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Bang! - You're Unemployed!

This thread will be closed if we can't play nice. :cop:

Also, please do not quote the entire post if it is long (several paragraphs), especially if you are replying to the previous post. This helps out if the thread has several pages. Thanks.
cavalier said:
My point exactly and why we are in a big heap of trouble, unless Satan is a better manager....

Sorry Pitbull, it has everything to do with God. We are being lead by Godless individuals and for that there are consequences. You have said they are like Satan in past posts; you have made it clear they don’t care about the human element. So if it’s not about the absence of God, what’s left? Hell? Yep, this company is sure going to hell. Ask Bob how to fix it; he will give us all a wonder self-derived power point presentation.
I love ya Cav, but the only EVIL that exist.... is in "man".

Good and Evil are acts that can only be manifested and revealed through "man kind".
El Gato said:
"Greed is good" - Gordon Gecko

I suspect you may be one of those who is slanting towards socialism or maybe even communism in theory. Let me give you some advice - there is no such thing as a socialist or a communist. Even those you claim that they are, are nothing but liars. No one, not even you could ever be so impartial in business practice to hold out long.

I don't know if it is possible to get the point across to you. You may be too fargone into the dreamworld to see the light. If so, prepare to join the workers of Eastern, Pan Am, Braniff, and others as roadkill on the highway of capitalism, run over not by your own boss, but by your competitor and their boss.

This Socialist is ready....are you?

Oh, BTW, I got the point very early on....I'll be holding out for ya..... 😀
El Gato,

Lets get one thing straight. I am not waving a banner to gain sympathy. I embrace the philosophy that things happen for a reason and the best way to approach them is by learning from them. I don't cave under pressure and if anything become more efficient under pressure. I simply shared my story to prove a point. Although a union could not have helped on an insurance settlement, it sure could have helped when my husband was struggling to work under horrendous conditions when he was injured. You know - some thing like run the machine or else. I tried to fight for him and got nowhere. In the meantime he was getting worse by the day and was scared to death of losing his job due to his injury. The end result? A life time of pain and good possibilty he will be in a wheel chair by the age of 40. A union could have helped while he was still working.

I will not be in a worse condition after U because I will do what is necessary to provide for my family whether it means uprooting them or not. I work long hours now to bring home a pay check and will do what it takes to scrape together enough money to finish my Masters degree.

I didn't post to gain sympathy. I posted to share. I know there are people in worse situations and not once did I try to prove otherwise. As a matter of fact, when both my husband and I lost our jobs within five days of each other I said "It could be worse". I thank God for my blessings and do my best to find strength through tribulations. I also get angry with the injustices in this world. Perhaps, that may be a weakness but I don't perceive as such.

I like to think of myself as a decent human - one who is willing to bare the soul in an attempt to say "You can do it. Don't give up." While I think it is a good gesture, I open myself to people like you. The world has benefited from those who share themselves and try to make it a better place. I can handle the barbs. If one person finds solace in my story or others than it was well worth the effort - regardless of what you think.

You have made personal attacks repeated on this forum, yet when someone else steps up to the plate you cry "Unfair". What's good for the goose is good for the gander.

I will invite you to video tape me at work any time. If I and those like me are the demise of this company, then I guess the $25,000 to $35,000 I pull in a week in revenue on domestic flights is money pouring down the drain from my inefficient work ethic and lack of enthusiasm. There's something to be said for someone who wears a smile while dealing with the likes of you all the while knowing that their job will most likely be gone in six months with or without concessions. Nuff said?
PITbull said:
I love ya Cav, but the only EVIL that exist.... is in "man".

Good and Evil are acts that can only be manifested and revealed through "man kind".
I am the last person you love....
an observation.. in the original post...

pilots making over 100,000
"ramp rats" his/her term not mine making over 20 per hour
among other comparissons. i would assume those are high as compared to the LCCs (jb/airtran/to a lesser extent SWA) implying wages are the problem

does that include the recently awarded 11.0 Million dollar compensation plan for the only CEO at USairways ever to file bankrupcty? ok scatch that just go back and look at his prior salary before the new package? what over 600,000 plus options? plus a 30 year pension Guarenteed?! (while at the same time canceling the pilot pension plan.....from the don carty school of managment?)

Harry truman had the sign the BUCK STOPS HERE, (different angle maybe dave's says ALL THE BUCKS STOP HERE)

comment on that or if you will most of the managments compensation take a look at the 25+ vice presidents running ? the show. and how much scratch they take home

start at the top then work your way down for "fair and balanced" sorry fox news reporting of LCC vs UAIR wages

And if labor takes additional concessions, we all know it will cost many their jobs. But the VPs and CEO all get to keep their jobs and compensatoin.

I guess it is very easy for management to say "YES" Concession #3 please. They all get to stay. I would wager that every single person on this board who adovates "save the airline" at all cost to labor are those who get to stay on the property.

I'd like to see one U employee ( NO PAX PLEASE) who knows they will surely lose their job, advocate "FOR".
PITbull said:

And if labor takes additional concessions, we all know it will cost many their jobs. But the VPs and CEO all get to keep their jobs and compensatoin.

I guess it is very easy for management to say "YES" Concession #3 please. They all get to stay. I would wager that every single person on this board who adovates "save the airline" at all cost to labor are those who get to stay on the property.

I'd like to see one U employee ( NO PAX PLEASE) who knows they will surely lose their job, advocate "FOR".
I will, and you know very well I will too.

Stop impostering as fred N. He's in mangement He doesn't even know what aviation.com is.

So, YOU DON'T COUNT. But that sure raised my eyebrows. Nice try.

Try to imposter someone else. I will find these new responders now NOT credible.

PITbull said:

Stop impostering as fred N. He's in mangement and I just called him personally as you know I would. He doesn't even know what aviation.com is.

So, YOU DON'T COUNT. But that sure raised my eyebrows. Try again, punk.

Do you actually believe there is only one Fred N in this big world? Like everything else, you believe you know it all. You would have this place buried if it was up to you and your radical union-minded insanity, Deleted by Moderator.
PineyBob said:

Sounds remarkably like the the followers of Osama Bin Laden and their reasons for attacking the "Infidels"! I guess it depends on the God of your chossing as to whether it is the "TRUTH" doesn't it?
I am not impressed with an overly sensitive and reactionary conscience that employs ad homonym innuendo to defend itself.

So he is preachy. Ignore him if you feel free of guilt. Tell him he is full of it.

You suggest he is the equivalent of Osama? Duh. In order for your snide remark to have any significance it is necessary that morality does indeed have a part in the conversation (even though you champion the exclusion of the consideration of morals in the conversation).

It is kinda humorous how you exclude there use by others yet employ them in your own attack. Clever.

It is sorta like when Mgt says there is absolutely no money left and we need employees to take paycuts, yet find 35 Million for themselves.

You’ld fit in good with the new Mgt style.

Feel free to confuse it as a compliment if you like. ;-)