Oh, for God's sake, do I need to put it into crayon for you?
You wrote, " do you call threats of liquidation and having the two Dave's hold a gun to your head agreeing to a deal?"
I wrote, "I call it negotiating - the same threats that the unions offer every time that they threaten to go on strike."
Some point later, after many Blatts, you wrote, "You tell me how the threat of a strike which did not happen until Sept of 99 when the NMB released us was a threat from 10/95 till 9/99?"
I now write:
Did I ever say that there was a threat that existed for four continuous years? No, what I said, if you actually took the time to think about it for one millisecond and not immediately engage the IAM flag with your left hand, was that unions have the equal ability to threaten management that so were so quick to condemn. US threatened liquidation. Unions threaten strike - which leads to monetary loss and possible liquidation.
If you can't figure that out, then there is no reason whatsoever to continue discussing this with you because it would be more than clear that you simply cannot comprehend much beyond what IAM has drilled into you or what your 4th grade teacher taught you.