On 1/8/2003 4:37:11 PM magsau wrote:
The reporting of this and pretty much any other accident is pathetic. CNN had Mary Schiavo on this morning and her "theory" was a load shift caused this accident. She mentioned it resembling the DC-8 at MIA a few years ago? WTFO? She has obviously never ridden in a BE-1900 that was loaded with 19 people. There would not be enough room for the passengers to congregate in one point of the plane to change the CG that much. Then you have that bozo Miles O'brien talking about the aircraft being overgrossed due to his calculations. The unfortunate thing for Miles is he was was using the numbers for a regular King Air 300 and not the BE-1900. Sure they look similar but it is like using the gross weights for a 757 to say a 767 was overgross on takeoff.
The one thing everyone including the media need to remember is that accidents are caused by a chain of events. One break of the safety chain and that is when accidents happen.
Thoughts and prayers to all who lost loved ones and those that have to man the phones and answer the difficult questions.
The B1900D has an aft cargo area that is off limits in revenue flight. A cargo net separates it from the main cargo area. If enough bags/cargo were in the back, and the net was improperly hooked/attached or failed, it could conceivably allow the cargo to spill into the aft section creating an extremely aft c.g. A crash such as this would probably require a second event in combination with that sudden aft c.g. shift. Having never experienced such a scenario, I, as everyone else, can only speculate. The Beech is a mighty little airplane, with a loyal cadre of present and former aircrew. Hopefully a thorough investigation will cast light on the true cause. In the meantime, it is a sad day for YV/ZV pilots, all airline employees, and most importantly, the families of the passengers.