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Steve Connell said:
Actually Anthony, what the TWU did was ask the membership to vote yes or no on the concessionary contract.

Not quite. The TWU spun a web of deception that left the members with the impression that had they not ratified the agreement that the company would without a doubt go BK and strait into liquidation. Here is a case where the union was using scare tactics that are normally only used by the most reprehesible employers. In fact such tactics are considered illegal when used by employers.

The same floor that so wishes the demise of the TWU is no doubt the same that voted to save their jobs and remain employed.

I doubt that. How did you vote?

You stated you are not furloughed. Have you ever been under the TWU? Has that paycheck continued to flow into your account every two weeks like clockwork?

95% of the population sees a paycheck. 87% are non-union and do not pay dues. We belong to unions in the hope that by being union that the company can not do what the TWU International helped the company do to us.

For you to remain with AA after a 20% decrease in combined wages and benefits says a lot for what the TWU had already bargained for you. Had it been to the point of your failing to provide for yourself or family, surely you would have sought employment elsewhere, like NWA, UAL, or perhaps Alaskan Air.

It is precisely the fact that we have families and the TWUs poor track record why it is harder for us to make an immediate move, but as time goes by more and more people are doing just that.

I believe Anthony that you, and I, are here for the $$$, it can't be for the conversation and entertainment....or can it?
Not quite. The TWU spun a web of deception that left the members with the impression that had they not ratified the agreement that the company would without a doubt go BK and strait into liquidation.

Tell the truth Bobby...the company came to the TWU and asked for a "by" in the upcomng wage increase due in March. The TWU investigitated, with two independant companiesand found the company close to BK...in fact Bob, the TWU found that the "Vermont Plan" was in the sidelines...waiting to be enforced. Is that a "web of deception" Bob?

I doubt that. How did you vote?
You doubt what Bob? You doubt that the floor that asked that TWA be stapled would not ask that they remain employed? Come now Bob, even you, though simple minded, can see the direction of the floor.
We belong to unions in the hope that by being union that the company can not do what the TWU International helped the company do to us.
Huh?Bob, have you bothered to noticed the a$$ kickin' that NWA is taking w/amfa? If amfa would prevail...retain total perks/wages during these tough times then maybe I'd even listen...but Bob...I read the news...amfa sux. The negatives you see with the TWU are being felt bt amfa right now in front of you...go look.

And you want to lay blame to the TWU for you not moving on? Bob...please tell me you had been drinking and didn't really mean to state that.
Seguro,Dec 24 2004, 12:59 AM]
Tell the truth Bobby...the company came to the TWU and asked for a "by" in the upcomng wage increase due in March. The TWU investigitated, with two independant companiesand found the company close to BK...in fact Bob, the TWU found that the "Vermont Plan" was in the sidelines...waiting to be enforced. Is that a "web of deception" Bob?

Yes it is. The TWU hired the same firm that the company used to present the case for the "by". That firm then passed its results over to a second firm, both firms did not do independant investigations, they used the same points. What would be the purpose of hiding "the Vermont Plan"? More TWU spin, besides the company got the Vermont Plan anyway. Look at the numbers. How about Jim Littles statements that the company might go striaght into liquidation if we all did not aprove the concessions? The company later said that was never on the table.

You doubt what Bob?

"The same floor that so wishes the demise of the TWU is no doubt the same that voted to save their jobs and remain employed."

To me it looks like you are saying that the AMFA guys voted yes since you believe that the concessions saved our jobs.

You doubt that the floor that asked that TWA be stapled would not ask that they remain employed? Come now Bob, even you, though simple minded, can see the direction of the floor.


Huh?Bob, have you bothered to noticed the a$$ kickin' that NWA is taking w/amfa? If amfa would prevail...retain total perks/wages during these tough times then maybe I'd even listen...but Bob...I read the news...amfa sux.

Over the last two years Mechanics at NWA have grossed at least $40,000 more than mechanics at AA. Mechanics at SWA are making even more.Who is getting their asses kicked?

The negatives you see with the TWU are being felt bt amfa right now in front of you...go look.

Two years later, yet they still get paid more, have holidays, sick time, vacation, doubletime, shift differential etc, maybe you need to look.

And you want to lay blame to the TWU for you not moving on?

No I blame them for the fact that I will probably have to leave a career that I invested 25+ years into.
Seguro said:
Bob, be a leader for a change...leave today!!

No I'll stay long enough to make sure that you have no place to go.
Ahhh Booby...wrong again! I'll always have a place to go...ya see man, I have family!..for a nominal fee I'll let you in on my secret...you wouldn't understand otherwise! Now, go kiss yourself in the mirror some more.
Seguro said:
Ahhh Booby...wrong again! I'll always have a place to go...ya see man, I have family!..for a nominal fee I'll let you in on my secret...you wouldn't understand otherwise! Now, go kiss yourself in the mirror some more.

