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Specter: "he's A Scoundrel"

deltawatch said:
I took a look at the GSO NC Delta schedule. Delta flies about 10 or 11 daily MD88 flights to ATL. Also serves LGA, CVG, MCO, and DFW nonstop. Usairways flies 4 737’s to CLT, 2 737’s to PHL. Delta seems to have taken over a once Piedmont/Usairways strong hold. The feed is being shifted back to ATL.
Being a former DL FF who flies out of GSO fairly often I was pretty surprised to read that DL had taken it over, so I checked for myself:


GSO-ATL ~ 10 flights/day (9 mainline, 1 CRJ)
GSO-CVG ~ 8 flights/day (1 mainline, 8 RJ)
GSO-DFW ~ 2 flights/day (CRJ)
GSO-MCO ~ 3 flights/day (CRJ)
GSO-LGA ~ 4 flights/day (RJ)

27 flights/day total, 10 mainline, 17 RJ


GSO-CLT ~ 8 flights/day (5 mainline, 3 DASH)
GSO-PHL ~ 4 flights/day (3 mailine, 1 ERJ)
GSO-PIT ~ 4 fligths/day (1 ERJ, 1 DASH, 2 Saab)
GSO-DCA ~ 7 flights/day (5 DASH, 1 ERJ, 1 CRJ)
GSO-LGA ~ 6 flights/day (ERJ)
GSO-BOS ~ 2 flights/day (ERJ)
GSO-BWI ~ 4 flights/day (J41)

35 flights/day total, 8 mainline, 12 RJ, 15 prop planes

Oh, by the way, there's US Airways Club in GSO but no Crown Room Club.

DL might have a slight edge on capacity, but from the point of view of a frequent flier flying out of GSO, it sure doesn't look like US is giving it up with 35 flights/day to 7 airports and a Club.
FlyingHippie said:
diogenes, it does no good, nor is it even worth harping over, the cirque du stupid follies of the mergers. It has little reality fourteen years later. Everytime I get around an employee who is stuck in this 1989 Groundhog Day time warp I want to b*tch slap them.

In today's pathetic reality, we are dealing with the greedy lawfirm of Siegel, Glass and Cohen. These guys may know numbers but they don't know how to deal with people or business relationships. In my opinon, these guys are more dangerous than the inept faux pas of Schofield, Wolf and Gangwal COMBINED! At least the others, while they were far from ideal, dealt rationally with employees and business leaders. It's time to DUMP DAVE!
First, by nature and instinct, I'm a historian. To understand the present, you must understand the past. "Those who do not remember history are doomed to repeat it."

Second, it's a free country, with a First Amendment, the 'Patriot' Act notwithstanding.

Third, it's a damsite easier to TALK about b***hslapping someone, as opposed to doing it.

Bring a sandwich.

And, if you'll follow the thread, ITRADE correctly noted you cannot be profitable with half-empty airplanes, and reasonably overlaid DL's current situation over U's. The point of my response was, the planes were not always half empty, and that U frittered away the other half, when they had the tools to respond.
Load factors are not the driving force for which stations are downsized. Forcing wages down is.CLE was made into a Mainline Express station in June.We were told that the reason why the change in status was made was because we had a load factor of 70% on our mainline CLT flights.Seventy percent of 126 (capacity of a 737-300) is 88.The 737's were replaced by 50 seat RJ's. The frequency of CLT flights remained the same. Three per day. Where did all of those other passengers go? They're obviously not flying on US Airways. There are no seats available between CLE-CLT.So in effect,they gave that business away! Makes no sense. Someone used the word MARKETING earlier in this thread.WHAT A JOKE. If we have a marketing department I'd like to know what they do with their free time.I haven't seen a TV or newspaper ad in so long it's rediculous.
Yeah, get rid of Siegel and everything will be okay ---- are you frickin' kidding me?

You guys don't have the time or market confidence for these games. Rono Dutta?
If you like what he did for UA you'll love what he's gonna do for US.

I don't blame Rono. Take the money and run. I DO blame Dave Bronner, the guy who hired him. Obviously Dave Bronner knows more about US and the airline industry than that other famous-but-modest-guy Warren Buffet. One crucial difference: Bronner is playing for his Alabama fans and Buffet is playing for the market.

PIT is gone guys. I'm truly sorry that your careers have been chopped but that was your choice. You'll go on and perhaps to even greater accomplishment, stuff you never would've tried if you hadn't been forced to....

Name-calling and such is an amusing method to vent frustration. But you employees share the 'scoundrel' for allowing this charade to proceed for so many years.

Your customers have voted.
diogenes, whatever... It's 2003 not 1993 or 1989. Well, in ten years (if the company is still here) employees won't be hot and bothered by Allegheny, Mohawk, Lake Central, USAir, PSA, Empire, Piedmont, Trump Shuttle (did I miss any?). The new hires won't know what the heck those are. And, that might be a good thing.
whatkindoffreshhell, you're absolutley right. It's a two-way street. Still, what Siegel has done and continues to do is wrong. Remember, this company wouldn't be around today if it weren't for the full cooperation and hard work of the employees active and furloughed. The problem is, Siegel and management has exploited terrible tragedies and market conditions to the extreme. It's no longer fair and equitable. With 80% + load factors, I guess the customers have spoken. Be careful what you wish for. One less airline in the sky is likely to lead to higher prices and less service.