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Specter: "he's A Scoundrel"

I'm not going to get into the heresay of what a U.S. senator did or did not say.

Instead I'd like to address the comments about certain service levels of certain airlines. There's lots of moans and groans that US is down to three or four mainline cities in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. That is true. But its also true that it makes little or no sense to fly half-empty jets 150 miles just for the sake of saying that you fly jets. You're not going to make money that way.

Look at Delta's route map:

Delta flies to 6 cities in North Carolina: AVL, CLT, FAY, GSO, ILM, and RDU. Of those, only 3 (RDU, GSO, and CLT) have mainline service.

Their ATL hub is extremely close to many of these cities and Delta, an airline that is much better positioned financially than US Airways, has decided that these airports/cities simply cannot produce enough revenue to support the costs of running a big jet.

If you were to look at service from DL to the Georgia cities, you'd find the same theme. Of the seven cities that DL serves in Georgia from ATL, ONLY one has mainline service - SAV. Augusta, Columbus, Brunswick, etc., all get RJs or turboprops.

The fact of the matter is that unless your city/metro area has at least 750,000 people, and unless you're more 300 miles from the nearest hub, chances are that in today's airline economic world, you're not going to get big jet service (subsidized service (i.e. FL to TLH) notwithstanding).
DCAflyer, I agree with your summation of the situation. But, I have to believe somebody as shrewd as Bronner knows when the puppet-on-the-string needs to be replaced. Problem is, David Siegel is such a polarizing figure in the negative way that he has simply become unproductive in working with the employee groups. Unhappy employees hurt the bottom line. Bronner is fixated on the bottom line. Change is a good thing. Isn't Ronno Dutta on "Daddy Warbucks" payroll? Hmmm. Could be the perfect replacement.
The damage is done! If Dave leaves today he will say Show Me the Money!


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David should leave and take Benjamin and Alan with him. We're in worse shape than most people know.

David... your the weakest link...Goodbye
I think this is my favorite thread...


I agree with you completely You got it down packed. keep in mind, Dr. Bronner permitted that 5% return to the employees just to keep the peace, NOT DAVE S. I do not believe Bronner knows the severity of polarization that has occured between this management and labor. I believe Dave and Team shield the true chaos that is occuring with ALL labor groups.

I will tell you this. It will be known. The employee stakeholders WILL meet with Bronner along with the state officials.

In the past, I had convinced myself that if I dialogue with management and move them in the middle somewhere, hell their human, they would "see some kind of light" on how employee morale effects bottom line profits. But there is no hope for any middle ground as they have no concpt of what compromise, good faith, honor, integrity is. They don't even dialogue with the union leaders other than to push them into the "grievance arena". There focus is to position this company to line their OWN pockets...the dollar is the game. For us, we employees want a livable wage and to be part of a successful company. The employees and management are on two different plains. We will never see eye to eye as there is too much trust eroded, and no hope for moving forward together as a team. There is just no where for us to go with this management. I see it as either US or them. No room for the both of us. I have personally, now, accepted this reality, specifically because of the termination of the pilots pensions which was so dishonorable of management, specifically because of the huge sacrifices they made on most of the business plan of the company's, the major furloughing that has occured to all labor groups specifically CWA and AFA, not honoring ANY contract language of any labor group, punitive disciplines, terminations, sick policy abuse by management, along with the screwing the communities of Pittsburgh, who were long time flyers of U and loyal, and now the IAM. This is the last straw. We are in battle for our lives, no second guessing what is at sake. There is consequences for mangement to pay for all the atocities committed against these labor groups.

I had stated before, 8 months ago that United will absolutely survive BK and emerge. It's the same "plan". Trust when I tell you that the state of PA will NOT let management get away with just MAA. That may have been their thinking a couple of months ago,

With the Pittsburgh Hub status issue, it will be all or nothing for our tax dollars. And I'm talking in writing black and white, with mainline.
ITRADE said:
I'm not going to get into the heresay of what a U.S. senator did or did not say.

Instead I'd like to address the comments about certain service levels of certain airlines. There's lots of moans and groans that US is down to three or four mainline cities in Pennsylvania and North Carolina. That is true. But its also true that it makes little or no sense to fly half-empty jets 150 miles just for the sake of saying that you fly jets. You're not going to make money that way.

Look at Delta's route map:

Delta flies to 6 cities in North Carolina: AVL, CLT, FAY, GSO, ILM, and RDU. Of those, only 3 (RDU, GSO, and CLT) have mainline service.

Their ATL hub is extremely close to many of these cities and Delta, an airline that is much better positioned financially than US Airways, has decided that these airports/cities simply cannot produce enough revenue to support the costs of running a big jet.

If you were to look at service from DL to the Georgia cities, you'd find the same theme. Of the seven cities that DL serves in Georgia from ATL, ONLY one has mainline service - SAV. Augusta, Columbus, Brunswick, etc., all get RJs or turboprops.

The fact of the matter is that unless your city/metro area has at least 750,000 people, and unless you're more 300 miles from the nearest hub, chances are that in today's airline economic world, you're not going to get big jet service (subsidized service (i.e. FL to TLH) notwithstanding).

We probably have our hands on different ends of the same elephant.

I've never had a quarrel with adjusting flight sked and fleet size as the season and market requires.

Early in my career our station withstood the competitive challenge of UA, EA, and AA.

