On 9/8/2002 11:58:30 PM FA Mikey wrote:
The terrorist thing is extreme.
But lets face it. IAM and the former TWers are suing AA and APFA right now. They are looking to bankrupt us. They want all there occupational seniority that the IAM signed off on. And as much money as they can extract from AA and APFA. So this way there in a win win situation. Either they get there seniority and push the AAers to the street and on to reserve while they bide there time on easy street. In the company we built. Or they walk away with $$$$.
Aloha Mike,
You are sounding a little paranoid. All this talk about the poor TWA LLC F/As bankrupting big AA & APFA and getting seniority or walking away with $$$$. What are you talking about. You cant possibly believe that the APFA/AA could lose could you??? Come on look at the Reno case. As you, an APFA Info Rep say,by signing away your rights to seniority. You waived all guarantees to that. You all knew when you waived that, it was to say you had no rights to get it back. If thats true then what are you worried about? Do you believe that it might, just might, not be true? That the only reason the TWA F/As signed off on their rights to seniority in THEIR contract was that their seniority guarantees were REPLACED by the purchase agreement and verbal promises from Carty before the courts. Remember, fair & equitable? Lets see you said, Carty said fair and Equitable Ok so. As far as AA and APA and APFA are concerned. Thats exactly what you got. Fair and equitable is not judged on your scale, but on AA's. They laid out the money and they pay the bills. So, as far as AA,APA, & APFA are concerned, are you concerned what an unbias Judge or Jury might judge on their, scale(s), of justice. You know how the public thinks of CEOs today and the promises made and broken. Enron, Worldcom, Global Crossing, and others. Not a very good climate to say a CEO didnt honor his promise before a court. OK so, wont cut it.
Mikey says,
Please spares me the APFA refused to even meet with the IAM. Like the great white knights there were at the APFA door and on the phone just begging to meet with us. Not true.
Really? You are an APFA Info Rep and you really believe this? So how do you explain the FACT that the APFA did not meet ONCE with the IAM? Was the APFA to busy? I have seen the letters sent to the APFA asking for meetings. All ignored. Mike your the rep, tell us the real reason APFA refused to meet with the IAM with a facilitator as promised by the contract. The courts would like to know.
Mikey says,
I have a feeling that your case like the precedent ones before it. Will not make it. Its line after line of fluff. Did you really read the complaint. If as you say, it wont make it, why all this talk about it bankrupty the APFA & AA, or TWA F/As getting seniority and/or $$$$. Are you getting nervous? Dont worry about the APFA. The $100,000/ month the TWA LLC F/As pay each month in dues should cover court costs. There is no way that the TWA F/As could win so what is your concern then? You dont beleive that there is a chance in hell, (testing the stupid censor), that they might? Do you? Who really cares about occupational seniority? You say, its really not that important. So why worry about it.
ALOHA, 007