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Retirees filed to be reheard

August 16, 2013

TWU Equity Distribution Appeals Committee
c/o The Labor Bureau, Inc.
1420 King Street, Suite 500
Alexandria, VA 22314


AANOTOK do you know what c/o means? Let me help you out here. c/o means “care of”. That means that the person, people, or business you use c/o in front of will be handling whatever it is you’re sending to them.

In this case it was:

TWU Equity Distribution c/o LAWYERS.

Let’s cut to the chase NOTOK, you’ve come off as pathetically desperate for money for a long time now and it’s a lot better that you never do say your real name on here. Pathetic. Seriously. Yes.

It’s only been since the end of October when anyone would know for a 100% certainty that those EBO people didn’t file with SCOTUS. (Pathetic)

Who’s at fault? Who’s at fault? Who’s at fault? Who the F cares. No one is at fault. But your buddy Fa is the putz who got everyone’s hopes up for the morons who listened (And voted) to/for him. (Putz, Pathetic)

You need money so bad maybe you should take out a loan or pimp yourself to some old lady for cash (Pathetic) I’m sick to death (Pathetic) of your greedy ass anyway (Seriously)

You piece of Garbage. 🙂

Edit: You’ll be getting some $$MONEY$$ soon and I bet you’ll choke on it.
It is going to hurt me to say this. But I think I like you. I thought I was bad. I guess you dislike NOTOK
Hey or maybe ATD Director Mike Mays was going to deposit all the money into his personal Checking account, order up 23,000 address labels, break out that checkbook and start a writing there. (Major hand cramps)


But yea I will admit except for the IRS issues the TWU guys should have found out if AA was going to help out distributing the majority of the cash or not before the EBO SCOTUS deadline had passed.

Yes they dropped the ball not having that part (info) ready to go.
It is going to hurt me to say this. But I think I like you. I thought I was bad. I guess you dislike NOTOK

He’s some guy like you point out has the balls to talk smack incognito on a Blog site. He’s nothing more than that Mr Davis.

I don’t like him or dislike him cause he’s nobody.

Nothing more than some Garbage no one’s tossed out yet.
Just a little secret about me W, it really isn't any of your business how my financial situation is, but so you know and you can skip that accusation next time you whine, I am perfectly fine. I was raised well and had parents who taught me the value of saving. I have a wife who is paid well and also contributes nicely to our retirement fund. We are now preparing our kid for a joyful retirement as well. So on that note fu**off.
Now, don't blame me because you can't win an election, I didn't vote in Miami.It is pretty obvious why you can't win W.
You have zero people skills. You're one of the biggest smart asses know to mankind. Your a Mr. Know it all. And to be honest W, you know a lot less than you think you do, a lot less. And talking about Pathetic W, how far you nose is up the TWU asses is truly sad. The stench reaches Texas W. And finally, yep, it's the TWU's fault there is no equity in the members pocket. In closing W, let me reiterate. I don't need the money now and don't need it later, but I do know folks who truly do. You know, the ones who made mistakes in life. But you sir, you Pathetic sucking up of the TWU is sorely needed by you cause you have nothing else. I will admit, you do have one friend, I see he/her thinks you're a winner.
For that I salute you (unless of course you figured out how to list yourself a winner).
He’s some guy like you point out has the balls to talk smack incognito on a Blog site. He’s nothing more than that Mr Davis.

I don’t like him or dislike him cause he’s nobody.

Nothing more than some Garbage no one’s tossed out yet.
W, don't steal my Garbage line, it makes it look like you can't be original...
At least we know who your supporter is W...Makes sense! 🙂
Just a little secret about me W, it really isn't any of your business how my financial situation is, but so you know and you can skip that accusation next time you whine, I am perfectly fine. I was raised well and had parents who taught me the value of saving. I have a wife who is paid well and also contributes nicely to our retirement fund. We are now preparing our kid for a joyful retirement as well. So on that note fu**off.
Now, don't blame me because you can't win an election, I didn't vote in Miami.It is pretty obvious why you can't win W.
You have zero people skills. You're one of the biggest smart asses know to mankind. Your a Mr. Know it all. And to be honest W, you know a lot less than you think you do, a lot less. And talking about Pathetic W, how far you nose is up the TWU asses is truly sad. The stench reaches Texas W. And finally, yep, it's the TWU's fault there is no equity in the members pocket. In closing W, let me reiterate. I don't need the money now and don't need it later, but I do know folks who truly do. You know, the ones who made mistakes in life. But you sir, you Pathetic sucking up of the TWU is sorely needed by you cause you have nothing else. I will admit, you do have one friend, I see he/her thinks you're a winner.
For that I salute you (unless of course you figured out how to list yourself a winner).

Who the hell cares about you or your family. I don’t.

Who the hell cares about you or your family. I don’t.

Hell, you don't even care about your family (who probably doesn't care about you) (seriously) so why should I care if you are concerned about mine or not, I'M NOT!

and your correct...I'm done with your ignorant ass...NEXT!
You're such an idiot W, I wasn't even talking about Mr. Davis...again, your assumptions are so freaking pathetic...but that's you W!

Hey I thought you said you were done?

Stop annoying people.

Move on, off you go.
Talos, like I told W, we don't have our equity. I don't care who said what, who's credibility is shot, or who voted for who. the bottom line is the TWU International is totally responsible and no one else. If Fa made this crap up about Thanksgiving and it now being handled by a law firm, shame on him...it will come back to bite him in the future. But our union has dropped the ball worse on this than the Association has in it's communication skills. It's in court 3 years and once victory is claimed, you have no plan in place, no resolution for the foreseeable future AND, if indeed it goes back to a group of Attorneys and minimizes payout even more, would be totally unacceptable. It's not about the money on my end (you know how W likes to claim if your griping about it you must have some kind of wrong decision), it's all about principle. Some here do not care about that, they will go down fighting to protect their "can do no wrong" union.

It wasn't made up, it might have been misunderstood, but it wasn't made up.
No need to lower yourself, Notok.

It just gives his lunacy oxygen.

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