In the early 90's, and more importantly, post PI, ASA shows up. Living in the past, we thought we'd squish them like a grape. Unlike PI, U had no idea as to how to set up an opponent, much less finish him off. As ASA grew, we BEGGED the powers that be, including one who's now a major player at U, to respond. Our suggestion was a few direct F28's to ATL, via CLT, with a marketing turn (15 minutes) in CLT. Total travel time was within reason of ASA's Brasilia, and we could advertise Direct Jet Svc to ATL. This would take advantage of the publics dislike of props. The residing genius said, we have to trust the marketing department, they know what they're doing. At the time, marketing was Randy Mallin - 'nuf said. We even had some bozo's say we had to let ASA seek their natural level. Treason!

Now ASA is running a bunch of CRJ's, because we didn't nip them in the bud. Unfortunately, U has, and will continue to downsize as a competitive response. Had ASA won fair and square, ok, but U didn't even step into the ring. That's what galls me :angry:

Talk to the guys from OAJ -same deal. They did their damndest to save their station by increasing revenue. After U pi$$ed off the commandant at LeJeune, he started bussing Marines to AA at RDU. After going thru U channels and getting nowhere, station personnel personally went to the commandant to try to make things right, and get the business back, They were reprimanded by U.

U pi$$ed the bulk of the PI network away, just like they did PSA. Those customers didn't disappear; they're flying DL, CO and WN.

US Airways - How full planes become half empty, without firing a shot!
ITRADE said:
Look at Delta's route map:

Delta flies to 6 cities in North Carolina: AVL, CLT, FAY, GSO, ILM, and RDU. Of those, only 3 (RDU, GSO, and CLT) have mainline service.
I took a look at the GSO NC Delta schedule. Delta flies about 10 or 11 daily MD88 flights to ATL. Also serves LGA, CVG, MCO, and DFW nonstop. Usairways flies 4 737’s to CLT, 2 737’s to PHL. Delta seems to have taken over a once Piedmont/Usairways strong hold. The feed is being shifted back to ATL.
diogenes, it does no good, nor is it even worth harping over, the cirque du stupid follies of the mergers. It has little reality fourteen years later. Everytime I get around an employee who is stuck in this 1989 Groundhog Day time warp I want to b*tch slap them.

In today's pathetic reality, we are dealing with the greedy lawfirm of Siegel, Glass and Cohen. These guys may know numbers but they don't know how to deal with people or business relationships. In my opinon, these guys are more dangerous than the inept faux pas of Schofield, Wolf and Gangwal COMBINED! At least the others, while they were far from ideal, dealt rationally with employees and business leaders. It's time to DUMP DAVE!
deltawatch, it's worth noting Delta's flights to and from Atlanta to Pittsburgh are packed. So much so, that they are adding another flight into PIT. It's time to DUMP DAVE!
PITbull, it's time for action by the unions.

1. Get together and form a strong union coalition
2. The coalition should find a replacement management team (hint somebody Bronner would approve of. hint- Rono Dutta)
3. Coalition should get down to Alabama and let "Daddy Warbucks" know with these management changes, his investment will blossom.

Getting rid of the law firm of Siegel, Glass and Cohen is a win-win situation for everyone. It's time to DUMP DAVE
Rono is not a good choice he helped run UAL into the ground and thanks to the likes of Dave, Dave, Doug and Jerry the seeds of the labor coalition have been planted and is growing well.

Just wait till the begining of October and the gang of corporate thieves running US will learn the true might of the sleeping giant they have awoken!
LavMan, you are right on target in the goal of employees sticking together. The sleeping giant needs to be unified. Management's goal for the past decade has been divide and conquer. They've done just that. What's that saying, "You cannot let anyone make you feel inferior without your consent." It's time to say no and demand a say in how this company is run and how to be fair. Afterall, it does the company no good if this isn't a place people want to work at. Most of us can remember when it was fun to go to work, when we were treated fair, when management listened. Over the years, employees have become whipped dogs, where they are too scared to fight back. Well, every dog has their day. And, it's coming real soon. We're sick of being whipped by flea infested managers, the electric fence is coming down! Get your flea collars on, bark loud, bite management where it needs to be bit. But, remember, always wag your tail and lick the customer's hands. Afterall, they are the ones that make the dog food and dog houses possible. 😛
Right on Hipman. That is the secret of the future success of U. The AFA at American took out Don Carty and we can do the same if we are of like mind. And at this point we are. It does not matter whether we fly, fix, clean, or fill the jets with people. The labor of USAirways is coming together. He has pushed farther than he needed and it is time to make money or cut bait. And this management team cannot make money. Time to send them all to the fishing pier with their "airline expertise". The outsourcing of the Airbus work will be the rallying point. Get ready for the battle. We will win.


I have never seen Labor so unified. It is not about unions, its about unification of employees to come together on the issue of poor leadership.

Dave and his team have been able to accomplish one thing...employee solidarity.

Keep up the momentum and we will get to the other side of this solidified and triumphant.

"Freedom will always prevail over tyranny." We in this great nation, know this all too well.
It is about corporate accountiblity, holding this company to the legal federal binding contracts they signed with us. I think we should sue the company and stop paying Dave and his gang of thieves their salaries and perks and make them feel like us.

When they fly we should ignore them and when they visit the workplace we should tell them stop stealing from us or we will get the public involved and get the fired just like what happened to Carty at AA and Goodwin at UAL.

Enough is enough!

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