Saudi king warns jihadists could attack US, Europe within months

delldude said:
When's Obama going to have balls?
After its proven after a homeland attack that they slid in across the border?
Are you trying to make the argument that sending in the troops would prevent such an attack?
CactusPilot1 said:
 The more conservative the better. We need to take this country back from the dope smoking dreamers.
Well the last so called conservative we elected got us into this mess to begin with.  So I'll take a dope smoking dreamer any day.
777 fixer said:
Well the last so called conservative we elected got us into this mess to begin with.  So I'll take a dope smoking dreamer any day.
You must be referring to Gen. Dwight David Eisenhower who was also President during the CIA led overthrow of the duly elected government of Iraq in 1953.
Remember a moderate Middle Easterner is one who only holds a grudge for 5 generations.
777 fixer said:
Well the last so called conservative we elected got us into this mess to begin with.  So I'll take a dope smoking dreamer any day.
Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998?
Dog Wonder said:
Has it been five generations since the Civil War?
You tell me oh pithy one. 
The point is we don't understand them anymore then they understand us. Until that changes not much else is except who is killing whom.
Dog Wonder said:
Just trying to get a grip on the moderate Southerner, for stereotyping purposes.
Civil War?
Don't you mean "The Great War of Northern Aggression". Perception is reality Dog.
Dog Wonder said:
Does ISIS have Photoshop?
Yeah, in your backyard.
CNN national security analyst and former CIA operative Bob Baer said on “The Lead” Tuesday that the “people who collect tactical intelligence on the ground, day-to-day – and this isn’t Washington – but people collecting this stuff say they’re here, ISIS is here, they’re capable of striking.”
At this moment, he said, U.S. intelligence agents are keeping tabs on suspected Islamic State militants who may have crossed the Mexican border to gain entry into the United States. Other suspects, he warned, are American citizens who have returned from places like Syria.
“They can’t prove it. They’re waiting to get enough intelligence to actually run them in. And then there’s the unknown, of how many people have come back they’re not even aware of,” Baer told CNN. “The people who do this for a living are very alarmed.”
While intelligence officials aren’t entirely sure of the “plans or intentions” of possible Islamic State cells, they realize the threat alone is a “definite concern.”
delldude said:
Who signed the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998?
And who ordered troops into Iraq in 2003?  That would be GWB.  The mess there is on his head.  Just like how Vietnam was on LBJ head.