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How Obama repeatedly ignored warnings about ISIS

Obama says we can vet those Syrian refugees but his FBI chief says, not so fast! 
EastUS1 said:
Uh..."us"..Riiight...Are you planning on personally attending?...Especially so you can show everyone just how "easy" it is to be in total fear for your own life and yet successfully kill? When's the last time you were ever under enemy fire kid? And people wonder why liberals just plain disgust me. I especially love the "relatively easy" part....Words sometimes, just fail me.
That as America; we could currently accomplish pretty much whatever our people want is correct. To EVER suggest that ANY aspect of war would/even could be "easy" takes a wholly ignorant/liberal excuse for an..umm.."mind".
"easy for us" my ass. It's very clear that you've never been shot at kid.
"Us" as in militarily for America and the west, tangent boy...

It was obvious, in context, and you even wrote it yourself, in the middle of your self-righteous rant.

Read for comprehension much?

When ya' gonna' come to TX and jerk gear for me, boy?

It'll be a blast, spinnin' you like a toy top
Ifly2 said:
Wow, from an obscure blog with dead links. You do know that story is BS. Was never reported..............anywhere.....
Best comment from that article:
Be skeptical. Be very very skeptical. Remember- the religious group that reports this story is the same religious group that regularly makes up excuses to burn churches and hindu temples all over the globe.
Ifly2 said:
Says cartoon boy and faithful WND follower...
lol you have me confused with someone else.
I've never posted anything from WND.
Your move...
I'm not defending muslim religious bs

Bark up a different tree
Obama is on top of it.....

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