Seperation of Authority - Trump thinks the Justice Department should be Political.

Well...First off, I'd keep my daughter out of my business. If I put her out there, then she is ripe to be "probed" (and he already said if she wasn't his daughter, he wouldn't mind probing her himself). Same thing for his sons....don't make them advisors.

I agree with you about Melania. I feel kind of sorry for her - but I'm betting that she will be making YUGE donations to his opponents campaign so that she can divorce him about 20 minutes after his successor says "so help me God".

Personally, I don't think Trump has any friends...only people foolish enough to get clo$e because of money.

But we did have another president who had every orifice of his and his wife probed for 8 years. A president whose daughter was called a "dog" by the most listened to host on the EIB network. And his behaviour remained - adult.

Then we had his last opponent. I didn't vote for her, but you want to talk about rough treatment - did you not watch that 11 hour long republican grill fest of Hillary. She lasted over 11 hours and remained - an adult. How long do you thing Trump would last with similar treatment? My money is on "less than 45 minutes".
Obammy almost always rushed to judgement before knowing all the facts, like a good leftist does. Inject the race card, hate the police, and get that racism juice going. Here, he even states he doesn't know all the facts, but the "cops acted stupidly". Adult? I think not.

Good thing Trump was the only one......

You forget the foreign born thing grew out of the Hillary campaign?

Doesn't matter where it started - Obama behaved like an adult. Toward HIllary and toward the man child in New York.
Well prosecutor KCFrier, you didn't quantify your charges, what behavior is he guilty of. Tweets? Drinking Diet Coke? Farting in bed? What?

I suspect because he won the election and beat the Hildabeast, and no matter what he does for the country, he is "behaving like a child". Similar to when Trump was hanging out in NYC with Jessie Jackson, he was a great benefactor to the black race, but now that his in as republican POTUS, he's a evil racist Nazi and is killing blacks. Switched sides real quick.

Your like MSLSD's Crissy "thrill up my leg" Mathews , throw out charges and see what sticks.

I'll ask it again....if you came across a 72 year old man who acted just like the child in the white house, would you consider that normal behavior. My grandfather didn't act that way when he was 72. Neither did my father. Neither does the old man who lives behind me. Neither do the kids in Miss Singletary's 7th grade math class.
I'll ask it again....if you came across a 72 year old man who acted just like the child in the white house, would you consider that normal behavior. My grandfather didn't act that way when he was 72. Neither did my father. Neither does the old man who lives behind me. Neither do the kids in Miss Singletary's 7th grade math class.
I'll state it again, a person or persons with TDS and mostly failed polices of elitists are discounted as a whole, you had your say. Leftist minions had 8 years to do something with foreign policy, employment, the economic growth, and they failed, miserably.

Now the elitists on the left and the right are angry that the power they had is slipping away with all of Trumps achievements in less than 2 years. The Trump Train is rolling along, and as much as the far left screams and throws a tantrum, Trump will not be stopped with cowards that write op-ed's from behind the curtain.
I'll state it again, a person or persons with TDS and mostly failed polices of elitists are discounted as a whole, you had your say. Leftist minions had 8 years to do something with foreign policy, employment, the economic growth, and they failed, miserably.

Now the elitists on the left and the right are angry that the power they had is slipping away with all of Trumps achievements in less than 2 years. The Trump Train is rolling along, and as much as the far left screams and throws a tantrum, Trump will not be stopped with cowards that write op-ed's from behind the curtain.

YOu can't even admit that for all the great things that occured despite the dear leader (his aides words in the Woodward book - not mine) he is an unstable, mentally disturbed man child. And trains can run along..just moving down the tracks. Until it derails. And IMHO, when the Trump train derails, people are gonna get hurt. And the odd part is - it will be mostly his supporters.
YOu can't even admit that for all the great things that occured despite the dear leader (his aides words in the Woodward book - not mine) he is an unstable, mentally disturbed man child. And trains can run along..just moving down the tracks. Until it derails. And IMHO, when the Trump train derails, people are gonna get hurt. And the odd part is - it will be mostly his supporters.

