- Sep 30, 2003
- 3,997
- 892
- Banned
- #16
I'll say it again, the "petulant children" are on the donkey party Trump Derangement Syndrome resistance side, we see it everyday and it's getting worse.It's okay to not act like a politician. It's something quite different to act like a petulant child.
Sorry your 401k sucked so badly for 8 years.
And don't look now, but our country isn't being brought together by the azhole in chief.
And you are right....if he runs, he most likely will be reelected. Because as it turns out - Idiocracy was a documentary.
People like you just can't get over the Hildabeast lost the election of 2016. It wouldn't matter if Trump cured cancer, you'd say he put doctors out of work. It sure is fun to watch, we see what the left is really about.
So far the leftist playbook is not working, and if the desperate hail mary is another civil war, leftists might want to recruit something other than Antifa.