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Show Mcie Your Love

Thanks for reminding us of the great posts, The TWU has done a great job under the circumstances, The members of Local 530 are great and should be commended for the great job they are doing. With their support, we all know we have a future at AA at this time. As things improve and third party vendors increase costs, the members of the TWU know they worked hard, to have the opportunity to return to work at AA.
Received: 10/21/04 14:36:18 EDT
Name: bagdad bob
Employer: aa
Location: sfo

Hey MCI, everheard the saying " what goes around, comes around"? Thanks for all of your help in getting AMFA in! Thanks for nothing. You folks couldn't read the writing on the wall if it was read to you!!! You should have looked at what was happening to the rest of your sad twa airline assets under AA's ownership. I am just surprised that they didn't close you completely down. Mark my words, they have plans to use you as pawns again to screw the rest of us. You had an oppurtunity of a lifetime and BLEW IT!!!!! And we are left holding the bag. Sign your AMFA card!!!!!!! and send it in!!!!!!!!!! Since you are only on layoff, you are still eligible to vote in the upcoming election. This is a golden moment to redeem yourself. And all you IAM dreamers, I only have one thing to say, "NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN!" So do what you can while you can. TWU has gotta go!!!!!!!!! Sign your card and send them in. Your gonna get counted whether you like it or not, so help those who are left....
Received: 10/22/04 15:40:53 EDT
Name: Stl mech
Employer: AA
Location: STL
Why didnt you guys at MCI want AMFA?.....Now you see whats happening...AA is basically trying to eliminate any TWA remnants...in cahoots with the TWU. MCI people do not ever trust the TWU.....the rest of us have figured it out, now for you guys its just too late. 400 mechanics at MCI and 200 at STL...and look at all the stuff we already gave up. Get ready for the downward spiral. In STL there will be some supervisors getting laid off as well...thats the only bright spot in this whole thing...some of the younger supervisors there do not know anything about airplanes.
Received: 10/21/04 23:25:47 EDT
E-Mail: Men are the real "kittycats".com
Employer: SWA
Location: DAL
Oh the poor AA AMT at DFW. Did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry that you're a yes voting,coward,scab of a loser. Your TWU sold you down the river and AA/TWU people are still getting layed off. You didn't sign your AMFA card so you are getting what you deserve AMT-DFW!
Received: 10/23/04 15:57:58 EDT
Name: line amt
Employer: aa
Location: northeast
I hope our slashing of MCI and STL show that concessions do not save jobs. I know these guys by percentage voted yes because they were told it would save thier job. Now the class 2s will be looked at more of vote yes to save your job! Guys sometimes keeping a career intact is more important than saving a job. So thank you yes voters for giving away contract language that a strike might not even get back. They all said AMFA lays off ,TWU saves jobs! Well the twu realizes they made a mistake. Both the way they handeled the concessions and the hypocracy of saying AMFA dumps jobs for wages. Hey we could go to 23/hr to save those TWA jobs but they finally realize corperate wel-fare only makes the guys getting hit happy and pisses off the other 90% of your workforce. So yes downsizing was always the answer and our line presidents knew it. Dipshit randy mcdonald and MCIs president led the way of lies following the greed of dues to the intl. They bought themselves a year and took 50 years of lang from us to do it. Ps twa we warned yea, air cal,reno ...etc if we buy it we butcher it. AA seems not to merge but just consume digest and dump
Received: 10/23/04 18:18:12 EDT
Name: Retired and Grateful
Employer: EX- OZA,TWA and AA
Location: Just South of The Hogs Breath
TO:VMMURDOCK! Hey MR.V I agree with you. Man those guys at MCI did it to themselves, but you just cant fix stupid. I know it's easy to point the finger than to put blame where blame is. Now ole AA will give those STL and MCI the real finger and the boot. AMFA will get in at AA someday, I feel you'll be there to see it' as for me the Sun, sand and the ocean are my work cards. If you get to Key West FLA come to Smokey Joe's or the Hogs Breath Saloon. I sit up on the upper level with some crazy blonde from Riverside CA. Keep up the the persuit!
Received: 10/22/04 02:37:47 EDT
Name: wmmurdoch
Employer: AA
Location: AFW
To Retired and grateful, and Bagdad Bob!

Retired has missed the essential point that saving TWA in 2001 was what got us into this mess to begin with! Bob you are correct in that MCI and STL were key to getting this contract shoved down our throats, and were of little help in throwing the bums out! The next essential question Bob is what other suprizes does out Team TWU hold in store for us? The union scares me more than the company does! Again TM thanks for the forum, hope all is well!

How much longer are you AA guys going to blame your woes on TWA?!!!! How much did it cost to buy TWA? Do you think that what is left of TWA cost AMR that $214 million it lost this last quarter? And can you really blame billions (thats with a B) of $$$ in looses the last few years on the TWA buyout? Give me a break. How can you justify it is still TWA's fault for all of this is beyond me. Don't get me wrong in that the buyout turned out to drain some now much needed cash from AMR, but there is no way it can be argued that AMR would not be in trouble now if it had not bought TWA.
Received: 10/23/04 22:35:28 EDT
Name: line amt
Employer: aa
Location: northeast
To the twa poster: I agree it is not TWAs fault we are in the shape we are in. I realize the 3.5 billion we paid for you should have been spent on winglets and fuel hedges till 2008!
My only #### is your blind faith from a twu organization we were screaming warning bells about led you to slaughter our contract, then they pushed you lemmings off the nearest cliff.
I realize the govt and other factors are putting the hurt on the airline but your yes votes hurt me personally. I hope the class 2s and ovhl realize this game and learn that cuts in the planning are coming anyway. no concessions,downsize it! We just wasted 20 years of concessions for what more room in coach while our competitors were full? No fuel hedge? Buying another airline like we needed more lift or gates res offices and hangers? Seeing mgmt keep thier language{sick,vacation..etc. Guys when the intl blocks locals from visiting each other during meetings on a up coming vote yea need to wake up! I am sorry for the familys of all effected airline workers this holiday season. Hell all un employed workers period! Wether its nestlie leaving fulton ny for brazil or maytag leaving detroit for mexico its all the same. mcds and wal-mart is not the american dream despite that stupid ad. Tm nice photos and thanks for your time and space!
local 12 proud Yesterday, 10:57 AM Post #13

Rank: Senior Member
Group: Founders Club
Posts: 495
Joined: 5-March 04
Member No.: 3,576

no sympathy here for drippy and the other twu bootlickers, HEY DRIPPY ENJOY YOUR EXTENDED VACATION! oh yea what is your senority date at AA?
Checking it Out said:
Thanks for reminding us of the great posts, The TWU has done a great job under the circumstances, The members of Local 530 are great and should be commended for the great job they are doing. With their support, we all know we have a future at AA at this time. As things improve and third party vendors increase costs, the members of the TWU know they worked hard, to have the opportunity to return to work at AA.

Yeah, the TWU is still going to save everyone a job!

Tell us CIO, besides your step-daughter, how many other relatives of yours did we subsidize jobs for with industry leading concessions and screwing good mechanics out of their seniority?

Tell the truth now, we are all watching.
Drippy Quill said:
Dave, how many days of furlough have you faced?

According to you and the TWU, without concessions, I faced a lifetime of furlough days?????
Drippy Quill said:
OK...now ....*slowly*..how many days have you been furloughed in your tenure with AA?

You must be referencing your tenure with TWA under the "representation" of the Association known as the IAM.

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