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Shareholders Meeting

Seymour Licht is the name of the male yelling and yes, he did say America West. He has been showing up at these meetings for quite awhile. Google his name to obtain more information.
Seymour Licht was the disgruntled investor who appeared at the investor meeting that took place immediately before the announcement of the US-HP merger. Rumors at that time indicated that a merger would surely take place. He adamantly stated that the employees would be the victims of this merger. Doug Parker walked up to him and screamed that he would defend his employees. The crowd cheered. Dr. Licht was correct. The employees are the victim of this botched merger. Doug Parker did not do right by his employees. Now one may ask, "Is this man a jackass posing as an imbecile or an imbecile posing as a jackass?" He could be a visionary; he did get the call right regarding employees.

If he was really smart, he would have sold his holdings soon after the failed Delta merger/Doug DUI. Same for Ms. Davis. Buy low, sell high.
Actually the employees still have JOBS and MR Seymour could have mad a mint if he had sold sfter the merger. He is a complete idiot, probably owns 10 shares.
Good grief. Was this supposed to be a business-like shareholders meeting? It came across more like an episode of Jerry Springer!

Oh well, the way this airline has become I guess if the shoe fits....

When I'm Seymour's age, I hope to God that I'm sitting by a cool stream with fishing pole in my hand and not in some crappy shareholder's meeting in hotter than hell Arizona yelling like a crazy bastard.
Sounds like the meeting was a three ring circus. Or I guess a four one if you count Doug and Elise along with the two other wackos. I'm not going to bother listening to the poor-quality audio..thanks for the review, those that already suffered through it. Hopefully, there will be some sort of information (good or bad) that comes out of all the tomfoolery.

All I know about US stock is that I'm glad I sold every stinkin' bit I had the day it hit $80 per share way back under Rocky and Bullwinkle. Haven't bought one single share since then and never plan to.
I give this management team credit for being consistent.

It seems they ran the annual meeting about as professionally as they run the airline.....

Is ANYONE surprised?

Seriously though,

Did anything substantial come out of the debaucle?
Did anything substantial come out of the debaucle?

Absolutely nothing. If anything of interest was to be gained I'd sure like to know. Besides the two shareholders yelling the audio cut in and out with 10 second pauses at times. It was a joke. I understand it wasn't a town hall but many questions being asked could NOT be answered. It WAS priceless though hearing Ms. Davis telling parker that he was pretty much inept and not talented enough to run a world class airline. PRICELESS! ! ! ! :lol: 🙄
I'm jealous. Nothing exciting ever happens at AMR stockholder meetings. Just one rubber stamp motion after another followed by a "new" plan for executive bonusses which passes unanimously. <_<
How about when she told him this is was worst audio sound system she had every seen at a stockholers meeting! :up: I bet Doug ran out of there so fast! The whole thing was just a train wreck.

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