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And then there were two (and a half)


Jul 23, 2003
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Not winning a primary in your own state is the ultimate insult... Santorum saves his remaining dry powder for another year.


GETTYSBURG, Pa.—Rick Santorum abruptly suspended his White House campaign Tuesday, clearing the way for front-runner Mitt Romney to claim the Republican presidential nomination.

The former Pennsylvania senator made the announcement at a news conference Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Santorum significantly lagged Mr. Romney in the nominating contest and faced an increasingly hard challenge in winning the GOP primary in his home state of Pennsylvania, which votes later this month.

Not sure how much longer Gingrich and Paul want to keep engaging in self-flagellation and burning thru cash, versus turning their efforts towards making sure Obama is back in Hyde Park writing his memoirs a year from now.
Not sure how much longer Gingrich and Paul want to keep engaging in self-flagellation and burning thru cash, versus turning their efforts towards making sure Obama is back in Hyde Park writing his memoirs a year from now.

I think with those two it's a case of them thinking they are more important than they really are.
Not winning a primary in your own state is the ultimate insult... Santorum saves his remaining dry powder for another year.


Not sure how much longer Gingrich and Paul want to keep engaging in self-flagellation and burning thru cash, versus turning their efforts towards making sure Obama is back in Hyde Park writing his memoirs a year from now.
He did not even say the words Mitt or Romney in his entire "suspending the campaign" speech.
Dr. Paul has stated in several interviews that he's going to continue through to the conventions because his supporters expect it.

The Ron Paul 2012 Presidential campaign released the following statement concerning Rick Santorum’s decision to end his bid for the Republican nomination for the presidency.

“Congratulations to Senator Santorum on running such a spirited campaign. Dr. Paul is now the last – and real – conservative alternative to Mitt Romney. We plan to continue running hard, secure delegates, and press the fight for limited, constitutional government in Tampa.” — National Campaign Chairman Jesse Benton
Paul stays in a race he can't win, continues to divide the voters..........Nobama conquers !

Smart move !
Paul stays in a race he can't win, continues to divide the voters..........Nobama conquers !

Smart move !

He's still in the primary dofus. He has not and IMO will not run as a Libertarian or other 3rd party.
Maybe, but I'd like to actually hear Paul say he won't run as an independent.
Paul doesn't even rise to a half.

3 campaigns, and nary a win.....ever.


As for Santorum..but..but...God wanted him to run and win!

Another crazy Talibornagain bites the dust.

Excerpted from the Christian Science Monitor Articles:

"Paul's followers are famously loyal – to their candidate, far more than to the Republican Party. If Paul were to launch a third-party campaign (a possibility about which many have speculated) he could effectively torpedo Romney's chances.

Paul is in a much stronger bargaining position than Gingrich to extract promises from Romney because he can do far more damage if he isn’t placated. That’s why – though both men have zero chance of being their party’s standard-bearer – Paul matters more than Gingrich," argues the Washington Post's Chris Cillizza.

Almost certainly, Paul's campaign will keep going to the end in order to keep his platform in the GOP conversation. In fact, he just announced an "in it to win it" moneybomb, hoping to raise $2 million on April 15.

Paul's ideas – particularly on the dangers of debt – have already crept into GOP rhetoric.

Ron Paul’s Baby Boom

The Politico’s Alex Isenstadt has some observations on how Ron Paul has inspired others to run for office in his piece “Ron Paul’s Baby Boom:”

There’s no exact way of measuring how many Paul-inspired candidates are running this year. But Jared Paine, a Paul supporter who operates a website that tracks the campaigns of libertarian-minded candidates, said he counted around two dozen active Paul backers who are running for House or Senate seats and another 200 or so who are seeking local offices — almost all of them running as Republicans.

It’s a measure of the depth of the passion Paul inspires from his supporters, which is marked by a ferocity and commitment to the cause that few other pols can command…

To hear those aligned with the GOP presidential candidate tell it, the proliferation of Paul-affiliated candidates underscores a simple truth: Paul, once regarded as a fringe candidate, has gone mainstream. Despite the fact that he has announced he is not running for reelection to Congress, his ideas have established him as an important figure in American politics.

I would add that his ideas have established Ron Paul as THE MOST important figure in American politics. Both parties continue to field establishment candidates who do not represent any departure from the status quo. Seriously–what is President Obama doing, or what will he do, that is different from what a President Hillary Clinton or John Kerry would have done? What separates Romney, Santorum and Gingrich apart in any substantive manner from what George W. Bush represented? How different, really, are Bush and Obama?

Only Ron Paul represents a markedly different direction in American politics and this is precisely what continues to make him the most important figure on the national stage.

The Ron Paul Campaign IMO was never about actually getting to the White House. As the above excerpts show that a large portion of the impact of Ron Paul will be with us long after November comes and goes. The Liberty movement grows daily and it grows for those under 30 who have figured out that they will be the ones who pay for and clean up this current abortion of a Federal Government hell bent upon destroying the COTUS and the freedoms our ancestors fought and died for.

If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty - not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live.
Ron Paul
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Excerpted from the Christian Science Monitor Articles:

The Ron Paul Campaign IMO was never about actually getting to the White House. As the above excerpts show that a large portion of the impact of Ron Paul will be with us long after November comes and goes. The Liberty movement grows daily and it grows for those under 30 who have figured out that they will be the ones who pay for and clean up this current abortion of a Federal Government hell bent upon destroying the COTUS and the freedoms our ancestors fought and died for.

If you like small government you need to work hard at having a strong national defense that is not so militant. Personal liberty is the purpose of government, to protect liberty - not to run your personal life, not to run the economy, and not to pretend that we can tell the world how they ought to live.
Ron Paul

Ah, so NOW it was never about winning? But, you were so sure he could win...again....

Typical backpedaling by a Ron-bot. You probably still think he is actually relevant.

I will say Ron Paul is relevant on some issues. Not enough to be taken seriously as a nominee, though.
I will say Ron Paul is relevant on some issues. Not enough to be taken seriously as a nominee, though.

A lot of things would have to fall exactly right for him to win the nomination.

He has conceded as much, stating, "I can beat Barack Obama, my problem to is to win my own parties nomination"

He has polled within one percentage point of a tie with Obama in head to head polls so I think his own assessment is pretty accurate. He's real tight with Romney personally so he may play a large roll in all of this come November.
Ohhh LOOK! Mr Pure as the driven snow, Mr Hope and Change himself has Crony Capitalist Jon Corzine as one of his key campaign finance bundlers. LOL, Why tax the 1% when you can just extort it and redirect it to your campaign? So this is Hope & Change? Or is it Crony Capitalism as usual? Vote Ron Paul (While you still have the right to vote)

Jon Corzine Still Bundling for Obama
4:09 PM, Apr 20, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER

Barack Obama's reelection campaign has released the most recent list of names of fundraising bundlers. On that list is Jon Corzine, the former governor of New Jersey and embattled money man, the former head of MF Global:

Corzine, according to the Obama campaign, has once again helped raise more than $500,000.

(He was likewise named a bundler in January, when the Obama campaign last released the names of their money men.)

"MF Global and its brokerage sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy after a $6.3 billion bet on the bonds of some of Europe’s most indebted nations prompted regulator concerns and a credit rating downgrade. Corzine quit MF Global Nov. 4," Bloomberg reported.


Better HOPE for some change because right now? Business as usual.

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