Retirees filed to be reheard

AANOTOK, The TWU's record of dropping the ball lately has gotten pretty alarming. Your right that the money is not the main factor here. It's the impression the union gives its members of having slugs handle things and making decisions. Not just the equity but in the way just about everything has been handled. It's actually getting to where I really laugh when I read much of the stuff that is put out there to us. The lawyers may be laughing. Just a terrible impression being given to the members. My biggest laugh was with the we don't know how to pay you. Fa is a decent person, but it appears he may be in over his head.

You could always ask them to bring back Jim Little and the gang?
Oh and since they’re going in to Executive Session Negotiations for the next 3 weeks we may be hearing even more crickets on the Equity till next year?
...and I'm sure you're 100% correct on that one, W.

If you want to chill, we’ll chat. I 100% agree that the TWU (People) should have been more on top of things and prepared than they are. I 100% understand lots want THEIR money ASAP. I also know they’re dropping a ball or two while they take care of not just our Negotiations but all sorts of other things going on in the TWU World as well. Their problem, not ours. I also know no one gives a chit that they’re short staffed to save money. Money burned in the prior administrations.

I understand no one gives a chit about their problems since they ran for those jobs and got what they asked for.

Again though your President there in DFW (IMO) F’d up and didn’t man up. He DID cause anxiety and his letter of response on it again is complete BS. He shouldn’t have tried to elaborate to please people. Fa has ALWAYS tried to say things to please people and you know it.

And I don’t care if you or anyone else likes me man. At least I’m the type of guy who doesn’t BS people so they’ll like me. Those that do are slimy.
And again for Gross Earnings alone I DO NOT want my money this year. I want it next year instead.
And again for Gross Earnings alone I DO NOT want my money this year. I want it next year instead.
I personally don't care either way when we get it, that was never my point...and you know the rest of the story. :)
Why next year weez, are you looking at a big tax bill?

It’s probably nothing at all Bob. I just would rather not add any more on this year especially with them looking at some type of tax reform.

The check “could” make things a little complicated?
I love my TWU. I think they purposely didn’t send out the checks out of concern for everyone’s personal well being? We all know where you would have been Friday, wouldn’t we.

I think I need to vent now also. I’m no different than anyone else. I have my moments too.

TWU Reps, whosever in charge of this damn thing? Will you PLEASE get these people out some $$$MONEY$$$ already!?!?!?!?!?!

They’re flipping out and driving me crazy every freakin day. “When are we getting a check, When are we getting a check, When are we getting a check? You hear anything yet Dave, You hear anything yet Dave, You hear anything yet Dave?”

Over and over and over and over every damn freakin day. Will you please get the pathetics out something for Gods sake????????

Thank you all for allowing me the courtesy of venting in peace and understanding.
AANOTOK the only people I would take any information from in regards to our equity stake holdings would be from a TWU International Rep ONLY.

An individual in Your Local (Fa) has stirred up a lot of anxiety systemwide by going outside official communications to either tell you what he thought he was told in a private conversation, what he thinks he heard, what his mind made up or what he knew you wanted to hear.

And apparently from what you wrote in the other thread that behavior is still continuing.

Believe “Official” communications ONLY.
The Q and A letters dated November 2 from the International are still the ONLY “official” communications we have available.

Anything else conveyed is still nothing but unsubstantiated rumor.


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