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Shareholders Meeting

You're a good man for standing your ground 28L. Again, I'm not advocating anything against anyone except our current government is to blame for a lot of the BS we deal with, including high fuel prices that THREATEN OUR JOB SECURITY, and our very way of life. Not to mention the blacks, Jews, Italians, and Arabs that are getting killed for no reason in Iraq.

It is regretful that you can't hammer out these issues with your family, as they are the most important people in our lives.
They needed a gag for that woman ahha!

I want to see that woman and Parker in a steel cage. 2 in, one out! WWF style haha!
One warning this thread is about the share holders meeting. If you want it to stay open stay on that topic. Remarks about people should be left out of this.
I'm stunned....just stunned. Stunned is the only word to describe how.....STUNNED I am. Did I mention I was stunned? I walked away like.... :blink: :huh: :blink:
you must have liked the Golden Girls episode with Blanche... that was a funny one
from what i was told. this sort of crazyness happens at most shareholders meetings at other companies so it's not uncommon. i also was told that shareholders meetings are a complete waste of time because of these type of occurences. needles to say that these meetings are least liked by senior management.
Evelyn Davis has been giving US CEO's the business for years. She is a minor share holder (100) shares and does this kind of thing all the time going back to Scholfield and then Wolf. One time Wolf even joked about her.
Evelyn's life is about disrupting shareholder meetings. It's not just airlines.

Meetings produce some good theater, but are for the most part an outdated function. Once large scale institutional ownership of companies came about, the voice of the small shareholder stopped mattering.
Is anyone else having trouble launching the webcast? I go through the steps and when the webcast window appears and I play it all I get is a little static and then it seems to stop. I'm using a mac and have tried using both Safari and Firefox.
Is anyone else having trouble launching the webcast? I go through the steps and when the webcast window appears and I play it all I get is a little static and then it seems to stop. I'm using a mac and have tried using both Safari and Firefox.

Airline stock prices are up today on the dip of the price of oil except for US. Perhaps the investor meeting is a shameful distraction and now they will have technical problems with the audio.

But hey! My stock is through the roof today! Canadian Superior Energy
Is anyone else having trouble launching the webcast? I go through the steps and when the webcast window appears and I play it all I get is a little static and then it seems to stop. I'm using a mac and have tried using both Safari and Firefox.
I was able to launch it with the new Firefox 3.0 beta yesterday, but needles to say I’m running XP Pro as my OS.
Evelyn's life is about disrupting shareholder meetings. It's not just airlines.

She kind of reminds me of the people who show up to our homeowners' association meetings to stir things up. People like that really have too much time on their hands, and need to get a life. (Of course, the same thing could probably be said about people who argue with each other on internet message boards. :lol: )

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