Siegel Resigns

Welcome to the NG (New Guy). Still more concessions. He'll have to figure out another way. Maybe a first step is close the Crystal Palace and take whomever to Sweet Home Alabama.

I thought Big Al C. was next in line for being the big boss.............NOT !!!!!!
Something else to consider: The BOD no doubt knows the 1Q financial results. This could mean they are ABYSMAL and Bronner felt he had to do something to satisfy Wall Street.
This is all part of the plan. This was orchestrated a long time ago and little D got 4.5 million to be the fall guy. This doesn't change the cost side of the equation one bit. Now if this guy can change how the airline operates and addresses all sides of the cost equation then he might have a chance but I see it's started already.

I am still wondering when Bob is going to be announced as the new VP of Labor Relations! :D
Try to look at it this way, guys. It's no longer a question of "Can Siegel's replacement do better?" It's more a question of "Can Siegel's replacement possibly do any worse?" :lol:
jimntx said:
Try to look at it this way, guys. It's no longer a question of "Can Siegel's replacement do better?" It's more a question of "Can Siegel's replacement possibly do any worse?" :lol:
Or, its a question of "Is Siegel's replacement here just to hold the reins until liquidation?"

MrAeroMan said:
This is all part of the plan. This was orchestrated a long time ago and little D got 4.5 million to be the fall guy.
If this is true then that means they all got together and made up a lie with Dave saying only a few weeks ago he is staying. I think not given where lies have lead them already. Dave decided on his own with some nudging knowing labor had enough of him and his team.
cavalier said:
If this is true then that means they all got together and made up a lie with Dave saying only a few weeks ago he is staying. I think not given where lies have lead them already. Dave decided on his own with some nudging knowing labor had enough of him and his team.
Time will tell. My prediction is it'll only be a matter of weeks before the new guy is lumped in the same group as Dave was when he starts saying the same things about the costs.
This wonderful news outranks the applause-o-meter of Sadaam's capture and Nixon's resignation..........combined!
Consider me now Severed-n-ECSTATIC!
PineyBob said:
If the company is run by liars cheats and theives as most of you claim, then why would they honor Dave's contract?
Because management ALWAYS honors MANAGEMENT contracts.

Its those nasty LABOR contracts they're always trying to abrogate. I have to say I'm surprised you haven't observed that yet.

Isn't it obvious that the reason for this move is to allow the unions to save face and give the required concessions, with the excuse that they will give the new guy an opportunity to turn it around?
Since Frank Cortez is a Siegel man, how does this impact Cortex staying on to run the PHL hub ?????
Doesnt matter who does Siegels job Dr Bronner is going to drive a stake in your
collective hearts if you dont do as he says.
USFlyer said:
Now, my only fear ... Bronner will want to cut his losses, and the new guy was brought in to replace Dave to ultimately break the carrier up in the short term.

This is the multi-million dollar and 27,000 employee question. Was Dave
removed to make it easier to systematically close the doors, or
was he removed to appease the unions who blamed him for the
shortcomings that have been guided by the BOD since emergence
from CH11?

Pull those belts tight. It's gonna be an interesting ride for the next
several days and weeks. My bet is that Bronner is in damage control
mode right now and he will do everything and anything to keep his
investment losses to a minimum. Throwing Bugsy Siegel under the bus
and installing a former CEO of a large investment group is only the
beginning. I hope the unions finally pay attention and understand
what is happening. The direction of this company will be set by
Q1 results and the ability of the unions to dig deep to make the
company a going concern once again.
I've said it before and I'll say it again:

If this guy comes in and shows some ability to lead and take advantage of the tools he's already been given by labor, it might help him return to labor to ask for more.

If he comes out of the gate with a baseball bat in hand, it's only a matter of time until the fire sale begins.

Maybe, from an operational standpoint, this guy can actually make toast (much less operate a multibillion dollar concern) or will hire someone who can do as such (unlike Dave, who was, from an operational standpoint, either a babe in the woods or completely clueless).

Think tactically, and enjoy big gains strategically. A big win is always made up of a series of smaller victories, something that Seigel never quite grasped...

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