azvolfan said:
We here at HP looking for answers to the same questions that I have read on this board. The biggest would ofcourse be the seniority issue. As you can imagine not many here at HP think the date of hire would be very fair. We do hear the rumors that our #1 pilot and #1 f/a would be at the bottom of your seniority lists. If this is followed by letter that would mean that a large number of HP pilots and f/a would loose their jobs when the deal is done. Does anyone think this is fair? I know I don't.
What I would like to see is the separate domiciles kept in tact and anyone in the "new company" who wants to transfer to a different domicile may do so only if a spot is open. When they transfer one of two things should happen:
1. They take with them all seniority and they get placed where they should with
that seniority.
2. Use a weighted average when integrating the seniority lists of the two airlines.
The high seniority people at HP are just as important as the high seniority
people at US. This would give everyone credit for the hard work they have
put in at each of their separate companies.
After all, this is a merger not a buy. That hard work of one group can not be down played over the hard work of another. Both must be treated as equal as possible.
Unfortunately there is no hard fast rule for some of this and time will tell all.
First of all, hello, and welcome to our board. Before I go on, I want you to know that there are alot of troublemakers who, for what ever reAAson, like to throw their venom around. Most are from other airlines, so be aware.
Secondly, I have been painted in a bad light because I speak the truth.
I have heard SOOO much BS about how the top AWA F/A at AWA is sooo junior they will be at the bottom of the list. This is CRAP!! We have f/a's flying with a 99 senority. Unless all your "senior" people have retired, this is bogus.
Friend, I am 100000% for DOH. Not because I stand to gain, but because DOH has been the way through three US Airways mergers. It is dangerous to go against a bylaw when we feel it screws us. The same bylaw YOU feel may screw you screwed me when the Eastern/Trump Shuttle f/as got their EAL senority, knocking me down another 200-300 numbers. Now one could argue that is little, but where do you draw the line? Should the Piedmont, PSA, and Shuttle f/as forego their integrated senority because you guys so happen to be more junior? I can here it now...I am arrogant...WRONG!!! BUT those ARE the bylaws. If this is to be changed, it will be done AFTER we are merged. UAL had a FIT about that bylaw and while they will lie out their teeth about this issue, they sabbatoged that merger and are trying to get rid od AFA mainly because of the DOH isuue, even though they will TELL you it wasn't. And don't forget, ALL that clout and they feel they got NO attention? THEY spirheaded the DOH over at UAL. Well 2-3years has gone by and they STILL haven't decertifyed AFA. Personally, I feel DOH should only be with carriers that are ALREADY AFA. But any effort to decertify AFA on this bylaw is immature and at this point, mute. Sorry, it's reality. Go ahead, trouble makers, throw your daggers. I could give a damn.
So you see, this is an issue for the future. You can not start the slotting thing as there is NOT a judge out there that will break the AFA bylaws. THAT is why we at US didn't fight the EAL/Trump senority.
I feel you need to REALLY listen to what is truthfully said here at US. In 2-5 years when we merge and fences are brought down, the new US Airways will have a different look.
OLD US Airways will retire 1500 pilots in 5 years and 1000 f/as with 1988 and more senior are taking early outs or retiring this year alone. Another 300 are leaving next year.
So when FAMikey and FormermoderAAtor start mouthing off, just remember that they come from their own entitled culture that disrespects others senority and feels stapling to the bottom is fair. Thety will justify their position till the cows come home. I still do NOT undrstand their obsession with US Airways. That IS NOT the policy with US Airways. If that makes me entitled, I could care LESS. These earthworms who will justify their beliefs will try to brainwash you in the AAmerican NAZI way.
You can hang in there and know you will be just fine, or give into their BS, fear based dribble and lose a fighting battle.
Regardless of who is in charge, we WILL be one. DOH HAS and WILL always be the fair way. Build those fence for as long as you want. I look forward to what your management team can do and I would welcome ANY AWA employees to my a/c anytime. It's ashame that many here want to instill fear and that the AWA employees can not see beyond petty issues. But again, some AAswhole will paint me ugly because I speak reality. <_<