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Siegel - Gangwal

And Mike Pruitt and Timmy Nelson's own personal union AGW with no money and resources is the savior?
Hmmmm...And people wonder "why" the IAM is not liked ...? Lectures from members are some of the reasons...Being "talked down" is another...The list is long..
ITRADE, glad to see you try to resort to personal attacks when the facts don't support your view.

You tell me how the threat of a strike which did not happen until Sept of 99 when the NMB released us was a threat from 10/95 till 9/99?

Also, I don't drink and I don't work third shift, so try again.
ITRADE, look in the mirror and read what you posted, it pertains to you, not me.

Southwest Airlines negotiated a contract with the IAM for their ticket and res agents in SIX MONTHS!

US Airways dragged their feet for four years, the company is the one who stalls things out and misuses the process not the unions.

You really need to get some help about your comprehension problem, and your anger problem since you lash out when someone proves you wrong.
Once again youy avoid the facts and try to personal attack.
Oh save me the NMB 30 day cooling off lecture. You use that as a excuse when you know damned well that the unions have inside and outside the 30 day window threatened to shut down airlines for good. So, again, dish out the crap and expect the same to be done in return.

As to liars, which one are you speaking of. Seems that the Impeached President exercised his rights to knock off an AA pilot's strike one minute after it began. In any event, "And with the Liar in the white house he stopped NWA and UAL unionized empoyees from going on strike, so there is no threat," is pure bull$hit and I would not expect any more from you given that the mere threat of such is enough to divert passenger revenue.

I'm sorry Biffe, but your attempt to characterize them as different is as awful as the honey you get to unload on a daily basis.
Oh, for God's sake, do I need to put it into crayon for you?

You wrote, " do you call threats of liquidation and having the two Dave's hold a gun to your head agreeing to a deal?"

I wrote, "I call it negotiating - the same threats that the unions offer every time that they threaten to go on strike."

Some point later, after many Blatts, you wrote, "You tell me how the threat of a strike which did not happen until Sept of 99 when the NMB released us was a threat from 10/95 till 9/99?"

I now write:

Did I ever say that there was a threat that existed for four continuous years? No, what I said, if you actually took the time to think about it for one millisecond and not immediately engage the IAM flag with your left hand, was that unions have the equal ability to threaten management that so were so quick to condemn. US threatened liquidation. Unions threaten strike - which leads to monetary loss and possible liquidation.

If you can't figure that out, then there is no reason whatsoever to continue discussing this with you because it would be more than clear that you simply cannot comprehend much beyond what IAM has drilled into you or what your 4th grade teacher taught you.
ITRADE, I am glad to see you can't comprehend the truth and facts. I went 4 years without a raise while US was raking in profits, but I understand the FACTS get in your way of thinking.

And I for one have never ever bashed or used racial slurs against Gangwal, so try again.
Coming from somebody who was previously banned from here and from somebody who uses multiple IDs on Yahoo, I find that last comment beyond funny.

Not to mention the fact that you singlehandedly ran everybody off of what used to be an informative message board with your non sequitors, illogical behavior, and near manic rants.
What time was Dave in PHL? Does anyone know if he went to the B-C Club? I was there after an unfortunate delay/cancellation around 4:30 yesterday and saw someone who looked like him--not with a family though.

Interesting if it was him, because I had a few choice words for B.Ben B***head and was explaining the meaning of the cockroach pins to one of the club agents.

I wonder...........

By the way, after 2.5 hrs on the runway, my flight cancelled and went back to the gate-I called the Chairmans Desk and was immediately reaccommodated--but the conversation in the F cabin was about how well the folks at U handled the situation--and mentioned that if we had been on DL we would have had no assistance whatsoever. So it isn't just me who notices--you guys are appreciated!

Bad break but a good job--thanks--more on this to follow.
Seatacus, Not worried over it, just thought it was a little funny.He can do whatever he wants with his time and money. Just thought it was interesting because he lied about who he was.
Who cares what Gangwal and Siegel were doing in the Carrib. Whether it was something good or bad there isn't a darn thing we can do so why even bother worrying about it.
Ah yes the plot thickens!
Siegel was behind me going thru security one afternoon at DCA. His Attache picture is pretty accurate, but he was much shorter than I was expecting!

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