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Damn I can’t believe
Ok I’m over exaggerating of course. Tom Scott should be locked up in a rubber room with a bib for the drool.

With Fa’s credentials (If they’re for real) I’d give him my vote for Second VP. He never speaks. I just couldn’t picture him arguing a case. I don’t want a nice guy representing me. I want someone wicked smart and a bit of a prick.

IMO Thank God you guys voted for Cozy. And Thank God you have good choices running for new second VP.
Too bad we are not still in the same local. Your discription of who you would vote for fits me to the Tee
Ok I’m over exaggerating of course. Tom Scott should be locked up in a rubber room with a bib for the drool.

With Fa’s credentials (If they’re for real) I’d give him my vote for Second VP. He never speaks. I just couldn’t picture him arguing a case. I don’t want a nice guy representing me. I want someone wicked smart and a bit of a prick.

IMO Thank God you guys voted for Cozy. And Thank God you have good choices running for new second VP.

Cosey kept the place together. Even though I really didn't know him my investigating led me to vote for him and I'm glad I did.
You hit the nail on the head with the Tom description, wow is all I can say
I believe people here are finally learning but they had to touch the fire to believe it would burn. I still respect Fa, but VP would be a better spot
Cosey kept the place together. Even though I really didn't know him my investigating led me to vote for him and I'm glad I did.
You hit the nail on the head with the Tom description, wow is all I can say
I believe people here are finally learning but they had to touch the fire to believe it would burn. I still respect Fa, but VP would be a better spot

We got to start grooming new blood though man. It’s been the same names running for 20 years. Nothing personal to any of them, but.

And since the dust has now settled some, I’m still not going to tell you what I really thought of Chino.
We got to start grooming new blood though man. It’s been the same names running for 20 years. Nothing personal to any of them, but.

And since the dust has now settled some, I’m still not going to tell you what I really thought of Chino.

New blood is desperately needed just to keep people honest.
Chino went into it with a good heart and good intentions but he didn't realize the scope of the complaining and constant on call he needed to put up with. No, people don't care that you were in church when they called. All they know is you didn't answer them when they wanted an answer. Any elected position is a thankless 24/7 job, either except that or consider other ways to support your union
New blood is desperately needed just to keep people honest.
Chino went into it with a good heart and good intentions but he didn't realize the scope of the complaining and constant on call he needed to put up with. No, people don't care that you were in church when they called. All they know is you didn't answer them when they wanted an answer. Any elected position is a thankless 24/7 job, either except that or consider other ways to support your union

Steve I’ll try to put this to be at least somewhat ambiguous. On top of your neck there is a skull. And inside that skull there’s a gooey soft material known as a brain. Your brain has neurons and electrical impulses that fire up pretty good IMO.

Others really don’t seem to have the same thing. But I do think they have good intentions. Kapeesh?
Steve I’ll try to put this to be at least somewhat ambiguous. On top of your neck there is a skull. And inside that skull there’s a gooey soft material known as a brain. Your brain has neurons and electrical impulses that fire up pretty good IMO.

Others really don’t seem to have the same thing. But I do think they have good intentions. Kapeesh?

Copy that
Congratulations bro. I seriously wish you all the best. Post some pics of that land on FB.

BTW let you in on a secret. Out of the 4 guys running for Prez there Fa would have been my third choice and not much of a coin flip ahead of Tom Scott.

I always suspected there wasn’t much more there than that smile. I think people should have dug in more on those credentials honestly.
Tom had a crew for the longest time, they got sick of his chit and bid somewhere else and will never bid with him again. I was on his gate a time or two, and I think he needs to up his lithium dosage.
Tom had a crew for the longest time, they got sick of his chit and bid somewhere else and will never bid with him again. I was on his gate a time or two, and I think he needs to up his lithium dosage.

Is he still screaming “Peak Oil” “Peak Oil” and have that FB main pic where he’s fondling his dog’s balls?

