Ron Roderick on his way to fix phl

Well I sure as hell hope this Ron guy was able to track the flights in and out of PHL during my last trip. Last night got in late due to weather and then stuck in the construction traffic out on the taxiway. To sit waiting to get into the gate for over 30 minutes is "the norm". Also waiting for a jetway driver once we finally were parked is the norm too. I hope the new guy in town can even figure out where to start. It's a total mess.
Well I sure as hell hope this Ron guy was able to track the flights in and out of PHL during my last trip. Last night got in late due to weather and then stuck in the construction traffic out on the taxiway. To sit waiting to get into the gate for over 30 minutes is "the norm". Also waiting for a jetway driver once we finally were parked is the norm too. I hope the new guy in town can even figure out where to start. It's a total mess.
"Failure" is not a word in Ron's vocabulary. He knows what makes Philadelphia tick, or not tick as in this case.
I have seen an A321 sit for 20 minutes IN PHL waiting on a gate burning fuel and ticking off pax just to watch some lazy walking "couldn't care less" jerk walk out to FINALLY bring the plane in. I kept thinking...where is their Boss, where is their drive to get out there and do the RIGHT THING? THIS MESSAGE BOARD IS FOR ALL AIRLINES ABOUT ALL ISSUES BUT NONE OF THEM TALK ABOUT THESE EXCEPT USAIRWAYS ...MR. PARKER DO SOMETHING!
Since we're being nostalgic with the return of Rhoderick, what about an episode of "Where are they now".

Andy Hosey
Tom Renville (last I heard he was managing director of UA's Hawaii ops, after his Denver stint)
Jim Forbes
Terry Trainor
Dave Blakely
Scott Barkley

That's a start...

Hey Buddy Hosey (the best of the bunch) was with the TSA last I heard.

Terry Trainor was with NW in SEA.

Scott Barkley's Dad was a big shot at NW and Scott followed after being exiled to CRW long ago.

Not sure about now for any of them.
Rhoderick never fixed Phl.

Wildirishrose must be a Westie!

What the company needs to do is bring back sabre and rely on all the senior agents to get this operation going on the right track. No, they will never listen to this fix because it is an easy fix. No, they won't turn back to sabre because of their prides. I say trash Kirby and you will get this operation going once again ! He and a few of his associates have totally destroyed an airline.
This company will NEVER admit to a mistake. Certainly the mistake of changing over to shares while the rest of the company three times the size of HP with int'l included will never be admitted to. Even when they know something is really BAD they come up with some reason as to why they have to do what they do. A good example would be closets, seat pitch on the 330, glassware, etc. Philly will stay as it is while we all know what the true problems are. They have NO clue and are more out of touch with the employees and the operation than any management team I have EVER worked under.
This company will NEVER admit to a mistake. Certainly the mistake of changing over to shares while the rest of the company three times the size of HP with int'l included will never be admitted to. Even when they know something is really BAD they come up with some reason as to why they have to do what they do. A good example would be closets, seat pitch on the 330, glassware, etc. Philly will stay as it is while we all know what the true problems are. They have NO clue and are more out of touch with the employees and the operation than any management team I have EVER worked under.

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