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Sen. Santorum Blasts Alpa's Rc4

EyeInTheSky said:
Looks like USA320Pilot has been joining Santorum at the Hitler Youth (oops I mean middle-aged) Rallys.
Enough with the Hitler references!!! That's pure left wing propoganda!! Get back to the topic at hand
Gee, whiz, a little sensitive ay? I didn't come up with the Third Reich references; this has been written about in Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report. The guy has a track record of doing and saying very, very, as we refer to this day as "politically incorrect" things. His days are numbered in the U.S. Senate. I guess that will spare those of us in Pennsylvania from changing our license plates from "You've Got A Friend In Pennsylvania" to "You've Got A Facist In Pennsylvania." 😉
EyeInTheSky said:
Gee, whiz, a little sensitive ay? I didn't come up with the Third Reich references; this has been written about in Time, Newsweek, U.S. News & World Report. The guy has a track record of doing and saying very, very, as we refer to this day as "politically incorrect" things. His days are numbered in the U.S. Senate. I guess that will spare those of us in Pennsylvania from changing our license plates from "You've Got A Friend In Pennsylvania" to "You've Got A Facist In Pennsylvania." 😉

I agree. I was surprised to see Spector standing next to Santorum when he made those deragotory statements about labor.

The Republicans in PA will suffer at the polls in PA from all of labor. The AFL-CIO is starting a campaign regarding Santorum statments about labor and their negotiations.
PITbull, I actually know Mr. Specter quite well. He's a warm and engaging man with immense knowledge of US Airways' situation. I only grew to like him more as he called Siegel as "Scoundrel", and he was right. I read the transcript of yesterday's conference and he didn't really speak harshly on labor as Santorum did. Specter's style is under-the-radar, whereas, Santorum is standing on the podium with his hand in the air bashing all labor groups.
Sen Santorum has made comments about the Pa. group of pilot reps. and has totally missed the mark. The condition of the the company hinges on the management true motives.

Wolf, Gangwall and Seigle all ran with the plan of selling the franchise to another carrier. They put this company in the shape it is in due to their agenda.

Lakefield has told the unions that they need to decide the allocation of the givebacks. He did not care about the give backs as long as the total numbers were met. Then he allows the the company negotiators to hamper the outcome with their constant demands of exact givebacks. They "land grabbed" and now they want to say it was the pilots fault. Plan for failure and you will fail.

If you think this company went to bankruptcy because of the pilots then you must rethink the chain of events. This company needed to go back to bankruptcy to do all the things it missed the first time around. This company wants to shed as much as possible and the only way to do this was thru the courts.

Sen. Santorum is a puppet of the White House and now is the Court Jester for the management of this company. Sad so Sad!
PITbull said:
I agree. I was surprised to see Spector standing next to Santorum when he made those deragotory statements about labor.

The Republicans in PA will suffer at the polls in PA from all of labor. The AFL-CIO is starting a campaign regarding Santorum statments about labor and their negotiations.

Ummm.....When do republicans not ususally suffer from labor?
A few years back Theresa Heinz answered a newpaper reporter's question regarding Rick Santorum running for her late husband's seat. Her response...he's like Forest Gump with an attitude.

THERESA HEINZ is just like her Ketchup! She's slow to say anything, and when she does, NOTHING COMES OUT. LOL!
I spoke to the Director in Santorum's office. I am in the process of wirting a short letter expressing my dismay that our policitical representative could display such shallowness and convey in a public forum that 4 union reps could or would possibly be the dimise of a corporation.

How is it that USAirways entire business plan is hanging on a thread with these four individuals being the making or breaking of a carrier.

Why in hell would ATSB agree to offer support to such an airline and risk taxpayers money on propping up and airline and shoving the pension liability to the taxpayers.

PITbull said:
I spoke to the Director in Santorum's office. I am in the process of wirting a short letter expressing my dismay that our policitical representative could display such shallowness and convey in a public forum that 4 union reps could or would possibly be the dimise of a corporation.

How is it that USAirways entire business plan is hanging on a thread with these four individuals being the making or breaking of a carrier.

Why in hell would ATSB agree to offer support to such an airline and risk taxpayers money on propping up and airline and shoving hte pension liability to the taxpayers.

PITbull, this whole thing has gone "political" with mud-slinging galore. Santorum came to his 'hypothesis' of the situation by talking to only one side; it's sad that this man is a Senator. I guess that is all it takes these days because the public will believe anything depending on how it's 'spun'. Again, the dumbing down of America.
By listening to the distinguished senator from Pennsylvania...lol...
You would think that the airline had "no responsibility" for the finiancial mess at hand......Is he living under a rock...or did he miss the actions of the last 3 years?.....Millions of dollars given away as golden parachutes....

I don't believe a "last minute push" to get the pilots to give up as much as 35 percent of their salary, would have prevented this last bankruptcy...It was part of their transformation plan...

The idea is to share this bankruptcy around, by letting the employees go bankrupt themselves too....
USA320Pilot said:
Santorum blasts Pittsburgh, Philadelphia pilots union leaders
"The [pilots'] union got their pound of flesh. Now where are we?" Santorum said. "These four individuals decided they could take the airline down, and they did," he said, adding that Lakefield told the two senators that the company was confident the members would have ratified the contract if they had been able to vote.


And you somehow believe that US would NOT have declared Chapter 11 even if the pilots had voted yes? Whatever.
ITRADE said:
Ummm.....When do republicans not ususally suffer from labor?

And the reverse is also true. Which has always led me to wonder why pilots....the vast majority of whom tend to be right-wing, conservative Republicans....can live with the fact that they're part of organized labor.
ITRADE said:
Easy. They're not stupid.

You're right, ITRADE. They're not. But that doesn't change the fact that the "conservative" philosophy where labor is concerned is basically that if you're a lowly worker, then you should just be thankful to have a job. Do it and shut up. Don't ask for more than you're given. Management owes you nothing and organized labor is on the same par with communism.

So, while it's true that pilots aren't stupid, I still maintain it's an interesting and somewhat paradoxical situation that the majority of them espouse conservative politics and economics while at the same time belonging to a labor union.

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