Retirees filed to be reheard

BTW AANOTOK get ready at the next Union meeting cause people are bringing bags of tomatoes to throw at Fa.

Lots of people even here in MIA heard about and were stupid enough to listen to his garbage and he needs and deserves to take this one on his own chin.
What are you talking about. Why don't you lay the blame where it belongs, with the pathetic International. Fa passed on the possibility of the members receiving their equity shares based info he received. He did not say for a fact, and I'm sure it was based on info he was given and if everything fell into place. You do not have your equity W because the TWU are either crooks, incompetent or both. We waited three yours for a "Law firm" to handle it. Now your gonna tell me they are turning it back over to a law firm to handle, what a freaking joke. What happen W, you (in a your face way that you do things) stated the union had a company to distribute the checks, one they always used...Where the hell are they W, why not use them, that seems to be one of the hold ups, the distribution. W, love affair of the TWU and it's union blinds you so bad it's almost stomach upsetting. Nobody, absolutely nobody is to blame for this debacle but the TWU. Not Fa, not the company, not the Lawyers. No W, it's nobody's fault I am not in receipt of my equity but the TWU. Now I would imagine more of my equity will be used to pay for this firm. Criminal or incompetent W, they are one or both...
It's getting way past absurd. It's actually laughable to hear the stuff from the union and Fa. Talk about a loss of credibility, this is like watching the little rascals. The entire situation is funny but pathetic also. The union has the money, but they can't figure out how to give it to the members. It's time to call that genius in the wheelchair Stephan Hawking. It is sad but when I read the stuff now I just laugh.
I want to come back to something here. This letter put out in an official capacity by an elected representative of the TWU.

In his update to his membership he uses the term “may be” ................ “may be”?

Let’s think about that. “May be” is a guess. “May be” is a comment from someone who did not know or have facts but instead is hypothesizing an “opinion” all his own.

BTW People need to stop defending Mr Smiley Nice Guy cause now he’s in a position where he can really F things up not knowing what the F he’s doing. And make no mistakes, he doesn’t know what the F he’s doing.

Why was he the only TWU President to say that you all would get your money by Thanksgiving?

If he got the information from the "International" why wasnt it shared with all the other TWU AA Presidents?
Why was he the only TWU President to say that you all would get your money by Thanksgiving?

If he got the information from the "International" why wasnt it shared with all the other TWU AA Presidents?

Even my Local President here in MIA had to put out an E-Mail addressing the stupid comment only ONE President by himself (maverick) made.

Thankfully he was responsible enough to refer people back to the last communication from our International that stated as more information becomes available it will be shared.

Now that dopey DFW President is making something up about it going back into the hands of some (unknown) Lawyers? WTF?
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It's getting way past absurd. It's actually laughable to hear the stuff from the union and Fa. Talk about a loss of credibility, this is like watching the little rascals. The entire situation is funny but pathetic also. The union has the money, but they can't figure out how to give it to the members. It's time to call that genius in the wheelchair Stephan Hawking. It is sad but when I read the stuff now I just laugh.

Check out something else Fa wrote (made up) in his letter. He said “interest accrual” Well I didn’t know when the TWU divested the shares they put them all in the Melon Bank?

Again WTF is he talking about? The Equity shares were divested and reinvested in Stocks and Bonds and have been accumulating “Capital Gains”

And I guess I’ll never be invited over Fa’s house for a good Luau.
Lots of posts removed this morning. Let’s keep on topic, please.
Let's cut to the chase W, the whole point (question) is who is at fault for the members not having their equity money yet?? The simple answer is the TWU International. The buck stops there. So stop blaming Fa, the company or any other entity you can think of...TWU!
It's getting way past absurd. It's actually laughable to hear the stuff from the union and Fa. Talk about a loss of credibility, this is like watching the little rascals. The entire situation is funny but pathetic also. The union has the money, but they can't figure out how to give it to the members. It's time to call that genius in the wheelchair Ste,phan Hawking. It is sad but when I read the stuff now I just laugh.
Talos, like I told W, we don't have our equity. I don't care who said what, who's credibility is shot, or who voted for who. the bottom line is the TWU International is totally responsible and no one else. If Fa made this crap up about Thanksgiving and it now being handled by a law firm, shame on will come back to bite him in the future. But our union has dropped the ball worse on this than the Association has in it's communication skills. It's in court 3 years and once victory is claimed, you have no plan in place, no resolution for the foreseeable future AND, if indeed it goes back to a group of Attorneys and minimizes payout even more, would be totally unacceptable. It's not about the money on my end (you know how W likes to claim if your griping about it you must have some kind of wrong decision), it's all about principle. Some here do not care about that, they will go down fighting to protect their "can do no wrong" union.
Let's cut to the chase W, the whole point (question) is who is at fault for the members not having their equity money yet?? The simple answer is the TWU International. The buck stops there. So stop blaming Fa, the company or any other entity you can think of...TWU!

Let’s cut to the chase NOTOK, you’ve come off as pathetically desperate for money for a long time now and it’s a lot better that you never do say your real name on here. Pathetic. Seriously. Yes.

It’s only been since the end of October when anyone would know for a 100% certainty that those EBO people didn’t file with SCOTUS. (Pathetic)

Who’s at fault? Who’s at fault? Who’s at fault? Who the F cares. No one is at fault. But your buddy Fa is the putz who got everyone’s hopes up for the morons who listened (And voted) to/for him. (Putz, Pathetic)

You need money so bad maybe you should take out a loan or pimp yourself to some old lady for cash (Pathetic) I’m sick to death (Pathetic) of your greedy ass anyway (Seriously)

You piece of Garbage. :)

Edit: You’ll be getting some $$MONEY$$ soon and I bet you’ll choke on it.
Talos, like I told W, we don't have our equity. I don't care who said what, who's credibility is shot, or who voted for who. the bottom line is the TWU International is totally responsible and no one else. If Fa made this crap up about Thanksgiving and it now being handled by a law firm, shame on will come back to bite him in the future. But our union has dropped the ball worse on this than the Association has in it's communication skills. It's in court 3 years and once victory is claimed, you have no plan in place, no resolution for the foreseeable future AND, if indeed it goes back to a group of Attorneys and minimizes payout even more, would be totally unacceptable. It's not about the money on my end (you know how W likes to claim if your griping about it you must have some kind of wrong decision), it's all about principle. Some here do not care about that, they will go down fighting to protect their "can do no wrong" union.

Oh Baloney. You’re full of crap.
BTW back again to Fa’s (stupid) letter about passing it back to some (unknown, unnamed) Lawyers.

Here’s a link to the group that (Lawyers) set up and handled the original distribution. So why would it need to be handed back to Lawyers when there are already Lawyers handling the issue and they have been compensated?

Who the hell did anyone think was going to handle 85 Million dollars anyway (stop thinking like putzes will ya)

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