Dave S. In Hpn Today?

Because nothing has changed the cry from CCY is still the same!

Why should the employees give back more when they all ready have given $1.2 Billion a year and the so called executives only know one thing, violate contracts and try to turn a profit out of the employee's wallets?

When you are people gonna learn that NO airline has ever been saved from employee concessions alone!
I predict that you will hear about Dave in the next week or so.


TPG bails out RSA in USAirways Chap 11, part Deux...........
When you are people gonna learn that NO airline has ever been saved from employee concessions alone!

When is every thread going to stop being interjected with this same illogical mantra. This one, as odd as it is, was about Dave flying. When are YOU PEOPLE going to learn!
700 Union Worker, I don't understand.

Dave CEO – you complain!
Dave left - you complain!
New guy in - you complain!

What do you want? (I may be opening a can of worms)

I'm beginning to think you (and your type) won't be happy with anyone leading U!
Why don't you quit and do something else? Leave U to the employees that really want to save its legacy.

Seriously, all the negativity, can't be good for your health.

I'm not defending management their many screw-ups speak loud enough. But if you are unhappy and don't like your job - maybe it's time to think about something else.

Good luck and be happy.
UW does not stand for Union Worker.

Maybe you don't understand, NO airline has been saved off the backs of the employees. This company has squandered the billions in givebacks all ready and are coming after more again, it did not work the first two times why would it work the third?

The IAM has given them cost savings ideas of up to $100 million and NOT one has been acted upon. This company has to generate new sources of revenue, not try to turn a profit from the employee's wallets.

I want a management team that respects and adheres to the contracts they signed, I want a management team that has a vision instead of the same plan for two years (get money from employees and violate contracts), I want a management team that leads with inspiration instead of with fear and intimidation. I want a real labor relations department and not one that dreams up of ways to try and circumvent contracts and I want honesty and integrity from management.

It goes back to the old cliché, you catch more flies with honey then with vinegar and all this so called management team has is vinegar.

I am not negative, I am standing up for my rights and coworkers rights and not going to bend over at Bronner's whim everytime he makes a threat or a demand.

And when I work I give it my all and do my job with the best of my ability. I will not be Neville Chamberlain.
The IAM has given them cost savings ideas of up to $100 million and NOT one has been acted upon.

This is what I never understood. If there truly are $100 million in cost saving available what has the IAM been waiting for. The absolute threat of business closure. It like saying there's been $100 million in unneccessary spending this whole time.
openview said:
This is what I never understood. If there truly are $100 million in cost saving available what has the IAM been waiting for. The absolute threat of business closure. It like saying there's been $100 million in unneccessary spending this whole time.
Maybe you need to learn the coporate culture here, the company runs the business and they don't care for when workers come up with sound ideas.

March 15, 2004

Dear Sisters and Brothers,

In response to the demonstrations by IAM members at US Airways’ airport terminals in Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Charlotte and Boston, the airline agreed to meet with the Machinists Union to discuss items IAM members have identified that, if enacted by the company, would provide US Airways with significant cost savings.

The initial meeting took place in Philadelphia on March 10, 2004 when US Airways Corporate Officers, local management and finance personnel met with IAM representatives from Districts 141 and 141-M, local committees and our economic advisor.

Both Districts presented significant cost savings proposals. District 141 identified more than a dozen items that would save the company money. District 141-M explained the significant cost savings the company could realize by repairing certain aircraft components in-house with IAM members instead of shipping the components to vendors. IAM and US Airways financial experts are currently working on the valuation of the IAM’s proposal.

US Airways has committed to continue working with the IAM to identify ways to reduce the carrier’s costs. Additional meetings between District 141 and US Airways are already scheduled for the week of March 22 in Philadelphia to continue evaluating and refining our ideas. District 141-M representatives will be meeting with the Senior VP of Maintenance this week in Pittsburgh to further discuss the IAM’s cost saving ideas.

We thank all members that participated in the March 5 demonstrations. Your support and solidarity is what forced US Airways to listen to our ideas.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Scotty Ford
IAM District 141-M

Randy Canale
IAM District 141

From a person who was very involved over the years in showing the company how we can save money:

Posted by repeet
For the last decade we have watched policies and practices slowly enacted that are intrinsically wasteful. We complained. We were told that we didn't understand the big picture. Then we saw these practices take work away from us and out to vendors.

Now, if the work could truly be done by vendors cheaper, then we would have grumbled and reexamined our position. But, what is happening is that something that used to take one of us two to three days to repair, comes back from these vendors with POs attached for thousands of dollars. The company only pays us a little over one thousand per week, gross, and we used to repair it in an average of three days. That’s a saving for each piece, of what contractually IS our work, of one to six thousand dollars per unit. And I'm not talking about a couple of incidents here. The shops alone have been so decimated that were talking about thousand of units a year, if not tens of thousand. So now the company pays the equivalent of a months wages for what we used to do in a week.

So we wrote grievances, with documentation (actual POs) to illustrate our case (which we still have). We were told that we were obstructive, and counter intuitive to the company’s business plans. We were told, as mechanics, that we needed to write a business plan explaining our position, and if it had merit, that the appropriate business response would be made. We did, we even have a Power Point presentation (and still have them). Those business proposals (good thing we have collage graduates and post graduates in our ranks) were sent up the chain of command and disappeared at the vice-presidential level.

So now, with ninety five percent of the work that we used to do being sent out, at a cost of five to thirty times more than it used to cost the company for us to do it, we're being asked for our permission. Permission to be laid off, and the fraction that's left paid substantially less, so the company can "save" more money.

In a pigs eye.
Maybe you need to learn the coporate culture here, the company runs the business and they don't care for when workers come up with sound ideas.

Suggestion Box, "ideas that fly awards", employee suggestions online, individual achievment awards, department recognition awards .... employees are doing it all the time, here and in Co.s all over the world. But it takes a view that its our company together - not its company vs. labor.
You got to be kidding? Lots of employees put in Ideas that Fly only to see them rejected and then six months later those very suggestions just showed up happening with no credit to the teams of employees that came up with it.

And the company has fostered the environment of us vs them with their blatant disregard of collective bargaining agreements and the lack of morale at this company due to the likes of glass.

You just don't understand as you probably have not lived it.
I know hundreds of employees that made thousands in merchandise awards from the ideas that fly program.

If the company is truly as conniving, disregardful and deceptive as you say, why work for such a place?
To make them adhere to the agreements they signed, to just leave would make them win.

Has to be accountibility and you keep deflecting the real issue at hand.
well keep up the crusade. Maybe someday all "us people" will finally see that the real issue is its all managements fault and the concession stand is closed.

After UAir fails you can expand the crusade to one of the other many failing airline management teams or even convince those poor underpaid delusionaly-content jblue employees what then need to be jacked about.

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