Big Dog,
join the club, been there still there and doing it for THAT amount..
I'm with CWA-our union due's decreased to $8.30 per pay...
Just wait until YOU GET YOUR CHECK>
Either take the severance,furlough.,have your medical expire in 3months,pay a couple hundred for medical coverage (depending on your age),and wonder what the heck next?
In the long run I'm exiting, I cannot afford this,and the kicker is come Oct sked, a JET will be back on the sked.
THIS IS Fort Fumbles way of JUSTIFYING THE PAY_go mainline...get commuters temp then bring 1 or 2 jets back,and they CAN DO PER OUR CONTRACT>>
What knucklehead agreed to this and organized it-sure was not I!
On 8/5/2003 8:58:29 AM LavMan wrote:
Mr AeroMan
$1.1 Billion a year in concessions and 19,000 jobs lost is no help from the employees.
This company is not honoring contracts they signed, and they never listen to employees.
Where did I say the employees didn't help? Go back and read the post. I said it's time for BOTH the company and unions to think outside the box. As for honoring contracts...that will be settled in arbitration. Until those rulings come in no one knows for sure who is honoring what.
On 8/5/2003 9:06:03 AM PITbull wrote:
When did you come on these boards?
I see that you joined the same day I did.
There have been many threads by employees and Pax with regard to ideas and solutions. I don't know what you are talking about. You haven't been reading these threads carefully. Maybe its for lack of a defense on your position, but read "Negative Air", and there are many other posts folks started with just that in mind. Simplifying fare structure has been discussed ad nausem.
Senior mangagement has been e-mailed numerous times by all employees on ideas and solutions to help bring about a profit. Specifically customer care ideas to bring back repeat business. Customers have to have a reason to be loyal, and presently, outside of the "rank" this management fallen short with policies and procedures that provide excellent customer care for repeat business.
Management's focus is only on "cost savings" to turn a profit. I fear that they don't know how to operate an airline carrier such as ours. When they attempt, they make the same mistakes, because they use the same paradigm and they can't comprehend that the industry has shifted as mrplanes has stated on these boards over and over again. Hopefully, management will one day wake up BEFORE its too late.
Will we give up on giving suggestions to management? ...not until the "cows come home". So, figure out another way to complain about unions cause IMO, you collided into a brick wall.
Well if you've emailed and written suggestions to management why don't you put those ideas and suggestions together and come up with proposals from the employees. Put all the suggestions together and hold yourself a press conference and challenge the company to listen to your thoughts about the issues. I know this is a novel idea to narrow minded people but just maybe it might work. Nothing you've done up to this point has worked has it?
I've been reading and posting on these boards the same amount of time as you have. I've read while you accuse and stereotype anyone who doesn't agree with you as "management" or "Anti-Union" and read your posts where you go on and on about whatever it is you feel is important and that is fine. That's what these boards are for and it's a free country but try to read with an open mind. Just because someone disagrees with you doesn't make them wrong. It's called a difference of opinion. You're entitled to yours and they are entitled to theirs. It's also called life. It takes all kinds to make the world go around and despite how you feel about a persons stance on issues they are entitled just as you are. I've chosen to post occassionally when I've felt I have something meaningful to say which I will continue to do.
There is an old saying by Abraham Lincoln, perhaps you've heard it but after reading your posts I doubt it. "Tis better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt."
Peace out Sister!
On 8/5/2003 7:41:05 PM LavMan wrote:
I have moved to save my job before and classification
I did it once too and didnt really care for it. Last two times decided I was staying and whatever happened, happened. I like my house, neighbors, coworkers (for the most part) and where I live. I wouldnt be happy in PHL or PIT, and would probably have been cut again in many cities I would have chosen to move to. Many people dont have the option of picking up and leaving due to spouse having a decent job, family nearby to take care of the kids or family nearby to take care of yourself. Sometimes its just not worth it for the job, especially knowing the support you'll get from everyone if it happens again. (It happened again, so what, move again, and again, and again...) Sometimes there is more to think about than just the job.