Lets have a Parade

What does that have to do with it?

You guys are soooooo...predictable.
Tris blog was getting boring with you guys patting each on the butt.
Just wondering how deep you you folks swallow.

A reach around would be nice........
Finally....many of these same folks bemoaning the lack of parents at home, or the lack of someone teaching their kid about God in school...or about how cowardly they are to discipline their own kids and blame "someone" for telling them that they can't discipline their kids are counting on said kids to pay THEIR Social Security when they retire, because DESPITE the trappings of wealth, these same people made the choice for a big house and big car, but didn't start planning all that well for their retirement (which those lazy assed kids are going to have to do) - so they are going to NEED that social security check (which will be funded by the paychecks of those lazy assed kids)
Social Security would be flush with cash if our government were not robbing the fund blind.

Instead of our government worrying about it's citizens they are worrying about refugees, illegal aliens, giving billions of dollars to our enemies, and billion of dollars to the UN failure.

Our generation did not do this to our children, the government did by misappropriating funds.

The same government the Democrats think should regulate and control everything.

I really don't want to hear about your opinion on personal financial choices while our government is squandering away our countries wealth and covering a fund we payed into our whole lives with IOU's.

Here is a thought. How about instead of giving Iran billions of dollars of OUR money they pay back some of those IOU's.
[QUOTE="La Li Lu Le Lo, post: 1286079, member: 16756]

I really don't want to hear about your opinion on personal financial choices[/QUOTE]

Who asked what you wanted to hear?
I really don't want to hear about your opinion on personal financial choices while our government is squandering away our countries wealth and covering a fund we payed into our whole lives with IOU's.
That's too bad considering that in the 80's, when Reagan and the republicans "saved" social security by increasing the payroll tax, which was supposed to go to shore up social security. But a funny thing happened on that money's journey to the social security fund....it got diverted to the general fund, where the regular tax dollars went. BUT.....the upside is that all of the sudden, because of all this newfound money, revenues DID increase after the tax cuts of 1981 - so this proved that trickle down worked....AFTER the largest single tax INCREASE in history.

As far as squandering wealth....remember the good old days in 2001 when we got a tax cut and then went to war? REmember 2003 when we started a second war? WE didn't have money to pay for either of them. And you know what? We got ANOTHER tax cut in 2005.

Now the dear leader gave us all a yuge tax cut. And wants to increase military spending by almost a trillion dollars. It's like me saying "I want to buy a new F150" while throwing $100 bills out the window on my way to the dealership. And that's on top of the trillion that the tax cuts cost in the first place. So yeah...let's hear more about "squandering wealth".
That's too bad considering that in the 80's, when Reagan and the republicans "saved" social security by increasing the payroll tax, which was supposed to go to shore up social security. But a funny thing happened on that money's journey to the social security fund....it got diverted to the general fund, where the regular tax dollars went. BUT.....the upside is that all of the sudden, because of all this newfound money, revenues DID increase after the tax cuts of 1981 - so this proved that trickle down worked....AFTER the largest single tax INCREASE in history.

As far as squandering wealth....remember the good old days in 2001 when we got a tax cut and then went to war? REmember 2003 when we started a second war? WE didn't have money to pay for either of them. And you know what? We got ANOTHER tax cut in 2005.

Now the dear leader gave us all a yuge tax cut. And wants to increase military spending by almost a trillion dollars. It's like me saying "I want to buy a new F150" while throwing $100 bills out the window on my way to the dealership. And that's on top of the trillion that the tax cuts cost in the first place. So yeah...let's hear more about "squandering wealth".
What does any of that have to do with us giving Iran billions of dollars?

What does any of that have to do with us giving the UN billions of dollars. It's supposed to be UNITED NATIONS but the UNITED STATES is the one funding most of the damn thing.

What does that have to do with the other examples of our government pissing away billions of dollars at a time for something American citizens never see any benefit from?

As a side note I would like to challenge you to watch this video (fast forward to 1:15) about the UN and give me your thoughts on it. I think she pretty much hit the nail on the head. The UN, the EU.... are both socialist failures. Even if you don't agree with the video at least you will see where I am coming from. You will have a better understanding of my view on the subject.

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What does any of that have to do with us giving Iran billions of dollars?

What does any of that have to do with us giving the UN billions of dollars. It's supposed to be UNITED NATIONS but the UNITED STATES is the one funding most of the damn thing.

What does that have to do with the other examples of our government pissing away billions of dollars at a time for something American citizens never see any benefit from?

As a side note I would like to challenge you to watch this video (fast forward to 1:15) about the UN and give me your thoughts on it. I think she pretty much hit the nail on the head. The UN, the EU.... are both socialist failures. Even if you don't agree with the video at least you will see where I am coming from. You will have a better understanding of my view on the subject.

I guess because a few billion is a drop in the bucket when you just passed a tax cut that will add trillions to the debt.

Those billions we gave to Iran were pretty much what we took from them in 1979 and 1980.

How can I doubt the words of a pretty girl in her living room. But...didn't the UN oppose the war in Iraq (and the spending that went along with it)? We were spending our money in a war that should never have been fought. That's kind of wasteful. It was pretty much pissing away mone that the US didn't have on something that didn't benefit any Americans.

And yes...the EU is a socialist failure (although their school death rates, medical care, and quality of life exceeds that of the US), but trickle down economics is ALSO a failure. That's why I pointed out the "backdoor" tax on Social Security that went to the general fund. That was the largest single tax INCREASE in history that was not supposed to see the general fund, but went there anyways. THAT money is included in the "increased revenue" that the tax cuts supposedly would create (but didn't). No matter how you cut it - just as big a failure as socialism.
I guess because a few billion is a drop in the bucket when you just passed a tax cut that will add trillions to the debt.
That is a few billion PER YEAR using only 2 examples.

Those billions we gave to Iran were pretty much what we took from them in 1979 and 1980.
You forgot about the part where Iran took American hostages.

You also neglected to state that the UN froze Iranian assets in other parts of the world.

You also neglected the fact assets were seized again in 2016.

How can I doubt the words of a pretty girl in her living room.
How can you dismiss what she has to say before listening to her? Pretty closed minded don't you think? I thought you lefties were supposed to be the tolerant open minded ones or at least that is the propaganda the left pushes.

But...didn't the UN oppose the war in Iraq (and the spending that went along with it)? We were spending our money in a war that should never have been fought. That's kind of wasteful. It was pretty much pissing away mone that the US didn't have on something that didn't benefit any Americans.
Who cares. You have a lot of corrupt people getting rich(er) off the UN and US money. Why the hell are we, one country, funding the majority of it?

And yes...the EU is a socialist failure (although their school death rates, medical care, and quality of life exceeds that of the US), but trickle down economics is ALSO a failure. That's why I pointed out the "backdoor" tax on Social Security that went to the general fund. That was the largest single tax INCREASE in history that was not supposed to see the general fund, but went there anyways. THAT money is included in the "increased revenue" that the tax cuts supposedly would create (but didn't). No matter how you cut it - just as big a failure as socialism.
I think citizens of countries hosting Northern African and Middle East "refugees" due UN pressure that have been victims of the insane mass immigration might disagree with you.

Did you even watch the video or did you just dismiss it?

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