Siegel Resigns

So much for being the last CEO.

He came in with a lie and went out with a lie.

Bye Dave, you did everyone a big favor, now if it's not too late. . . . .
DCAflyer said:
That's my question. He said, during that televised fiasco, that he was not going to exercise that option. I just hope the board holds him to it.
The board may very well have asked him to leave, in which case he'll be taking the money (I'm sure).
Dave proved to be smart in the end...took the money and ran. Maybe this X investment banker Bruce Lakefield can figure out how to make money with 29$ and 49$ fares....
Be hopeful. This new guy just may be what you need. He can't try "business as usual" (didn't work) and he can't try the old approach either (cuz that bombed big time), so maybe he's going to take the high road and do what they pay him to do......RUN AN AIRLINE!
Phoenix said:

The new boss will be the same as the old boss.
Phoenix -

A very sobering thought. It crossed my mind immediately with the news that Siegel resigned. I'm happy Siegel's gone, and I hope his cadre of CCY idiots hit the road, too.

If history is any indication, USAirways will be burdened with yet another yahoo who will:

1. Come in and say that things, i.e. the corporate culture, will change (they won't,)

2. Say he has a plan to reshape USAirways in to the premier__________carrier. (fill in the blank with global, regional, northeast, etc.)

3. Bring in a half dozen syncophant morons to fill the EVP offices and get paid to either do nothing or do further damage.

I fervently pray, though, that this company will finally get the break that is so long overdue and we will get a CEO that will:

1. Clean house

2. Have a viable plan and the know-how to implement it

3. Treat his employees with the dignity and respect due to every human being.

With someone like that, this employee group will rally and, even if further concessions are necessary, turn this airline into an awesome operation that will make customers and stockholders very, very happy indeed.
Fly said:
Be hopeful. This new guy just may be what you need. He can't try "business as usual" (didn't work) and he can't try the old approach either (cuz that bombed big time), so maybe he's going to take the high road and do what they pay him to do......RUN AN AIRLINE!
The overall plan of the BOD has not changed.

USAIR is slated to be COMAIR of United.

Seagull's departure merely releases some of the steam and is designed to diminish the resolve of the unions that are oposed to the change.

Think of it this way. The frog in the hot water started to notice that the water is getting hot so they turned the heat down a degree but have already started to raise it again slowly.

Don't play into it.
HOLLY H>>>..... This is Unbelievable...Talk about a Shock Factor.....
Didn't see this one coming at all.... Personally, I think he was ASKED TO LEAVE...... Told you.... Where's DT when you need him.... "You really haven't brought anything to the Table and look how bad your team did. Dave Im sorry to say YOU'RE FIRED"............................. LOL C~
With Dave's resignation, does it really change the end game at all? Does it lessen the need for concessions? Does it increase the employees willingness to conceed? The players have changed (new ALPA reps, new CEO, etc) but the game is still the same.....we are fighting for survival.

Will this change anyones view on concessions?
Where is all this surprise coming from people?

Dave said he was in this for the long haul..and he had no interest in exercising his 4.5 Million dollar buy-out this month. Taking into consideration how he's back peddled on every agreement and contract to date...why did anyone take his word regarding his not departing with his pockets full?

The best we can hope somehow , some way he has burned his bridges in the corporate world and won't be a player to reckon with for another airline at somepoint in the future.

We can only hope the Doctor Bronner does to Seigel and his "Golden Parachute" , exactly what Seigel did to all our labor agreements.

I hope Mr. Lakefield is really interested in changing our corporate culture for the better...and really really running this business for a welcome change.

I certainly hope Seigel takes his collection of Vipers with him too !!! :up:
Im sure the Concessions will still be there..BUT chances are Employees will actually look at it this time... Maybe they got someone that WILL do the Company some good !!!!!!!!

I hope the new team will be more willing to take a look at the non-labor costs and perhaps implement at least some of the ideas employees have offered.

Just showing a willingness to look at the whole enchilada would go a long way in my book.

DCAflyer said:
From the Associated Press:

By MATTHEW BARAKAT, AP Business Writer

ARLINGTON, Va. - US Airways president and chief executive David Siegel, whose demands for cost cuts created animosity among union leaders, resigned Monday from the nation's seventh-largest airline.
This really pisses me off. The animosity was not over the demands for cost cuts, the animosity was over the fact that Siegel couldn't run an airline even with further cost cuts.
Dea -

I'd love to agree with you but it if you still have the same VP team in place telling you that this won't work and that isn't possible, then nothing has really changed. Do we have time to allow Mr Lakefield to replace or remove VP's? In my eyes, this is make it or break it time and we have just one shot left. I hate to be skeptical, but could this be just a cosmetic change to appease the union leaders or will he really bring substantial change to the table? Time will tell.....
nycbusdriver said:
Phoenix -

I fervently pray, though, that this company will finally get the break that is so long overdue and we will get a CEO that will:

1. Clean house

2. Have a viable plan and the know-how to implement it

3. Treat his employees with the dignity and respect due to every human being.

With someone like that, this employee group will rally and, even if further concessions are necessary, turn this airline into an awesome operation that will make customers and stockholders very, very happy indeed.
No justification for optimism exists. Reject LOA 91 and you demonstrate a requirement for respect, then things might change.

If the pilots overwhelmingly reject LOA 91 then the new guy will understand that he has to fix the 200+ grievances (some of which have already been arbitrated in favor of the pilots, yet Mgt is still refusing to abide by the binding arbitration.)

If the pilots keep rolling over then they shouldn’t be surprised when they have to keep rolling over.
MarkMyWords said:
With Dave's resignation, does it really change the end game at all? Does it lessen the need for concessions? Does it increase the employees willingness to conceed? The players have changed (new ALPA reps, new CEO, etc) but the game is still the same.....we are fighting for survival.

Will this change anyones view on concessions?
Exactly... Now consider this...

1) US Airways is still losing money hand over fist... And has a new CEO to boot... One who may need some "training" and/or "experience" with running an airline, as opposed to anything else. It took Tilton about 9months-year to get up and running. Now, the new US Airways CEO, Lakefield will be "behind the eight-ball" so to speak. He may be on the BOD, but probably doesn't have much day-to-day type knowledge.

2) Lakefield is a close ally of Doc Bronner and a current member of the Board of Directors, effectively, Dave Seigel's former boss. Do you expect the BOD and Lakefield to do a complete 180 from what has been occuring in the past two years? Also, as a member of the BOD, he must have been a part of approving Seigel's $4.5 escape clause.

3) Given that Lakefield is a Bronner ally and must have been approving of the restructuring plan (whatever it was), this tells me that "the more things change, the more they stay the same"

When Lakefield continues to push for concessions or purhaps a change in the 279 aircraft scope clause or proposes to close PIT, we'll see how quickly the unions call for his head....

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