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You guys are too damn funny...you go on about the TWU this and the TWU that and in reality the TWU has given you how many years of uninterrupted service...go cry me a river. Truth is you have been spoon fed by the company and by the TWU for so long you forgot their is a real world out there with adversities.

Try this biggun...get furloughed , knowing you'll have no more medical for your family, the day you walk out the door...now that's worth complaining about...not your spineless snivelling...you suck.
Drippy Quill said:
You guys are too damn funny...you go on about the TWU this and the TWU that and in reality the TWU has given you how many years of uninterrupted service...go cry me a river. Truth is you have been spoon fed by the company and by the TWU for so long you forgot their is a real world out there with adversities.

Try this biggun...get furloughed , knowing you'll have no more medical for your family, the day you walk out the door...now that's worth complaining about...not your spineless snivelling...you suck.

You know something Drippy? For the most part and I am very sympathetic about the loss of employment those at MCI are about to suffer. You on the other hand, are one that I find difficult to acquire any compassion for at all.

Do you really think the answer to your problem is to advocate the same fate for others? You are a much bigger fool and a much more bitter person than I thought.

You should seek counsel with the Lord at your Local Church, maybe that will calm your bitter heart, and give you hope. Until then, I don't feel sorry for you, but your wife and kids, well, let's just say, they have more problems than your unemployment to deal with, and I do have great sympathy for their current position.

Good Luck, I hope you are rewarded by the Golden Rule as you go forward. And take notice now, that this reward will likely be much more pleasant to accept if you would treat others the way you wish to be treated. If you currently live that way, I fear you are in for more trouble than just unemployment. Because your hateful and bitter heart is supressing any good you have within you.

In simple terms...

Replace that Fear, Hate and Anger

with a little

Love, Peace, and Hope.
Drippy Quill said:
You guys are too damn funny...you go on about the TWU this and the TWU that and in reality the TWU has given you how many years of uninterrupted service...go cry me a river. Truth is you have been spoon fed by the company and by the TWU for so long you forgot their is a real world out there with adversities.

Try this biggun...get furloughed , knowing you'll have no more medical for your family, the day you walk out the door...now that's worth complaining about...not your spineless snivelling...you suck.

Yes we go on about the TWU this and the TWU that, but the reality that you fail to acknowledge is that the TWU that you now adore has provided uninterrupted concessions since 1983. That is the reason we were not furloughed. The TWU bought our jobs from the company, just like they bought yours. Now that you have been abused by two industrial unions who have failed to honor the preamble of the Constitution of the AFL-CIO, you want to take it out on AMFA. I will remind you again that AMFA has not been on the property at American Airlines. If anyone sucks it is the TWU.
Facts remain dummies...you have no idea what a furlough involves...and you have the TWU to thank. If that is "to advocate the same fate for others" in your eyes then you sir are the one that needs to find God, my point is as plain as the nose on your face...kinda ugly huh?
Drippy Quill said:
You guys are too damn funny...you go on about the TWU this and the TWU that and in reality the TWU has given you how many years of uninterrupted service...go cry me a river. Truth is you have been spoon fed by the company and by the TWU for so long you forgot their is a real world out there with adversities.

Try this biggun...get furloughed , knowing you'll have no more medical for your family, the day you walk out the door...now that's worth complaining about...not your spineless snivelling...you suck.

The problem with your kind drippy is you never took a stand against TWA or the iam, and they shoved it up your a$$ so far you can't see the forest through the trees. Your tough-guy iam along with management bent you over time after time with out a fight. They continously had you buying the false promise that you must grab your concessionary ankles over and over.....to save your job.....and you can now see where that got you. Didn't work did it? How many times do you have to be told? Did it sink in yet?

You could have pushed for AMFA at TWA, who would at least have fought that bastard Icahn to the bitter end. Which as you can see, this is what it going to take. Its a sad day when Flight Attendants of this industry have to show us bad AMT MFer's how to stop being the pussies that our afl-cio non-leaders have turned us into. The "girls" have far more "stones" than we do, and we need to hang our head in shame in their presence.

You want to talk spinless sniveling, you better look in the mirror first "bigun". TWA just got banged again, and now its too late, the party is over for you I'm afraid. As much as you might think it, for what its worth, I am not happy about it. :angry:
Drippy Quill said:
Facts remain dummies...you have no idea what a furlough involves...and you have the TWU to thank. If that is "to advocate the same fate for others" in your eyes then you sir are the one that needs to find God, my point is as plain as the nose on your face...kinda ugly huh?

I guess being on expert on furloughs, is a good thing?

You took furloughs and we took concessions both of us are in an AFL-CIO union.
You're as dumb as you are big Hackoff...the amfa would have fought Icahn my @$$. amfa can't fight nothing, hasn't fought nothing, and isn't going to fight anything or anyone. You and yours couldn't hold a candle to the TWAers, that's a fact. You and yours have proven through your votes how you fight, sad isn't it...you're a loser, face it homie.