“It’s one big conspiracy and they’re all in on it”
Steve I’ll try to put this to be at least somewhat ambiguous. On top of your neck there is a skull. And inside that skull there’s a gooey soft material known as a brain. Your brain has neurons and electrical impulses that fire up pretty good IMO.

Others really don’t seem to have the same thing. But I do think they have good intentions. Kapeesh?

Fa has broken his silence, please direct any further questions to the lawyers
I don’t want a nice guy representing me. I want someone wicked smart and a bit of a prick.
Too bad we are not still in the same local. Your discription of who you would vote for fits me to the Tee
You wicked smart?

You have got to be kidding.

Arrogance and delusions of grandeur fit you much better.

I am sure you would make a great representative CS'ing half your time off and living off your wife. You have already shown you are a parasite. The last thing the Association needs is another lazy parasite hiding behind UB.

What a load of Horse Crap. Fa’s weaseling out of his comment.
What are you talking about. Why don't you lay the blame where it belongs, with the pathetic International. Fa passed on the possibility of the members receiving their equity shares based info he received. He did not say for a fact, and I'm sure it was based on info he was given and if everything fell into place. You do not have your equity W because the TWU are either crooks, incompetent or both. We waited three yours for a "Law firm" to handle it. Now your gonna tell me they are turning it back over to a law firm to handle, what a freaking joke. What happen W, you (in a your face way that you do things) stated the union had a company to distribute the checks, one they always used...Where the hell are they W, why not use them, that seems to be one of the hold ups, the distribution. W, love affair of the TWU and it's union blinds you so bad it's almost stomach upsetting. Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame for this debacle but the TWU. Not Fa, not the company, not the Lawyers. No W, it's nobody's fault I am not in receipt of my equity but the TWU. Now I would imagine more of my equity will be used to pay for this firm. Criminal or incompetent W, they are one or both...
What are you talking about. Why don't you lay the blame where it belongs, with the pathetic International. Fa passed on the possibility of the members receiving their equity shares based info he received. He did not say for a fact, and I'm sure it was based on info he was given and if everything fell into place. You do not have your equity W because the TWU are either crooks, incompetent or both. We waited three yours for a "Law firm" to handle it. Now your gonna tell me they are turning it back over to a law firm to handle, what a freaking joke. What happen W, you (in a your face way that you do things) stated the union had a company to distribute the checks, one they always used...Where the hell are they W, why not use them, that seems to be one of the hold ups, the distribution. W, love affair of the TWU and it's union blinds you so bad it's almost stomach upsetting. Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame for this debacle but the TWU. Not Fa, not the company, not the Lawyers. No W, it's nobody's fault I am not in receipt of my equity but the TWU. Now I would imagine more of my equity will be used to pay for this firm. Criminal or incompetent W, they are one or both...

Fa was NOT told (And I absolutely believe it) that ANYONE would be getting a check before Thanksgiving. What he (others too) were told is that they would “LIKE” to have the money out to us before the Holidays. That was told to Fa not by “The International” but by “A guy” (You guess who)

You go with that BS Mr Smiley Silent (Fa) weasel cop out, blame game if you want but I’ve been told by many that he absolutely SAID people would get a check before Thanksgiving. He said it cause he’s just another one of those clowns who tell people what they want to hear and not the truth. He kisses peoples asses to get votes and he finally kissed enough to win. BTW Thank God you have others actually running that Local of yours, whew.

“The Labor Group” was the one who handled figuring out the math for the distribution. The Company was the one who deposited shares. AND the last “real” update (Not the Fa crap) said either the Company would do it again or they would have to find an outside source to accomplish the task.

Now I read Fa’s letter. Again I have NO CLUE WTF he’s talking about with passing things back to Lawyers? Again I don’t know WTF he’s talking about???????

And if you’re freaking out now because you listened (maybe even voted for) an idiot for your Local President instead of someone intelligent who told you JG Wentworth was getting you $$$MONEY$$$ that’s on you man.

You again read the last real update. Here try again.

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