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US Attorney General Eric Holder to step down

The question becomes how far did they go to advance the administration's cause.

If it can be proven that there was collusion between the IRS and DOJ, which an email audit could easily prove, clearly that's too far even for the liberals to accept.
Meese was around when the plot to trade arms for hostages was hatched. Gonzalez was the one who fought for the US to be allowed to torture prisoners. I'd say their hands were pretty deep in defending and creating an environment where their bosses would be safe. Of course you Wi disagree but what else is new.
Ms Tree said:
Meese was around when the plot to trade arms for hostages was hatched. Gonzalez was the one who fought for the US to be allowed to torture prisoners. I'd say their hands were pretty deep in defending and creating an environment where their bosses would be safe. Of course you Wi disagree but what else is new.
Arguably, the key difference in what Meese and Gonzalez were involved with dealt with issues outside our borders.

Holder's actions (or inactions) were almost entirely directed at US citizens within our borders.

Of the two, I know which one I take more seriously.
As many of you may know I've actually met Eric Holder, We shared a first class row ROC to PHL before he was AG.
Mr Holder is a Hard nosed political animal, apparently of the say anything, do anything variety to further his agenda.
However, he is a very devoted family man, We had just over an hour delay in ROC and every 10 minutes he's call his daughter to let her know he was coming home.
Funny thing was he tirned the conversation from small talk to politics. He wasn't to happy when I told him I was a registered Libertarian. He was very cordial and persistent that I should become a Democrat. He was truly a gentleman that night.
Some of the stuff he has done since make me wonder if he is possessed by aliens now as he doesn't seem at all like the guy I spoke with.
eolesen said:
Arguably, the key difference in what Meese and Gonzalez were involved with dealt with issues outside our borders.

Holder's actions (or inactions) were almost entirely directed at US citizens within our borders.

Of the two, I know which one I take more seriously.
Of course you take it more seriously.  It's against Obama.  Trading arms for hostages sets a bad world precident.  Allowing torture of prisoners sets a bad precident for our US captive soldiers. 
Right, it's only about Obama... Not.

You seriously believe anything that was done to terrorists captured on the battlefield is any different from how they treated prisoners?

Did you miss the videos of dead soldiers being dragged thru Iraqi towns? How about the beheadings? That wasn't retribution for anything the US did -- it's simply how extremists operate. They only know violence. There is no diplomacy or honoring of the Geneva Convention.

Trading arms for hostages? How is that any worse than trading terrorists for hostages, or negotiating with terrorists?...

Holder showed contempt for the Constitution, Congress, due process and the American people. He had no problem inserting himself into the Zimmerman or Michael Brown cases, and had no problem going after reporters who were simply doing their job.
eolesen said:
Right, it's only about Obama... Not.

You seriously believe anything that was done to terrorists captured on the battlefield is any different from how they treated prisoners?

Did you miss the videos of dead soldiers being dragged thru Iraqi towns? How about the beheadings? That wasn't retribution for anything the US did -- it's simply how extremists operate. They only know violence. There is no diplomacy or honoring of the Geneva Convention.

Trading arms for hostages? How is that any worse than trading terrorists for hostages, or negotiating with terrorists?...

Holder showed contempt for the Constitution, Congress, due process and the American people. He had no problem inserting himself into the Zimmerman or Michael Brown cases, and had no problem going after reporters who were simply doing their job.
The US is a land supposedly based on the rule of law.  Torture is not what the US is supposed to stand for.  McCain was a victim of torture and he said it was wrong of the US to do it.  I'll take his word over yours every time when it comes to torture. 
Yes I saw them.  What of it?  They do it so we do it too? 
One was illegal the other was not?  What is wrong with negotiation?  Israel did it with Egypt.  Fighting them has not been successful. 
So did Meese, Gonzalez and a few others.  When you are as ticked off at them as the rest I might give your POV some credence,  Holder screwed up in some big ways in my opinion and I am glad he is gone.  So did others.  The difference is I am willing to call them all out.  You, not so much. 
signals said:
Janet Reno does nothing for you, huh?
I'd guess not seems he's busy rubbing one off thinking about "hill' as he calls that old hag.
(From Techdirt)
Well, you knew it was coming. First, law enforcement trotted out random low level “law enforcement officials” to freak out about Apple and Google’s announced plans to make encryption the default on mobile phones. Then it got taken up a notch when FBI boss James Comey lashed out at the idea, bizarrely arguing that merely encrypting your data made individuals “above the law” (none of that is accurate). And, now, Comey’s boss, Attorney General Eric Holder has stepped up to issue a similar warning. However, Holder has cynically chosen to do so at the Biannual Global Alliance Conference Against Child Sexual Abuse Online. 

At this point, it’s all too predictable that when anyone in power is getting ready to take away your rights, they’ll figure out a way to claim that it’s “for the children!”
SparrowHawk said:
At this point, it’s all too predictable that when anyone in power is getting ready to take away your rights, they’ll figure out a way to claim that it’s “for the children!”
Wow. It has been a while since we agreed on something. You are right that politicians seem to scream that when they want something yet the benefit to our youth never seems to come.
The Terrorists Aren't in the Middle East. They are in Washington, DC and to add insult to injury we as taxpayers pay their salaries.
As for agreement. That's why I became a Libertarian. Any set of beliefs that pisses off both parties for different reasons is probably the right path for the average Joe and Jane.

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