Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable. Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle. How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them?
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion. The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood.
I say we send OPEC a bill. I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters. I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap. If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap.
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay. Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in. Not like they are hurting for cash. I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.