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To Bob Owens


Aug 20, 2002
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Bob Owens Quote:
Lakeguy67, as for your question why did your union insist to staple the TWA employees to the bottom of the seniority rosters, so they get laid off first while junior AA emmployees are still employed? They did this because that is what the members wanted. Over the last few years many TWA workers saw the writing on the wall that the company would fail so they made the jump to AA. Giving up all their seniority and starting at the bottom again. We also saw many workers who had many years at EAL, Pan AM and other carriers that came to AA and started off with nothing. It was felt among the AA workers that TWA workers who failed to read the writing on the wall should not come over to AA and displace an AA worker.
Mr. Owens:
Do you mean that ALL USAIR mechanics should jump ship now instead of voting NO on concessions? How many jobs are there to be had right now Bob?
Or should they hang around and put up a fight,just to lose their seniority in an acquisition because they should have seen the writing on the wall?
You provide a double edged position.
You want them to stay and fight with a NO CONCESSIONS vote to protect your interest.
Then if the airline gets acquired, you will assist in arguements that favor loss of seniority for staying and fighting.
What Gives Bob?
[P][STRONG][FONT color=#ff3300]Bob also said it would be better if US Airways went out of business and he would welcome U's AMT to AA with open arms.[/FONT][/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG][FONT color=#003399]Well how is that going to happen when AA is grounding 74 F100s and nine ex-TWA 767-300s and laying off 7,000 people?[/FONT][/STRONG][/P]
[P][STRONG]It is quite clear Mr Owens is in this to ensure his survival and not a trade unionist. He also fails to support his own membership that work at US, i.e. Flight Dispatchers and Flight Crew instructors.[/STRONG][/P]

It will not take the average person very long to conclude that Bob, while a good writer of words, often comes up rather short on logic and common sense.

Most of us have a name for those that stake out positions with words and literature, yet have obvious actions that speak much louder. In the interest of public policy and bulletin board rules, I will not use these common names as posted material.

I think each person involved in this industry can make up their mind and vote according to personal positions. Maybe Bob forgets that even if this current USAIR concession voting passes, the restructuring agreement has more pay increases in the 6 years, than the 1995 AA/TWU six year agreement had, and does NOT include some under classmen called Shop Repair Persons. I believe Bob's employment station at JFK overwhelmingly approved of that concessionary agreement during better economic times than we face today.

Just something to think about!
Hey Bob !!! The phone is ringing over in your office...Mr Carty would like to discuss voluntary wage concessions with you...Our recommendation is Just say no...Here come the judge...
And just think.

Bob, has accused others of ducking out of debate when things dont go their way.

Funny how human nature causes each of us to point out character flaws that oneself usually exhibits.

Must take living it to be the expert in it!
What do you think of someone who says to vote YES just so he can complain about how inferior the contract is, come on now dont WAFFLE!
So, how is the RTW movement doing in TULSA?
If I remember correctly JFK rejected the agreement by a wide margin. The biggest question was how did we get 200 Yes votes out of around 1000 eligible?
Its something to see you allied with one of those Industrial Unionist that you are always railing about. Why dont the two of you get to know each other a little better? I'll leave this thread so you can. I could post both your names but the administrator will just edit it out. Bye!
I have no opinion regarding your choices.

I do have a question with respect to Mr. Owens and your judgements of him: If you would accuse him of ulterior motive because he does not work for U but states his opinion about your situation, why would you not apply the same standard to someone that claims to be a passenger but asks that you take concessions? Could it be that their ulterior motive is to continue the process of your concessions financing their cheap tickets?

It appears that only those with whom you disagree have evil intentions while those that agree are welcomed; cloved hooves and all.
Hey Lakeguy;
Why dont you go to RV4s website. I'm sure you could have some great discussions. Let him tell you about his successful drive to make Oklahoma at RTW state!
????????? BOB

What does RTW in Oklahoma have to do with those of us in the airline industry working under the RLA? I notice that when you have no answer to simple questions, you always resort to politics and meaningless jargon. FEAR, FEAR , FEAR, the Donkey Way to success.

And what does it have to with your double edged rhetoric? You never answered, should the USAIR mechanic quit now, or wait for someone like you to blame him for not leaving when you staple him to the bottom of a seniority list? Where should those that wish to have seniority apply today Bob?

I think your seniority position is more anti-airline worker than anything the National RTW Committee could dream-up.


Should the USAIR Mechanics quit now because the writing is on the wall? Or should they stick it out and risk others like you eliminating their seniority? Should the government take over the airlines and provide us all jobs in a socialized industry?

And could you please clue us in as to when the AA mechanics should consider a jump ship strategy so as to not be striken of our seniority because we were to out of touch?

Dont duck out now BOB, it is just getting interesting in this ever changing industry.
May as well close this thread!

Bob has ducked out...

... due to unfavorable positioning