Remember your production going up after we set new standards..oh yeah...we don't know nothing right. Maybe now you'll be able to get back to your old standards.
Drippy Quill said:
You're as dumb as you are big Hackoff...the amfa would have fought Icahn my @$$. amfa can't fight nothing, hasn't fought nothing, and isn't going to fight anything or anyone. You and yours couldn't hold a candle to the TWAers, that's a fact. You and yours have proven through your votes how you fight, sad isn't it...you're a loser, face it homie.

Remember your production going up after we set new standards..oh yeah...we don't know nothing right. Maybe now you'll be able to get back to your old standards.

Yea your record breaking production numbers really paid off, now didn't they!
Buck said:
I guess being on expert on furloughs, is a good thing?

You took furloughs and we took concessions both of us are in an AFL-CIO union.

No Buck, furloughs are not a good thing, however, the price of fuel is governing our industry more so than the outsourcing currently...something has to give, and it isn't the price of tickets...now that's what sux!
Drippy Quill said:
You're as dumb as you are big Hackoff...the amfa would have fought Icahn my @$$. amfa can't fight nothing, hasn't fought nothing, and isn't going to fight anything or anyone. You and yours couldn't hold a candle to the TWAers, that's a fact. You and yours have proven through your votes how you fight, sad isn't it...you're a loser, face it homie.

Remember your production going up after we set new standards..oh yeah...we don't know nothing right. Maybe now you'll be able to get back to your old standards.
Yeah, and the rest of the 8 AMFA airlines mechanics are dumb too, aren't they dippy? You got rocks in ya mellon grampa. Be sure to load up on the Geritol when your working at Wally World changing oil and tires until your 75.

AMFA went to a PEB, and the mechanics at NWA were rolling tools boxes out the door in anticipation of a strike. I personally helped a NWA friend of mine unload his at his home. AMFA instead they cam away with a contract that NONE of the industrial union dinosaurs could believe or match. The raised the bar too far for the twu, iam or the ibt. AMFA has fought for its members, the airlines not in BK are still making top wages. No concessions. The way its should be. If the furloughed AMT's get called back, it won't be for OSM pay. We at AA have had the SRP/OSM lower class since 1995, was it fuel that cause this twu sell-out too moron? Its always some crisis that causes the twu to bend over to keep those dues coming in.

Hey dippy, enjoy your semi-retirement. 😛 😀 😛

Set some new standards at Wally World, get your name on the Marque: Drippy Quill is the fastest tire and oil changer in KC, come see his new standards! :up: :up: :up:
...and you're dumb enough to brag about a union that has an average of 40% outsource and how many furloughed before the price of fuel had made an impact?

BTW dummie...I won't have to work...HAHAHAHA!!!!...Years of taking it in the pooper have paid off well....thank you IAM...market been berry berry goot to me...HAHAHA!!!...time to go enjoy life while continuing my personal crusade against midgets...
amfa's woeful record.... 🙁
"amfa has done nothing to stem the bleeding of jobs at NWA and UA. Under amfa's watch, NWA has shed 4,000 maintenance jobs and closed down a major base in Atlanta.
amfa's record at UA is even worse, where it has dumped 6,000 maintenance jobs and closed bases in Oakland and Indianapolis. In addition, it did nothing when UA outsourced $2,000,000,000 in aircraft maintenance work to Pratt & Whitney over the next ten years. And more recently, amfa agreed to allow UA to cut retiree health benefits by more than $50,000,000.
amfa's record at Alaska Airlines isn't much better. This month, Alaska announced it is immediately closing its heavy maintenance base in Oakland, eliminating 340 amfa represented mechanics' jobs. That work is being outsourced to non-union Goodrich in Seattle."

My heart goes out to those that are about to lose their jobs. I for one, do know whats it like to be furloughed unlike some of these elitist pricks. Thanks for your help in fighting off the scabs. Take care!
Drippy Quill said:
Drippy will still fight AMFA...the truth will be heard...HAHAHA!!!

You fighting AMFA is a good thing Drippy. Every organization requires scrutiny. However that fact remains, that no matter what you do or say you have no vote in their operation. Fight away. If this is what your semi-retiement is about, then have a good one.
Drippy will be back....we know the way to TULE and AFW. And do forgive me if I find time to keep the anti-AMFA campaign alive and well.

Scrutiny is good Buck...and if someday, through my daily readings of AMFA sites, I find good in AMFA I will announce that also...but so far all I have seen is a billboard that was a positive move.

Not that I'd want/desire to see any of ya'll furloughed, but I believe you'd tone down your crying a bit if ya have ever pulled your kids out of schools due to it, or suffered a personal BK over it, or worse...divorce, suicide...but the truth is that the high % of ya'll have never lost one damn dollar to a furlough...but yet you cry about the awful TWU and it's concessions...Jesus, Mary, and Joseph...give me strength...

...what an eye opener for the NWA and UAL boys huh?

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