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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS

Preposition an army hidden among refugees.
Destabilize the Eu.
Cause rampant lawlessness and economic chaos.
Works for me.
delldude said:
Preposition an army hidden among refugees.
Destabilize the Eu.
Cause rampant lawlessness and economic chaos.
Works for me.
why those poor folks wouldn't harm a soul they just need our help didn't you get the memo?
Some people, on these very forums, would rather wait and fight them on our soil, instead of fighting them now, on their soil !
Dog Wonder said:
Are you volunteering?
Glenn Quagmire said:
He is not qualified. He would have to do at least one push up.
2 prime examples above, of those who want to wait until they've infiltrated the US before taking action!
southwind said:
2 prime examples above, of those who want to wait until they've infiltrated the US before taking action!
Prime example that you won't volunteer and would rather send others to fight and get wounded or killed.
700UW said:
Prime example that you won't volunteer and would rather send others to fight and get wounded or killed.
We should send all the pro Isis hugging liberal's instead. See how long they last waving the "tolerance" flag in their face.

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