On 3/15/2003 7:01:15 PM PSA1979 wrote:
Atlantic wrote:
"No bucks,no Buck Rogers"
I think you have gotten things a bit mixed up, Ralph Kramden said " You're going to the moon Alice", not "I'm Buck Rogers going to the moon".
And we all know what Ralphie boy did for a living.... he was a bus driver too!
So you should change your saying to "No bucks, no Ralph Kramden"
So, if you now equate an airline pilot to a bus driver, it must then follow that:
*Flight Attendants equate to waitresses,
*A&Ps equate to "Jiffy Lube" mechanics,
*Utility workers equate to janitors,
*Gate agents equate to the ticket takers and box office workers down at the local metroplex,
* Res agents equate to the telemarketer who calls during dinner,
* Airline passengers equate "Greyhound" riders
Are you in management??
No wonder the industry is bankrupt. At least we know where $35M of the money went.