And the real kicker is those groups arent even at the bottom of the Industry like us!!!
This thing has been riiged from the start. From day one we were told we had to get to the companys number, without ever challenging the number. We were told that we had to save jobs no matter the cost. Then we were told that all votes of the committee would be either by concensus or roll call, so either we all agree with Tulsa and Title II, who were targeted for the biggest hits, or they would make us agree.
When the company came back with the "mid term adjustment' last Wednesday that would add another 3.5% to the wage after the third and forth year for the Line AMTs only, as long as the other three legacies didnt lower their wages by then (in an attempt to be able to keep down with us) Tulsa indicated that the whole thing was DOA as far as Tulsa was concerned, the following morning the company added OH AMTs and you can tell me after Saturday how the leadership of Tulsa feels now. My guess is they will try and sell it, aided by the International and their lawyers through omission and fear.