Truth is US WAS within Days of ceasing operations most likely forever.
29 million or whatever the final number was that executives recieved in bonuses in reality was very little in the overall scheme of things when compared to stockholders losses, Vendor Losses, Airport Authority losses (PIT among a slew of others). To the average Joe/Jane the amount paid out in bonuses seems like a fortune which it is. But when compared with the Billions that vanished into thin air as a net result of two BK's it really is/was/will be a nit.
All of the unions signed onto the plan so I'm not real excited about all of the coulda, woulda, shoulda that is occurring. Your labor leaders made a decision, US Airways made a decision. You lost they won. They did a better job of selling their position in that more employees bought into their position at voting time.
Their are transition agreements on the table now!! US East had a perfectly fine card with which to negotiate with profit sharing. What did they do? GAVE IT AWAY! Just like the pensions. Denying the US west their piece of the profit sharing pie would have turned US into a Labor Relations cesspool and then DP and Hemminway would have had to bargain or risk losing the company to another BK proceeding.
You have this idea that things need to be fair!! NEW FLASH!!! New Study shows Life is not Fair, That You Get What You Negotiate" Film at 11!!!
No. They were not in days of ceasing operations. They wanted the employees to buy into that premise. It was Bull shitt and some of us knew it but were out numbered.
I think we've gone over this. And I can't stand when folks on here say that "the unions signed on to this". What choices did they have in a BK environment...TWICE?????
I knew I could make some personal choices if these agreements ratified and if the pensions got terminated. But for many, specifically with families who have immediate needs, they had little choices.
In bankruptcy, if you don't try your very best to get the best deal you can under the bk rules and ratify, the co. WILL and has motions for the judge to abrogate...just what they did with the IAM when the neg. committee would not bring out the Co. lousy proposal in 2004. These dealings are NOT true negotiations...translation: " not an even playing field".
And if my memory serves me right, whether the union leaders agreed to bring out a proposal for a vote with abrogation over their heads or whether they chose not to in the case of sat on these boards and critisized BOTH positions. With you, it's your damned if you do; and your damned if you don't.
I sincerely believe that the laws will change and that you can see that Congress is just plain sick of these companies using the BK regs to walk away from their debts, screw anyone that had any contract or business dealings with the said co. in good faith, and emerge from BK making all their execs millionaires. U, United NW, DL, Hawiian Air, Midway, and the slew of them have validated that these companies were using BK laws walk out of good faith agreements. The laws will change.
Thanks for the hot flash...I mean "news flash". For the record...I believe in "balance", fairness is a relative concept.
Just as you still sit on these boards and banter, I have no intentions of drifting off to Oz. I won't forget what happend, how it happened and the reasons given...and I will serve my collegues by ensuring they never forget, the industry doesn't forget, nor the public.
Like it; lump it. I frankly don't give a damn.