Trump book the hottest,trueist thing since sliced bread.......Peter Schwietzers inside the Clintstones finances was total BS........LOL
Trump book the hottest,trueist thing since sliced bread.......Peter Schwietzers inside the Clintstones finances was total BS........LOL

Any inside sources for his book? You do realize that the potential for starting a nuclear war, or getting an ally blown off the map is more "exicting" than debits and credits.
I'm just going to say this is a personal observation. Trump's behavior is a lot like my mother's behavior leading up to us (brothers, sister, and me) having to put her in a nursing home because of advanced Vascular Dementia (the symptoms are the same as Alzheimer's, but the disease process is different.) Mother got extremely paranoid, calling my sister in the middle of the night that someone was trying to break into her house. Mother had a little dog that barked if a leaf moved in the yard. If my sister didn't hear the dog barking she knew to just tell Mother to go back to sleep. We had to put her in full-time nursing care when she reached the point that she couldn't remember how to walk. (She was bedridden for the last 5 years of her life because of the walking issue and she was out of touch with reality most of that time.) She was a teacher, a scientist, and an accomplished musician and ended up like that. I wouldn't wish that condition on anyone including President Trump. If that is his problem, he will not know it, but it will be incredibly painful for his family.
Any inside sources for his book? You do realize that the potential for starting a nuclear war, or getting an ally blown off the map is more "exicting" than debits and credits.
I haven't read it or heard any of the verifications of the content of the Woodward book, but from what has been quoted so far, it sounds similar to all of the other books that have come out. There is a very consistent thread to it all. I'm particularly concerned that one of the U.S. military honchos was ordered by Trump to assassinate Syria's leader, Assad. Now, I don't want to get into a discussion of how much he deserves that end of life (I think he does in spades doubled and redoubled) but...that is not the way the United States operates. Trump has no moral filter whatsoever. If he thinks it sounds like a good idea, he goes with it and tells the world that it was a recommended course of action.
You can't argue with the republicans because they do not believe in FACTS only alternative facts. For proof just read Delldude

Title 2, you just wasted a line of finger energy typing that admonition. I've tried for years to get some people on here cognizant of that fact. I keep telling the guys that don't support Trump that there are two hard and fast rules to follow here. (Yeah, I know. They are all known communists born in a foreign country and here illegally. FAUX news told them so)

1. The Trumpettes minds are made up. Do not attempt to confuse them with facts.
2. Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and it annoys the pig.
Please tell me how it's a corrupt establishment owned entity !

You're REALLY 'reaching way, way over', on that statement ol' buddy.
(Stop smokin' the ' dust ') !
Oh Bears, that bastion of Truth, Justice, and the American Way, commonly called the National Enquirer, told us all several years ago that Hillary is blackmailing the entire FBI. After their fascinating article about the gay squirrels in Central Park mounting an attack on Trump Tower (fortunately unsuccessful. Not a single Russian oligarch tenant was injured), I see no reason to doubt the Hillary story.
Title 2, you just wasted a line of finger energy typing that admonition. I've tried for years to get some people on here cognizant of that fact. I keep telling the guys that don't support Trump that there are two hard and fast rules to follow here. (Yeah, I know. They are all known communists born in a foreign country and here illegally. FAUX news told them so)

1. The Trumpettes minds are made up. Do not attempt to confuse them with facts.
2. Never try to teach a pig to sing. It wastes your time, and it annoys the pig.

Trump is the Anti Christ
Trump is the Anti Christ
YOu might be right

I did a search for "antichrist" and "deceive" and this article, from February 2016 came up. Some excerpts from the article below:

He will be a financial and political genius.

In Daniel 7 he is referred to as the “man of sin, the “little horn.” Daniel wrote, “This horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts.”

He will be boastful and egotistical, a megalomaniac in his quest for world power.

The news media will not be able to resist covering his every move and pronouncement – however outrageous.

Antichrist’s extraordinary ego will soak up the adulation and worship from his followers. Like his father the devil, what he ultimately wants is worship.

Then there was some words for his supporters:

Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.”

But he got the endorsement of the Christian Right. Can't say they weren't warned.
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YOu can't even admit that for all the great things that occured despite the dear leader (his aides words in the Woodward book - not mine) he is an unstable, mentally disturbed man child. And trains can run along..just moving down the tracks. Until it derails. And IMHO, when the Trump train derails, people are gonna get hurt. And the odd part is - it will be mostly his supporters.

I'm sure this will clear up your misconceptions.

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