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Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months

xUT said:
One thing I found interesting is the fact that the king made an announcement in public to the media. If it has any credence,  wouldn't his intel communicate with or intel?
Then our 'leaders' take appropriate action and/or make the same announcement?
Or is he just trying to instill fear?
Seems pretty odd to me.
Worry about the demise of the House of Saud.
Dog Wonder said:
ISIS is marching through Louisiana. Is Mississippi next?

Wrong ISIS Dog.
Here real deal in BO front yard.
MCI transplant said:
I would agree with you Tree, but there is one big problem with your train of thought! Obama has shown he won't fight under any circumstance! He doesn't have the balls for it, and he's in this way over his head, and he knows it! As far as if that ship has sailed or not. We have enough energy right here in this country to take care of us for the next hundred plus years, if obama, and company, would open up more Federal lands to drilling, and in the short term O.K. the pipe line.
LBJ and GWB had "balls".  What did we get from their little ventures?  Other than a black wall in DC and whatever future memorial that will be erected to remember the 4K+ killed in Iraq.
Would sending in the 82 Airborne or 1st Marine Division make you happy?  We all know the poop storm that would ensue if he were to do that.
When's Obama going to have balls?
After its proven after a homeland attack that they slid in across the border?
delldude said:
When's Obama going to have balls?
After its proven after a homeland attack that they slid in across the border?
He can't go soon enough. The Dems are in big trouble with mid-term elections around the corner. BO is worried. That's the reason he's more concerned with going on fundraising trips than dealing with ISIS and Crisis. I'm looking forward to CHANGE. The more conservative the better. We need to take this country back from the dope smoking dreamers.
This is the end result of over a half century of interventionist foreign policy.
We have no real idea who the "players" are in this Machiavellian Middle East Novel of intrigue.
Duly elected government or Iran overthrown in 1953 by CIA and Brits. Shah returns to power in a brutal reign of terror.
The non stop meddling in the affairs of sovereign nations have created a deep seated hatred of all things American and Western European. It should also come as no surprise that the brits are in this up to their eyeballs. Who drew the arbitrary borders and carved Israel out of the desert?
Truth is if you look at some of the old maps, Saddam Hussein had a legitimate claim to Kuwait.
One minute Osama bin-Laden is our fried when he and his followers are shooting at Russians. Hey why shouldn't the ruskies have their own Vietnam?
This a short reason why we should let the Middle East sort out their issues free of foreign intervention.
The US should cut all foreign aid to region to Zero. Why are we taxing poor and middle class here to give money to rich people over there? Mubarak of Egypt is a perfect example. We propped up his regime for 30-40 years, with precious little of our so called "Humanitarian Aid" going into the hands of his cronies.
The appropriate role as defined by the COTUS of our Military is to DEFEND the United States. Not be at the beck and call of corpratists, crony capitalists and banksters who use our financial treasure and our offspring to carry out their agenda.
Let these terrorists attack us and I'm all in favor or using the full weight or our armed forces to destroy them. Collateral damage you say? I say "To bad, poor planning on your part. You should have known that beheading a US Citizen is bad for the health and welfare of your city",
ONE US Citizen Killed in the Middle East = 10,000 dead Islamists
Don't fret, BaRack will beat them back with his 9 iron!
CactusPilot1 said:
He can't go soon enough. The Dems are in big trouble with mid-term elections around the corner. BO is worried. That's the reason he's more concerned with going on fundraising trips than dealing with ISIS and Crisis. I'm looking forward to CHANGE. The more conservative the better. We need to take this country back from the dope smoking dreamers.
And give it to who? The mysogonistic backwards religious fanatics?