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Ron Roderick on his way to fix phl

Would that be...Scotch Kirby. Probably out having a cold one with DoUgIe Parker.

Can you say ...ReHab.
Speaking of Kirby. Just watch one of the crew news sessions on the HUB or if you have the pleasure of sitting in on one of those in CLT or PHX. Have you ever seen someone so out of touch with the customer or employee? It's almost like he is fudging his way through the mess just ready to sh!t waiting for the next question. 🙄
Since we're being nostalgic with the return of Rhoderick, what about an episode of "Where are they now".

Andy Hosey
Tom Renville (last I heard he was managing director of UA's Hawaii ops, after his Denver stint)
Jim Forbes
Terry Trainor
Dave Blakely
Scott Barkley

That's a start...
Hosey - TSA Command Center inVA. Brought Bill Richardson with him.
Renville - Ramp Director - United ORD
Forbes - VP Operations - Atlas Air (JFK)
Trainor - Station Manager - NW-SWA
Blakley - After he left US, Hired by AWA. Currently Passenger Service Manager in LAS
Barkley - Regional Director for NW (based in MEM)
Pelc (Round 1) Air Tran Station Director ATL
Charlie McBride - Retired or Dead
Luis McSween - ???????
Barry Petracci-retired
Woody Poffenberger - retired (was selling real estate with wife in south jersey. Who did I miss ??????
Lee Waste(weitz) Airport Asst Director BUF
Since we're being nostalgic with the return of Rhoderick, what about an episode of "Where are they now".

Andy Hosey-----Last known to be with the TSA
Tom Renville (last I heard he was managing director of UA's Hawaii ops, after his Denver stint)
Jim Forbes (well liked person by his workers) possibly with an airfreight outfit
Terry Trainor ---Who knows...or cares....
Dave Blakely -Left USAir for America West ..Last known to be PSM LAX back with USAirways
Scott Barkley....Unknown.....more a yes man than a doer. 😛h34r:
That's a start...
Rhoderick needs to fix PHX let alone PHL. He's setting himself up for failure and will be fired so on and so forth again...The mgmnt revolving door always leads to PHL!
I remember when Rhoderick came to PHL from PIT in the Wolf days. I was a PSS in PHL at the time. He was brought in to be Mr. Fixit and came ready to crack heads. By the end of the year, he looked so beat down. It was amazing to watch somebody age ten years in such a short time.

Several years later, (post US and PHL), I was in PHX for biz, going out on UA & I bumped into him in the terminal. This was before the HP merger, I think he was headed golfing after the morning push. I'm sure he's thrilled to be going back.

Yes, Jim Forbes was really well liked. He was actually a senior manager in PHL that treated the employees well, but that didn't meet the Wolf & Gangwal mold.
Hosey - TSA Command Center inVA. Brought Bill Richardson with him.
Renville - Ramp Director - United ORD
Forbes - VP Operations - Atlas Air (JFK)
Trainor - Station Manager - NW-SWA
Blakley - After he left US, Hired by AWA. Currently Passenger Service Manager in LAS
Barkley - Regional Director for NW (based in MEM)
Pelc (Round 1) Air Tran Station Director ATL
Charlie McBride - Retired or Dead
Luis McSween - ???????
Barry Petracci-retired
Woody Poffenberger - retired (was selling real estate with wife in south jersey. Who did I miss ??????
Lee Waste(weitz) Airport Asst Director BUF

Wow, some blasts from the past! Of the people I know from that list, they were pretty good, as mgmt goes! 😀

Here is another one: Dave Bernier, now with TSA at DCA last I heard.

My dealings with Rhoderick, while limited, were always positive.
I'm so sick of hearing fix Philly...tell me what Philly had to do with any of these things that happened this week in Philly.......

BDA....flt 1070...7/18...delayed 2 hours...mtc
BDA....Flt 1070...7/20 ....delayed til 1st transatlantic arrvs.....mtc...departed 1630
CUN...flt811...7/21.....delayed till 1st transatlantic arrvs...mtc....departed 1435
MAN and BRU....7/21...canceled...mtc
BDA...flt1070...delayed till 1st transatlantic arrv...mtc...I left before it departed today

This doesnt include the continuous delays and downsizing of SJU flt 1071 on a daily basis

We need airplanes desperately...the mels on these planes are outrageous..

How about fix PHX first..they need it more than PHIlly
This company will NEVER admit to a mistake. Certainly the mistake of changing over to shares while the rest of the company three times the size of HP with int'l included will never be admitted to...

It does not matter whether we use SHARES or SABRE... the next system on line five years from now will be...


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