minute. There is no more room on the aircraft. What do I do? Do I have to check my bag?

A-No. If you are sitting in FC and all room is taken, US AIRWAYS now allows such bag to be gate checked with the new Gate Valet tag.
Is this true? It happened to me recently, they came on the plane and upgraded me after boarding. No room in FC for carry on's and they told me I had to check it to my final destination.
Is this true? It happened to me recently, they came on the plane and upgraded me after boarding. No room in FC for carry on's and they told me I had to check it to my final destination.

The crew was wrong. I am right. I am looking at the Valet tag as I type this. And it is CLEARLY written on the tag, for which I got the info AND was in a memo to the f/a's. 😉
The crew was wrong. I am right. I am looking at the Valet tag as I type this. And it is CLEARLY written on the tag, for which I got the info AND was in a memo to the f/a's. 😉

BUT.....more importantly.....have the ramp agents been told about the new tags?
In PHL....no
BUT.....more importantly.....have the ramp agents been told about the new tags?
In PHL....no

I think a ramper should answer that one. Anyone?................... :unsure: ..................... :unsure: ....................... 😛h34r: