RIF Notices

Hi Jim. To respond to your question, the bumping process is all about geography and cronyism, not seniority. The nearer you are to TUL/AFW the more susceptible to you are to being bumped. The company and union always make special deals to allow TUL/AFW folk to stay "close to home". It happened in 2003 and it's happening now. In another weird twist, there are 95 openings at ORD and 60+ at JFK, while 60+ are being RFD,d at DFW, in addition to the 80+taking the buyout. Something stinks...."

Thanks for the response. I had begun to feel that it wasn't a straight seniority process, but wasn't sure.
Kenny powells "rif update title 1" email sent on Monday 11/12 is very touching. Especially touching is the quote from mother Teresa. Didn't know you were so loving. It's posted every where in dfw.
Kenny powells "rif update title 1" email sent on Monday 11/12 is very touching. Especially touching is the quote from mother Teresa. Didn't know you were so loving. It's posted every where in dfw.

DFW gen...I called your local about the accusations that Kenny is making on the one station between AFW and DFW. (For the record, you guys would be crazy to do that, even though it would help me) According to your local, no request has ever been formally made for a one station agreement. In fact, the guy I talked to said that the subject came up at one of your membership meetings months ago, and your board made it clear at the membership meeting that no request has been made, and that any request could only be approved by a vote of the 565 membership, just like the vote for DWH to be a one station.

With that knowledge in hand I started questioning my eboard and have calls out to Kenny. Everyone I am talking to has said that they have no idea what Kenny is talking about, and know for a fact that no request for a one station agreement was ever made. So Kenny is getting political again while accusing politics of getting in the way. Can't wait till he comes by and visits me so I can confirm his source of this latest Kenny letter. Let me guess...he made this up to deflect the heat off him again.
Naw its simple now if affects HIM and no deal or scam will get him out of it. Could you imagine If his domino game is in danger? Or that its not only the membership but the bubba club is affected!
No amount of settled grievances or sold out terminations Will get him out of it! And again the Mother Teresa quote at the end is classic!
Yes as an AMT. Looks like they screwed a bunch of bids up though. Stand by to see how this shakes out.
LOL RIF appears to have been running right. The problem is, if this is your first time it will appear to be run wrong.
I'm TWA, and have seen it a few times. The IAM/TWA way is, seniority rules and you go to that spot if you're qualified. Which is a true Union mans way of thinking.
Just be thankful you have a job, How many hundreds of time have I heard that! Now it your turn to hear it! But my time is coming again of that I'm sure.
Yeah it's pretty obvious here at afw they screwed it up. We are also well aware of how this lousy union does things. I wish everyone the best. Even most of the twa guys...
we were informed by the local union guys here at taesl, that the company does not have to redue the rif if they get it 70% right. said it was in the contract. so they can screw 30% of the people and just say oh well we got 70% right. oh and i am on my way to ord.

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