Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months

In your rant above, I noticed no mention of protecting our borders.
When you can cut and run when the going gets tough, you don't really care. Of course, Europe is in worse shape, so there really is nowhere to run.

But hey, why try to inform those that believe in Party Lines as a reality, and don't see the storm coming?
xUT said:
Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months
While not mentioning any terrorist groups by name, King Abdullah's statement appeared aimed at drawing Washington and NATO forces into a wider fight against the Islamic State terror organization and its supporters in the region. Saudi Arabia openly backs rebels fighting Syrian President Bashar Assad, but is concerned that the breakaway Al Qaeda group could also turn those very same weapons on the kingdom.
However, despite assurances that no threat to American soil is imminent, the watchdog group Judicial Watch said Friday that Islamic State operatives are in Juarez, just across the border from Texas, and are planning to attack the United States with car bomb, while a Texas law enforcement bulletin obtained by found that social media chatter shows Islamic State militants are keenly aware of the porous U.S.-Mexico border, and are “expressing an increased interest” in crossing over to carry out a terrorist attack.
B) xUT

Disturbing news...
Ms Tree said:
Whether an attack is or is not in the works is debatable.  Seems the Saudis have a personal interest in having the US and the Europe come in and fight their battle.  How much do the Saudis want to pay to have us fight for them? 
According to the EIA, OPEC had net revenues from oil of a little over $800 billion.  The Saudis are definitely not the only ones who are worried. My guess is they are all worried because instability, while it increases oil cost also can screw up their neighborhood. 
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
If they want the US to fight their battles then they at least ought to pay.  Perhaps even the oil companies can pitch in.  Not like they are hurting for cash.  I'd also tell them that if they even think of jacking up the cost of US oil that our troops will boogie out so fast their heads will spin.
Most of our out-of-pocket costs of Desert Storm in 1991 were paid by the Saudis, Kuwait, UAE and other Arab states.  Of course, they were completely on-board with our plan to oust Iraq from Kuwait and return it to the Kuwaiti royal family.
Fewer Arab states (did any of them?) asked us to invade Iraq in 2003, so I doubt they'd be on-board with paying the bills.
If Saudi Arabia wants us to spend more money in the Mid East, then we should ask them to contribute to the costs.
Ms Tree said:
Isn't that what I just said?
I was talking about this gem of wisdom:
Ms Tree said:
I say we send OPEC a bill.  I think $500 billion a year ought to do for starters.  I am guessing none of them are running deficits and if the rulers need to defer a yacht or castle for a few years well tough crap.  If they need to jack up their fuel prices to $.20 a gallon for the locals well tough crap. 
Yes, send OPEC (several large members aren't located anywhere near the Middle East, like Nigeria, Venezuela and Ecuador) a bill for $500 big ones a year.  Uh-huh.   I'm sure that check will quickly be in the mail.   
Don't look now, but here comes September a month that is notorious for Muslims to launch attacks on international targets. I believe it started with Black September back at the 1972 Olympics.
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One thing I found interesting is the fact that the king made an announcement in public to the media. If it has any credence,  wouldn't his intel communicate with or intel?
Then our 'leaders' take appropriate action and/or make the same announcement?
Or is he just trying to instill fear?
Seems pretty odd to me.
southwind said:
As usual.
Nothing else to see here folks..........move along.
This coming from the person who thinks corporations pay 40% in t axes.
xUT said:
One thing I found interesting is the fact that the king made an announcement in public to the media. If it has any credence,  wouldn't his intel communicate with or intel?
Then our 'leaders' take appropriate action and/or make the same announcement?
Or is he just trying to instill fear?
Seems pretty odd to me.
I'm going with fear. He needs help and he is scared. He wants the US to bail his country out again.
xUT said:
One thing I found interesting is the fact that the king made an announcement in public to the media. If it has any credence,  wouldn't his intel communicate with or intel?
Then our 'leaders' take appropriate action and/or make the same announcement?
Or is he just trying to instill fear?
Seems pretty odd to me.
Since I'm just a bit cynical, I'm guessing that the Saudis are the ones who will launch an attack, so I take this king's warning actually a threat. Although they try to bury the fact that most of the 9/11 terrorists were Saudis.

ISIS is Sunni and Saudi Arabia is basically Sunni. Their interests are to wipe out the Shiites, but using Americans as pawns to do so suits them just fine.
