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Shareholders Meeting

it was a complete and utter joke.

Outside of the airline industry - shareholder meetings are jokes. Look at the Disney meeting in Philly a couple years back when Comcast tried to buy Disney. Look at Exxon meeting just recently. How do you think Citibank, Wachovia, Lehman, etc. shareholder meetings just went.

If the meeting went perfectly I think most of you would say it was a joke. I don't think these are fair jabs without taking shareholder meetings in context of others.
Although I'd like to remind folks there is nothing world class about United. Parker and his folks have about 1000x more class, a better attitude and a more human tone when it comes to dealing with employees and customers. Tilton is an animal (the one you call the new a321). I really don't get what the big deal is about United? I'd be a little more careful if Doug Parker wanted to take on an international airline like Singapore of Lufty, but when it comes to UA- Parker would have brought back 'cool' to United .

OMG, I don't know where to begin. :blink: :huh: :wacko:
There should be more shareholders like Ms. Davis at these meetings. Ms. Davis has every right to question the BOD with her concerns. She has concerns with BOD having a 3 year term. She has concerns over non paper certificates. The list goes on but give the woman credit for flying out to the west coast to voice her opinions. She and others have invested mucho into Usairways and have lost mucho.

Bravo, Ms. Davis.
I listened again and when I got what she was actually saying your right! BRAVO! She is the lone voice holding these monkeys feet to fire! While eccentric, her message is spot on and so is the other guys! How about the BOD asking they vote against there proposals because they were inconvenient. I am glad they passed. SHOVE IT DOWN THIER THROAT! She was none to happy about them having the meeting the same day as CO. Loved her saying "OUTRAGOUS and I know your hiding something"....I thought she was going to take her white gloves off and slap Doug...LOL
Seymour Licht is the name of the male yelling and yes, he did say America West. He has been showing up at these meetings for quite awhile. Google his name to obtain more information.
I have to say I have a bit of respect for Seymour... at the merger announcement he screamed at Dougie and told him he basically did not care about the employee's....he called it like it was/is....
There is a huge lobby of European Jews in the government and that hold the majority of the cash on the east coast. A lot of them lobby for people in power.

Not being anti-semetic, just stating the facts.

Oh... good God 🙁 Every so often someone writes something on this board and it brings me to tears. I'm not even a Jew but you are breaking my heart. You know you work with Jews every day on the PHX ramp. Many are team leads. You probably don't even know who they are. I would die for any of those guys.
And I for them!

I'm just saying fools like this LICHT are a major problem for this country. More importantly, OUR JOBS!!!

If you can't sit in a meeting and have a discussion among professionals, like ADULTS then why come? This is indicitave of a much larger problem.
Oh, what, Robert? Just because someone says something you don't like, you have to call a moderator?
Im not advocating any form of racism, or whatever else you may be implying, but if you look at the bigger picture, there is a REASON our gas prices are through the roof, and a lot of people hate our government right now.
Bunch of rich Jews, this country is corrupt.

There is a huge lobby of European Jews in the government and that hold the majority of the cash on the east coast. A lot of them lobby for people in power. *CoughREPUBLICANS*

Not being anti-semetic, just stating the facts.

This Seymour Licht sounds like a babbling fool. After listening to his babble and this other woman, it is now clear to me that our shareholders are idiots.

If that sounds like Bigotry to you, I suggest you take a history lesson, it will blow your mind.

And I for them!

I'm just saying fools like this LICHT are a major problem for this country. More importantly, OUR JOBS!!!

If you can't sit in a meeting and have a discussion among professionals, like ADULTS then why come? This is indicitave of a much larger problem.

With every post, you're revealing yourself as more and more of a bigot. Quit now before you go down the paths of watermelon, June Cleaver, 7-11 workers, laundry owners and cab drivers. Have I left out any groups you possibly want to offend? Sheesh. It's like being on a message board with Archie Bunker. This is 2008, not 1850. The Emancipation Proclamation and the Civil Rights Bill are both firmly established.
Well, Im voting for Obama, it's time we had a leader who can open people's eyes to the nonsense we have been spoon fed for the last 8 years.

Oh, wait, isn't he black? Hmm, if I were a blind racist, why would I vote for him? I wonder?

You can call me whatever, but these are not views I sit around and make up. Take a history lesson on the middle east, specifically Israel. Right after WW2. Some messed up things happend around that time, and the US got drug into it.
I don't happen to feel this forum is the appropriate place to debate the fine points of the alledged Judeo-Comminist Conspiracy. I would love to debate your patently false statements. In fact I'd look forward to exposing you for what you are. Just not here.

Piney, let me tell ya something. I've got family that I have cut off contact with on this very issue. The Jews, Blacks and Italians were the reason for all their ills and I just had to walk away. A guy can only take so much. I'm a Jew-lover and an n-lover (as the family has let me know) , as they say, but what the heck. To thine own self be true. I love Blacks. I love Jews. I love Puerto Ricans. I love Italians. I love everybody.
For once, I say get back on topic.

More about the 'diminutive' woman that scared Parker. Did he hide under a table, did he cry Mama?

That is what I want to know.

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