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Sen. Santorum Blasts Alpa's Rc4

USA320Pilot said:
Lakefield told the senators the reason the airline was forced to file for bankruptcy protection Sunday was that four pilots from Pennsylvania refused to allow the airline's new contract to be voted on by the union membership.

Meanwhile, Santorum said, assigning blame to previous management decisions, labor groups or even competitors won't change the fact that the airline industry has changed permanently, largely because of the growth of low-cost carriers. Airline employee contracts need to reflect those changes, he said.

Complete Story



You could have told that dope that they went bankrupt because people were stealing pretzels and he'd believe it. I dont think either of them have a very good understanding of the industry, 35 minute meeting with Bruce Lakefield or not. 🙄
Santorum blasts Pittsburgh, Philadelphia pilots union leaders

Santorum said he was "very, very upset" with the four representatives of the pilots' union board who voted against taking the company's last offer to its membership, noting that eight of the 12 board members voted for it. Because the two Pittsburgh and two Philadelphia union leaders represented a majority of pilots, they were able to block the motion to send the proposal to rank-and-file pilots.

"The [pilots'] union got their pound of flesh. Now where are we?" Santorum said. "These four individuals decided they could take the airline down, and they did," he said, adding that Lakefield told the two senators that the company was confident the members would have ratified the contract if they had been able to vote.

Complete Story


Wait, we arent exactly clear on what his doofiness' opinion is. Could you search for a few more articles so we can get the 'complete story'? Is there perhaps another newspaper in 'the burgh' that might have an article to post?
I guess Santorum does not like to play by the rules!

Then again, he will gladly represent minority interest, read monetary contributors.
Light Years:

Does it make you feel good to be a smart-aleck while you hide behind your keyboard? If you do not like what I post, do not read it. It's really pretty simple.



How very disingenuin you are...you have been telling the IAM that Uwas going to go into bk because of the pension liability and now you sit and blame your own group.

I find your continued mantra regarding these 4 pilots dishonest. You of all people kept on these boards telling everyone in every message you could that U was going into bk and that we all needed to secure deals BEFORE the intended BK.
USA320Pilot said:
Light Years:

Does it make you feel good to be a smart-aleck while you hide behind your keyboard?



Yes, it does... warm feelings all over! :mf_boff:

Does it make you feel good to repeat yourself?
Business as usual keeps old airlines from gaining altitude

The management of legacy carriers seem almost tragically incapable of adapting. Several airlines have asked for government bailouts, and most blame their woes on labor unions, the economy or high oil costs.

The most successful start-up, Southwest Airlines, for years has had among the lowest fares and highest salaries in the business.


No mention of the 4 demons from PA.
I have found the posts by Light Years to be far more constructive and interesting, not to mention more original and thought-provoking than a certain smug, self-serving pilot who posts the same tired, old, panicked piffles over and again ad nauseum.

Light Years has earned my respect on this board. I'm sure others feel the same way. Can I get an "Amen!" on that?

Three cheers for Light Years!

Dea :up:
Boy, this is a "tough call" !!!!

I'm trying to fiqure out who's a BIGGER A$$ HOLE ??

Santorum, or a certain A320 pilot.

I think Santorum, BUT, only by a "photo finish"

USA320Pilot said:
Senator faults 4 pilots for US Airways bankruptcy


"The fact that there was no pilot contract led to this bankruptcy. That's a fact," Mr. Santorum said. "Those four individuals decided they were going to take this airline down and they did."




You are so predictable. You live up to all our expectaitons.


zonecontroller said:
Thanks for doing the Dirty Work Guy's!!!!!!

Senator faults 4 pilots for US Airways bankruptcy
Christopher Davis
Following a meeting Tuesday with US Airways Group Inc. president and CEO Bruce Lakefield, U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum laid blame for the airline's second bankruptcy filing on four pilots' union representatives from Pennsylvania and said the airline could liquidate by January "if everything continues to go poorly."

I know I don't know all the facts, but is this a fair summary...

"ALPA negoiated and didn't like the deal

IAM didn't negoiate at all.

Must be ALPA's fault"?
Light Years said:
Yes, it does... warm feelings all over! :mf_boff:

Does it make you feel good to repeat yourself?

If you really push him he will PM you and challenge you to give him your name, address, and phone #. He thinks he is an intelligence collector or something. I gave him my name and number and told him to call me, but I never heard from him...
USA320Pilot said:
Light Years:

Does it make you feel good to be a smart-aleck while you hide behind your keyboard? If you do not like what I post, do not read it. It's really pretty simple.



Does it make you feel good to be locked away from the world all day playing Captain? I'd make more of a point of it, but your FA's are probably glad that the locked door is between them and you.
Looks like USA320Pilot has been joining Santorum at the Hitler Youth (oops I mean middle-aged) Rallys.

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