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Us Airways' Ceo Ouster Clears Way For Labor Talks

Oh, and the statement "Concession stand closed" isn't black and white?

Please go preach to somebody else, you've lost this congregation.
ITRADE said:
Oh, and the statement "Concession stand closed" isn't black and white?

Please go preach to somebody else, you've lost this congregation.
When posters of like mind as yours post stuff like this, below, indeed I will preach until the cows come home that the concession stand is closed. Itrade will never see eye to eye and thank God!
Group: Senior Member
Posts: 783
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Joined: 28-August 02

Clue's right. This is beyond absurd. Not only should NRSP be eliminated for all cases that do not directly contribute to US's bottom line, but under no circumstances should any NR sit in FC until all DM customers entitled to upgrades have been satisfied. If that means that some VP at another airline sits in a center seat in the back of coach, then so be it. In fact, all the better for it.

This is all about revenue.

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Wow. Insanity upon insanity. So they not only get NRSP, they also get the miles? So they can (I assume) give the gift of travel to people outside of their circle of perpetual free travel?

Shouldn't they just be given their own custom-outfitted 330 with bedrooms, full-featured entertainment centers, and luxury catering staff? Geez, it might even be cheaper!
cavalier said:
Everything is not in black and white as you see it in your world of business which is a form of religion justifying acts that go against what's right, what's moral.
Apparently you haven't read much of what I wrote, or you wouldn't make such an accusation. The bottom line is, US still has the highest per-unit labor costs in the industry. Either you are all going to have to work harder, or get paid less.

Yes, US also still has the highest per-unit non-labor costs in the industry, and either those have to get cut or the company will go broke.

But, ultimately, if you don't get both of those in line, then it's 100% paycut for all of you. If that's what you want anyway, then you should quit and cut out the middleman.

The morality question isn't as black and white as you see it. Is it moral to refuse to take a paycut, thus forcing into unemployment those who were willing to take one?
cavalier said:
When posters of like mind as yours post stuff like this, below, indeed I will preach until the cows come home that the concession stand is closed.
What on earth are you talking about? Are you in favor of Siegel getting unlimited NRSP FC rides at your expense? :huh:
mweiss said:
Actually not meant to be ad hominem. I intended it to point out that it doesn't matter who's at the top, or what the business plan is, if the choice is between giving a dime more or shutting down the company and giving 100% of it, your choice is shut the company down.

In which case changing the man at the top was a waste of both time and $4M.
“Either orâ€￾ is a convenient way to negotiate and to instill fear designed to get people to capitulate. If they were not know to repeatedly lie then perhaps there would be a reason to consider the most recent necessity to raid the employee pockets once more. (beyond the several billion dollars that have already been donated—not to mention the unbelievable wholesale extortion of retiree pensions.)

The fact is that Mgt has gotten everything they have asked for in the way of concessions in the last 10 years, yet has failed to find success. Could they find a penny inside the US Mint?

If employees have finally reached the “lowest bidâ€￾ and could not care less if mgt is now bluffing or telling the truth then it is time to “show the cardsâ€￾ and get on with it.
Perhaps you should look at the tables on this page. You still have the highest labor costs in the industry. Still. Even after your eye-popping concessions, you still have the highest labor costs in the industry.

So, you're going to have to work harder or get paid less. Your choice. Even if operations fixes the other problems in the company.

And, ya know what? Even if you get paid the same amount as HP employees, if the non-labor costs don't go down, you're still going to be out of a job, because your non-labor costs are over 20% higher than your next most expensive competitor. But you have no control over that factor at all.

Something to consider: even if US's non-labor costs were identical to WN's, your labor costs would still be more than 35% higher than theirs. Your CASM would still be 20% higher than theirs. Does this tell you anything?
700UW said:
When the company stops violating our current concessionary contracts maybe people will be more willing to listen.

You can't trust this management and they have proven that, mwiess you are not living it like we are!
700, I doubt very seriously you wouldnt trust GOD!
mweiss said:
Perhaps you should look at the tables on this page. You still have the highest labor costs in the industry. Still. Even after your eye-popping concessions, you still have the highest labor costs in the industry.

So, you're going to have to work harder or get paid less. Your choice. Even if operations fixes the other problems in the company.

And, ya know what? Even if you get paid the same amount as HP employees, if the non-labor costs don't go down, you're still going to be out of a job, because your non-labor costs are over 20% higher than your next most expensive competitor. But you have no control over that factor at all.

Something to consider: even if US's non-labor costs were identical to WN's, your labor costs would still be more than 35% higher than theirs. Your CASM would still be 20% higher than theirs. Does this tell you anything?

It is the same old story. Blah blah blah... Labor COST is the reason we are going to go chapter 7.

Revenue is never mentioned. Do MBAs forget how to calculate profit?

If Mgt spent 10% of the time they spend on busting unions they could actually come up with a revenue plan that would make US Air profitable. (how often do people acknowledge USAir employees have the highest per capita revenue?)

Why work on revenue when it is a lot easier to just set up COMAIR and charge people like they are flying Delta.

Funny thing about costs (both labor & non-labor) stated as per ASM. It automatically includes the efficiency (or lack thereof) of asset use - both human and non-human. That's why you see a different picture depending on whether you look at labor costs as a percent of total costs, labor costs as a percent of revenue, or labor costs per ASM.

Could it just be that if the company took the steps to reduce non-labor costs per ASM, the labor costs per ASM would automatically come down?

Just a thought.

usfliboi said:
700, I doubt very seriously you wouldnt trust GOD!
listen, we all know you are not what you say, you have been proven to be dishonest, if you dont like unions and dont want to be a member go work for a non-union carrier.

Your drabble is stupid and makes no sense, let the BOD not pay Siegel his $4.5 million in his contract and see how fast he sues.

And god has nothing to do with management who violates contracts at whim.

You can bendover and let them rape you, I for one and many of my coworkers will put up and fight and protect our contracts.
BoeingBoy said:
Could it just be that if the company took the steps to reduce non-labor costs per ASM, the labor costs per ASM would automatically come down?
Perhaps. But that's why I didn't say "you have to take wage cuts." Instead, I said that the choice is between cutting wages or increasing the amount of work each person does.
Phoenix said:
Revenue is never mentioned. Do MBAs forget how to calculate profit?
OK, let's mention RASM, shall we? Guess who has the highest RASM in the industry. It's the same one that has the highest CASM.
For all we know, that "one industry source" is USA320Pilot. Thus, he says, "I told you that there was a merger in the works, and then Dow Jones told you after I told them!"

Regardless, its still not going to happen. US Airways has made zero progress on changing its ways... Maybe when they release earnings, we will finally be shown some progress, but I'm not couting on it.
Rumors are circulating about nearly a $200 million loss....

Well, maybe not rumors. I've seen it in print ($197 million) once and Firstcall has a consensis of a $3.65 per share loss forecast.

mweiss said:
OK, let's mention RASM, shall we? Guess who has the highest RASM in the industry. It's the same one that has the highest CASM.
And can we all guess whose fault that is.....do I hear any takers??? Must be LABOR. Yea. Gaive us a hurrahhh it is LABOR, as always!!!!!! Yea, Labor is bringing this company down, not the Management who get paid top dollar to run the damn place. :down:

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