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Sen. Santorum Blasts Alpa's Rc4

Speaking of pieces of flesh, when Mr. Santorums infant child died at birth, he brought the corpse home from the hospital to his other young children so they could spend some time with it. He keeps a picture of the dead, unformed fetus prominently displayed on his desk. Very sane... :unsure:

This is the man who also casually mentions bestiality ("man on dog") in interviews, used a graduation speech at a college to demoan the amount of out-of-wedlock black babies being born, says that there should be a law against "the right to privacy" in the US, thinks thier should be no seperation of (his) church and state, blamed the economy on the "feminist movement" and says that he has no problem with homosexuals as long as they dont have sex.

But my favorite quote ever is his views on marriage.

"It's not to affirm the love of two people. I mean, that's not what marriage is about. I mean, if that were the case, then lots of different people and lots of different combinations could be, quote, "married." Marriage is not about affirming somebody's love for somebody else. It's about uniting together to be open to children, to further civilization in our society. So it's not about not recognizing somebody's love for somebody else. That's not what it's about. It's not being discriminatory against anybody."

:shock: Its not about love? I guess its just about bringing home dead babies (white ones).

Add his comments on the airline to this mans repetoire of comments. :down:
Amen, Light Years. The man is a kook. The frightening thing is that he got ELECTED in such a labor-heavy state as PA. Well, there are actually LOTS of frightening things about him.....but we don't have enough space here to list them all. 😉
Doctors are organizing because the HMO's have gotten so completely out of hand. Lawyers are organizing. As for pilots being all Republican; yeah, there is a lot of that. Jesus is also their co-pilot too. Whatever, I respect anyone's right to believe what they want. Problem is a lot of these guys don't respect what I believe and get quite nasty about it. I think we've seen a few posts prior to this that kind of back that theory up.
Dea Certe said:
Light Years has earned my respect on this board. I'm sure others feel the same way. Can I get an "Amen!" on that?

Three cheers for Light Years!

Dea :up:

Amen, Amen and in case you didn't read the first two, Amen!
Phoenix said:
You are so predictable. You live up to all our expectaitons.



In all actuality, I believe that someone keeps exceeding them, unfortunately. The one true crack in the facade came when the DB was at risk, remember that? I thought for a moment the preprogrammed (or should that be prepackaged? 😉)robot was genuinely human, alas, for merely a nanosecond.
aviator42 said:

You know what else is refreshing? Turning off the caps lock before you post. Its considered "yelling" and is hard on the eyes.

And no, hes not correct about anything politically. He's wrong about everything.
EyeInTheSky said:
Fred should be angry. It is absurd to blame four union reps. for the company's shortcomings.

Its not (totally) the unions fault. The unions and the company sat down and negotiated our pay and benefits and came to mutually agreeable contracts. We have given back to the company more than once. The company has failed (miserably at times) to properly manage this company. BUT, the industry has changed dramatically. We have to change with it. Some people dont seem to get it, Its do or die. I for one do not want to find another job. I love my job and would like to keep it. The unions need to sit down and work this out. Its not going to be pretty, but we have to come sort of agreement. GECAS, BofA, ATSB and the other creditors are sitting back watching all this discord. And from what i gather the next 30-90 days are very critical. I hope the pilots negotiating committee sit at the table and hammer out a deal. The Pit and Phl reps need to send the next contract out for a vote. Let the pilots cast their own votes. If the contract is voted down the so be it!

Non Rev
I'm just glad I don't live in PA. But then again, my elected representatives just took a turn for the WORSE in a big way.
EyeInTheSky said:
PITbull, I actually know Mr. Specter quite well. He's a warm and engaging man with immense knowledge of US Airways' situation. I only grew to like him more as he called Siegel as "Scoundrel", and he was right. I read the transcript of yesterday's conference and he didn't really speak harshly on labor as Santorum did. Specter's style is under-the-radar, whereas, Santorum is standing on the podium with his hand in the air bashing all labor groups.

Although not his constituent, I do believe that Spector is a fairly decent person and legislator.

HOWEVER, to be at the same news conference with Pennsylvania NitWit-in Chief Santorum and NOT immediately refute, or even distance himself from, the abusive comments that Santorum made is really, really, REALLY bad judgement. Especially for someone who is up for re-election in a few short weeks. Sadly, Specter may ride Santorum's ignorance right out of office. I suggest Specter get busy and LOUDLY refute Santorum's position.
Specter is a better politician than Santorum. Specter is a "Moderate Republican" Senator; there are only 7 of them in the U.S. Senate:

Olympia Snowe R-Maine
Susan Collins R-Maine
Lincoln Chafee - R-Rhode Island
John Sununu -R- New Hampshire
Arlen Specter - R- Pennsylvania
Kay Bailey Hutchison R-Texas
John McCain R- Arizona

( Jim Jeffords former R now an I - Vermont)

Unfortunately, the above are at odds with their more right wing party members like Santorum. It's too bad these folks aren't heard from more often. I agree with their political agenda more than any of the Democrats or other Republicans.
If it's any consolation, guys, Texas has its own version of the village idiot in Sen. John Cornyn. Not only does he not know anything, he doesn't even suspect.

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