Well I guess they have no choice do they? Tell me do they walk upright or on all fours? I remember Green Acres and how some of the charecters became very attached to their livestock, even calling them family.
C'mon now Bobby...you remember Green Acres? Oh yeah...that's the only way ya'll get to see grass and acreage...on TV...how nice. Hey Bobby, when was the last time you talked yourself out of 28K a year...HAHAHA!!!

You lost more with your mouth than the TWU lost combined...great leader you are...HAHAHA!!!
The TWU investigitated, with two independant companiesand found the company close to BK

These two independant companies failed to discover the bonuses for the top 40 executives. Another fine example of the twu looking out for the best interests of AA
Name: Merry Christmas Joey
Date: Saturday December 25, 2004
Time: 11:59:06 PM

I heard from my AMFA rep that Joey scored over 50K on his suit. Steve MacFarlane's claim that NWA had illegally laid off the members and AMFA's promise to get them back to work with full retro was the reason AMFA settled. I hope you enjoy the money Joey, because you're never going to be coming back to work. In fact Joey, it's been three years since you were laid off and we're still laying people off every month. You'll never make the five years and AMFA knows you guys hate them so they wont want you back now anyways. As a matter of fact it's so true that AMFA doesn't want you junior guys back that at Duluth the company offered to make a deal with AMFA that would recall some mechanics but AMFA stuck it to you guys and forced the company to bring you all back as "Temporary Mechanics" so you wouldn't have any bidding or bumping rights. That's right Joey, if a Tech in Duluth gets bumped he doesn't get to bump anyone even if he's senior! He's just instantly gone with no severance. How do you like your AMFA NOW?
Tex" of the TWU
Employer: AA
Station: DFW
Date: Wednesday January 12, 2005
Time: 08:22:03 PM

This is picture of a United Airlines 777 that we are doing the return to leaser check, the company that owns the airplane contracted AA and negotiated the contract for the check. I don't think they wanted AMFA mechanics to do the work. Hey United mechanics what happened to "full pay till the last day" ? Seems you softened your position once again. What a bargaining powerhouse!!! The TWU keeping its members employed!


GOOD ONE "TEX"..........we ALL have seen the pix....RIGHT AMFA (PUKE) SCABS.
if you haven't let me know & i'll send it to y'all 😉
"TEX" you know "hackoff" is gonna be after now!!!!! OMG, "TEX"..ain't ya scart?
i mean you seen that "SCAB" he's baaaaaad man baaaaaaad to the boooooone
princea** will be lookin fer ya too

scab scraper said:
Tex" of the TWU
Employer: AA
Station: DFW
Date: Wednesday January 12, 2005
Time: 08:22:03 PM
This is picture of a United Airlines 777 that we are doing the return to leaser check, the company that owns the airplane contracted AA and negotiated the contract for the check. I don't think they wanted AMFA mechanics to do the work. Hey United mechanics what happened to "full pay till the last day" ? Seems you softened your position once again. What a bargaining powerhouse!!! The TWU keeping its members employed!

GOOD ONE "TEX"..........we ALL have seen the pix....RIGHT AMFA (PUKE) SCABS.
if you haven't let me know & i'll send it to y'all 😉
"TEX" you know "hackoff" is gonna be after now!!!!! OMG, "TEX"..ain't ya scart?
i mean you seen that "SCAB" he's baaaaaad man baaaaaaad to the boooooone
princea** will be lookin fer ya too

"What part of twu MORON don't you understand?" Yeah, 'ol twu Tex gots them spurs on backwarts, along wit his twu thong. An y'all, this here is a secrit....me thinks butt scaper bin a sniffin' em and gots to be high on the fumes!!! Hee, hee, haw!!! Kin a git me a big yee-ha? Thank ya.....

The 777 you see with all the blank starin' OSM's and stock clerks, is a Ex-UAL 777 that sat in the desert for over a year before UAL returned it to the leasing company. It was then sold (leased?) to Air India. As soon as the aircraft was finished at AFW, it went to get a brand new Air India paint job. There is another newly re-painted Air India 777 in the AFW hanger right now going through a RTS check. Not surprisingly, Tim "The un-elected twu Communications Coordinator ramper" didn't take pictures of this one with his twu blind goobers. He can't lie and claim its a UAL/AMFA 777 because why? Right, its been painted in Air India livery. Dad-gum it!!!! Lies. lies, and more twu lies!!!! So easy to squash!!!!

🙄 :blink: 🙄 :blink:
The industrial union cult site currently contains a photo of AA workers posed with an aircraft still painted in UAL livery. The AC was leased, and the company unionists boast that the owners of the AC chose AA to perform the return to lessor check. The notion that a group of allegedly 'unionized' workers are proud that they work cheaper than employees of a bankrupt company is rather absurd. I believe the repugnant gathering of 'proud' cheap labor is clearly suggestive of corporate controlled, anti-worker, quasi scabs...and nothing more. I am amazed that any working person would be 'proud' that they are helping management lower the wages and benefits of an entire industry. - TM

Keep the lies coming twu buffoons....

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